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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple is preparing to split the App Store "in two" in the coming weeks ahead of European Union requirements that will force Apple to enable app sideloading in the region, Bloomberg's Mark Gurman reports.


In the latest edition of his "Power On" newsletter, Gurman explained that Apple is gearing up to make changes to the App Store in the EU to comply with the region's impending Digital Markets Act (DMA). Apple is apparently planning to roll out adjustments to comply with the new legal requirements in the coming weeks, including splitting off the App Store in the EU from the rest of the world. The deadline for Apple to comply with the DMA is March 7, so the company has just over seven weeks to enact the changes.

Last week, Apple CEO Tim Cook met the European Union's antitrust chief, Margrethe Vestager, at Apple Park. Vestager reminded Cook of Apple's impending obligation to allow users to install third-party app stores and sideload apps under the DMA. Apple will also be obliged to give developers the ability to promote their offers outside the ‌‌‌App Store‌‌‌ and use third-party payment systems. The DMA is expected to force Apple to make a range of significant changes to the way the App Store, FaceTime, and Siri work in Europe.

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Article Link: App Store to Be 'Split in Two' Ahead of EU iPhone Sideloading Deadline
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macrumors regular
Nov 5, 2014
Good, finally.

I hope the US will follow suit eventually. It was absolutely moronic to begin with that I can install any app from anywhere on my computer, but on my phone Apple and Google play gatekeeper.

Thank god Apple's phony arguments about the App Store only being for the benefit of user security were easy to see through for the EU and South Korea. I assume other countries will follow soon.
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macrumors 68040
Jul 10, 2012
This will compromise iPhone security.

Some apps will not submit to the App Store in order to drive all sales to their outside store to increase profits.

Others apps will stay outside to avoid Apple review process. Bugs and deliberate surveillance will run rampant.

Fake apps will proliferate outside with no oversight.

Welcome to your diminished privacy and acct security world.

Big mistake EU. Big.


macrumors 68000
Aug 26, 2009
I’m torn. On one hand, collaboration and somewhat open environments can be a huge help. On the other, it does somewhat feel like forcing a company to share all of its research, investment and effort with others.

I guess I have no opinion. I’m guessing Apple will be fine, and even if I don’t know how to feel about them being forced, maybe it will end up better for everyone in general in the long run.

Number 41

macrumors 6502a
Jun 15, 2009
Good on the EU for standing up for consumers over companies/profits! 👏🏻 We (US) have completely scummed to corporate control and profit over absolutely everything else.

No one was stopping you from buying an Android this entire time.

You chose to embrace the walled garden by buying Apple. Now all of us are going to be forced to endure multiple different app sources with varying and unknown security.


macrumors 68000
Feb 26, 2015
No one was stopping you from buying an Android this entire time.

You chose to embrace the walled garden by buying Apple. Now all of us are going to be forced to endure multiple different app sources with varying and unknown security.

Just like Android is forced to endue multiple app sources? Hasn't happened; all the major apps are on the Play store. My wife has been using Android for a decade (currently using a Pixel 8), and has never once wanted or needed to install anything outside of the Play store.

I don't personally want or like Android.


macrumors regular
Nov 5, 2014
This will compromise iPhone security.

Some apps will not submit to the App Store in order to drive all sales to their outside store to increase profits.

Others apps will stay outside to avoid Apple review process. Bugs and deliberate surveillance will run rampant.

Fake apps will proliferate outside with no oversight.

Welcome to your diminished privacy and acct security world.

Big mistake EU. Big.

You've never needed an App Store on your computer to ensure your security or privacy.

And if you want to install apps exclusively through the App Store, nothing prevents you from doing that, does it?

It's just more choice for you, the user. You don't have to change anything if you don't want to.

How exactly is that a bad thing for you?

And by the way, Apple has done an extremely bad job at preventing malicious and fake apps in the past.

How are so many people that love to go on about the importance of freedom so hell-bent on defending the corset Apple forces them into?

I guess too many people drank the Apple Kool-Aid.

Number 41

macrumors 6502a
Jun 15, 2009
imessage. facetime. app store.

split apple up, regulate them and teach them a lesson they'll never forget.

great job, eu!

EU: It’s unfair that only McDonalds gets to sell the Big Mac. McDonald’s must allow it to be sold in Burger Kings and Taco Bell too.

I’m constantly in awe of how absolutely stupid EU regulators are. Somehow they manage to be worse than America.


Mar 28, 2009
New Hampshire
Good on the EU for standing up for consumers over companies/profits! 👏🏻 We (US) have completely scummed to corporate control and profit over absolutely everything else.
However embarrassing it is, i agree with you here. Its to bad we cant regulate our own capitalistic economy. Clearly those in power are the companies that need to be regulated. (corrupt government) ......... Its well know fact you cant have capitalism with out proper regulation.


macrumors 68000
Feb 26, 2015
maybe you should get a android. Idk why people want so many android features on iPhone. For that, just get a android.

I just want one feature, just one, that for some reason Apple won't implement. Allow me to block "unknown caller id" or "blocked caller id" WITHOUT silencing all unknown callers. I can't do the latter because of my job, and I might take 20 legitimate calls a day from unknown numbers.

Had it back in the day when jailbreaks were still a thing; iBlacklist. I wonder if it will come back?


Mar 25, 2021
I love a government telling me what I can and cannot buy.

I bought an iPhone, in large part, for the security and convenience of all apps coming from a single verifying source.

Now it’s going to become the same Balkanized nonsense that Android is.

Thanks, Europe.

And guess what if you choose to not go out side the App Store it does not affect you in any way shape and form.

Also if you think the App Store keeps you safe then I have some magic beans to sell you.


macrumors regular
Nov 5, 2014
EU: It’s unfair that only McDonalds gets to sell the Big Mac. McDonald’s must allow it to be sold in Burger Kings and Taco Bell too.

I’m constantly in awe of how absolutely stupid EU regulators are. Somehow they manage to be worse than America.

That comparison would make sense if a hamburger was an indispensable item in people's lives and if McDonald's was one out of two companies in the world making hamburgers.

Understanding the difference is crucial.
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