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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 12, 2020
Edit (12Sep2024): FDA approved AirPods Pro software as OTC hearing device. See post#11.

Edit (10Sep2024): This review is about 2 years old, Apples announcement yesterday will be a welcome addition to those of us with mild hearing loss…


I am a candidate for the newly released OTC hearing aids. I mostly have issues understanding others in crowded places like restaurants, and have recently seen an audiologist who performed an audiogram. Mild to moderate hearing loss in both ears, with a little more in my left ear.

After doing some online research (which was tough, as not a ton of reviews/info out there yet on the OTC aids), I bought the Jabra Enhance Plus OTC hearing aids. These are earbud style hearing aids meant to be used intermittently. So you could put them in when needed, like in a crowded restaurant. In addition to the hearing aid, they can stream music and calls via Bluetooth MFi. They are quite small and discrete. They work well as a hearing aid, but the music and call quality are OK. The software is not very good in my opinion, and to set up the hearing aids you take a hearing test via the app. There is no option to enter/import an audiogram if you have one.

I’m a former owner of the original air pods pro, as well as beats fit pro, which I think fit me a little better. Nonetheless, the new features of the airpods pro 2 were intriguing. So I got a pair to compare with the Jabra OTC hearing aids.

Hearing aid function: The APP2 let you import your audiogram data via the health app, which I think is better than doing the sound test via the Jabra app. Why get a potentially less than ideal result via an app in uncontrolled situations when you have an audiogram done by an audiologist? The APP2 also gives you the option through the accessibility menu (custom transparency mode) to change amplification, balance, tone, ambient noise, and the conversation boost feature. These are also accessible via control center. To change settings in the Jabra, you need to open up the app, and you don’t have a lot of choices other than amplification volume and 3 different modes (focus, adaptability, surround). Both devices did a great job of helping me understand what was being spoken, but I have more control with the APP2. The ability to adjust ambient noise volume on the APP2 was quite helpful in restaurant situations.

Music: APP2 sound better. Likely due to better Bluetooth connection- the Jabras are paired as a hearing device. Plus, you can control music via the air pods, versus having to go to your phone to pause, adjust volume, etc like you have to on the Jabra. Also, the Jabra won’t pair to a device that doesn’t support MFi like my MacBook to listen to music.

Calls: Again, APP2 sound better, and my voice sounds better to others.

Fit: the Jabra Enhance Plus are tiny and fit the ears very well and are not very visible. The APP2 are noticeable as the stems stick out, and don’t fit me quite as well. I do feel the fit is a little better than the original air pods pro for some reason, but not quite as good as my beats fit pros and definitely not as good as the Jabra. However, fit can be improved via aftermarket, and I a currently trying out a pair of Spinfit tips. I may also get a set of Comply tips at some point.

Because of the size of the APP2, it’s pretty obvious that you are wearing them. I suppose when out to dinner with colleagues I can always mention that I am wearing them as hearing aids and not trying to drown out their voices with my music. I hope they believe me…

Battery: The Jabras advertise 12 hours of battery life, APP2 less than 6 hours. Both can be recharged several times when inserted into the case. However, for the cost of the Jabras ($800), you can buy 2 pairs of APP2 and rotate them if you need more than 5-6 hours of battery life. The Jabras charge via USB-C, whereas APP2 charge via lightning. I do prefer USB-C.

In the end, I returned the Jabra Enhance Plus and am keeping the APP2. While the Jabras work well as a hearing aid, they weren’t that great as a streaming/call solution. The software left a lot to be desired. The APP2 work just as well if not better as hearing aids, but also have good music streaming and call capabilities. And of course, they integrate well with everything apple.

It will be interesting to see what happens in the next year or two regarding OTC hearing aids, as more companies come out with them and technology improves.
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I had pretty much the same experience with the Sony CRE-E10 OTC hearing aids. While the APP isn't quite as good a hearing aid as the Sony, the over all experience is better with the APP.
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Great review. Is there any advantage to APP2 vs 1 for use as hearing aids?

Im not sure. I thought perhaps that the custom transparency mode and conversation boot was only on the APP 2, but it looks like I’m wrong:

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Great review. Is there any advantage to APP2 vs 1 for use as hearing aids?
I started with the APP1 and upgraded to the APP2 to see if there is anything better when used as a hearing aid. The transparency and noise cancelling is better in the APP2 but I'm not sure it is a better hearing aid. I use the APP1 as my workout set and pair them to my ATV while on the treadmill. I have the transparency turned down a bit to block the noise of the treadmill. My APP2 are my go to for watching TV, conversations, etc. Compared to the cost of regular hearing aids, a couple pairs of AirPods is still a financial gain.
I tried the APP2 as a beginner's hearing aids and was impressed with the result overall. However, I couldn't get a proper fit, and they always felt like they were about to fall out. Also, sometimes they fell out. So I'm considering the Beats Fit Pro which I'm hoping will have ALL the hearing assist features that the APP2's have. After extensive googling, I'm unable to get as clear answer to that question. Does anyone here know?
I don’t believe the beats fit pro have all of the conversation boost features that the APP2 have, unfortunately.

Have you tried different (aftermarket) tips for your APP2? I am currently using Spinfit tips and for me, they are considerably better than the stock Apple tips. I know lots also like the Comply foam tips.
Yes, I tried the Comply tips, and still a poor fit. I blame myself. :) I've decided the only solution for me is either a wing like the beat fit pros or a full over ear hook like the powerbeats pro. I guess I'll just wait...sooner or later there should be the right fit and features available.
I am a candidate for the newly released OTC hearing aids. I mostly have issues understanding others in crowded places like restaurants, and have recently seen an audiologist who performed an audiogram. Mild to moderate hearing loss in both ears, with a little more in my left ear.

After doing some online research (which was tough, as not a ton of reviews/info out there yet on the OTC aids), I bought the Jabra Enhance Plus OTC hearing aids. These are earbud style hearing aids meant to be used intermittently. So you could put them in when needed, like in a crowded restaurant. In addition to the hearing aid, they can stream music and calls via Bluetooth MFi. They are quite small and discrete. They work well as a hearing aid, but the music and call quality are OK. The software is not very good in my opinion, and to set up the hearing aids you take a hearing test via the app. There is no option to enter/import an audiogram if you have one.

I’m a former owner of the original air pods pro, as well as beats fit pro, which I think fit me a little better. Nonetheless, the new features of the airpods pro 2 were intriguing. So I got a pair to compare with the Jabra OTC hearing aids.

Hearing aid function: The APP2 let you import your audiogram data via the health app, which I think is better than doing the sound test via the Jabra app. Why get a potentially less than ideal result via an app in uncontrolled situations when you have an audiogram done by an audiologist? The APP2 also gives you the option through the accessibility menu (custom transparency mode) to change amplification, balance, tone, ambient noise, and the conversation boost feature. These are also accessible via control center. To change settings in the Jabra, you need to open up the app, and you don’t have a lot of choices other than amplification volume and 3 different modes (focus, adaptability, surround). Both devices did a great job of helping me understand what was being spoken, but I have more control with the APP2. The ability to adjust ambient noise volume on the APP2 was quite helpful in restaurant situations.

Music: APP2 sound better. Likely due to better Bluetooth connection- the Jabras are paired as a hearing device. Plus, you can control music via the air pods, versus having to go to your phone to pause, adjust volume, etc like you have to on the Jabra. Also, the Jabra won’t pair to a device that doesn’t support MFi like my MacBook to listen to music.

Calls: Again, APP2 sound better, and my voice sounds better to others.

Fit: the Jabra Enhance Plus are tiny and fit the ears very well and are not very visible. The APP2 are noticeable as the stems stick out, and don’t fit me quite as well. I do feel the fit is a little better than the original air pods pro for some reason, but not quite as good as my beats fit pros and definitely not as good as the Jabra. However, fit can be improved via aftermarket, and I a currently trying out a pair of Spinfit tips. I may also get a set of Comply tips at some point.

Because of the size of the APP2, it’s pretty obvious that you are wearing them. I suppose when out to dinner with colleagues I can always mention that I am wearing them as hearing aids and not trying to drown out their voices with my music. I hope they believe me…

Battery: The Jabras advertise 12 hours of battery life, APP2 less than 6 hours. Both can be recharged several times when inserted into the case. However, for the cost of the Jabras ($800), you can buy 2 pairs of APP2 and rotate them if you need more than 5-6 hours of battery life. The Jabras charge via USB-C, whereas APP2 charge via lightning. I do prefer USB-C.

In the end, I returned the Jabra Enhance Plus and am keeping the APP2. While the Jabras work well as a hearing aid, they weren’t that great as a streaming/call solution. The software left a lot to be desired. The APP2 work just as well if not better as hearing aids, but also have good music streaming and call capabilities. And of course, they integrate well with everything apple.

It will be interesting to see what happens in the next year or two regarding OTC hearing aids, as more companies come out with them and technology improves.

Thank you very much for having posted this. Very helpful!

p.s. Here's a recent (10-7-23) article that I feel is very well done, as well; it's the first of its kind that I've found after TONS of Web searching ...

Tested: Can Regular Bluetooth Earbuds Be Used as Hearing Aids?
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