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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

TechCrunch reports that Apple is aggressively pursuing former and current Google Maps employees as part of its effort to build out its own Mapping solution.
My source -- a contractor who worked on Google Maps as part of a massive undertaking to integrate Street View and newly licensed third-party data to improve European coverage, as well as develop the platform's turn-by-turn navigation -- says that when attention turned to indoor mapping, things started to become less interesting and a lot of staff began looking around for other opportunities.

Apple's own Mapping solution launched as part of iOS 6 just last week. The launch was marred by significant criticism of the quality of the data in many parts of the world. Apple has posted a number of job listings for Maps-related jobs over the past few weeks. Given Google's history and resources placed into their own mapping solution, it's no surprise that many qualified candidates may have worked on Google's product as well.

Early rumors had suggested that Google has already submitted their own Maps application to the iOS app store, but that seems to have been debunked by The Loop's Jim Dalrymple. It still seems that Google may be working on their own iOS app this time, but TechCrunch's prediction of a "before Christmas" target may be a more realistic timeframe.

Article Link: Apple Actively Recruiting Ex-Google Maps Employees


macrumors 68000
Mar 1, 2011
It will take more than hiring Google's leftovers to get the job done. Why even bother instead of adopting the far superior Google maps?


macrumors 6502
Jan 24, 2011
Apple is going to need thousands of workers to get near Google Maps quality. At least they are trying though.


macrumors G3
Nov 23, 2011
I was talking to my Grandad today, in a busy shopping centre. He looked at me wistfully: "You know, son," he whispered: "When I was a lad, all this were fields."

Sure enough, I checked Apple maps, and he was right! ;)


macrumors 6502
Jan 19, 2008
I was wondering how soon it was gonna take for this to be a thread. Was actually talking about it earlier today when I used the turn by turn for the first time. Things need to get better quick.


macrumors newbie
Jan 14, 2011
There is a street built 2 years ago around my house and Maps shows it as an open field. There was no problem finding it before iOS 6. And this is in the US.


macrumors 6502
Oct 30, 2008
It's the integration between Maps and other apps that's totally ruining my experience. I can live with some things not being there at the moment. It's the fact that I can no longer ask Siri to set a reminder when I get home, because Siri doesn't understand my home address due to the information it's being provided by Maps. If I set the reminder through the Reminders app, I get it fine when I arrived at the destination selected.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 9, 2008
SEC Country
So far so good with me and the maps. I was worried but I haven't had an issue yet and I was really hard on Apple before I tried it out. It will only improve and that seems to be pretty promising for what it is now.


macrumors regular
Jun 15, 2009
Not sure how more staff can fix lack of data. Unless one of the contractors happened to walk out of google with a magic many-petabyte USB drive.


macrumors 6502
Feb 9, 2009
So far so good with me and the maps. I was worried but I haven't had an issue yet and I was really hard on Apple before I tried it out. It will only improve and that seems to be pretty promising for what it is now.

I'm with you, other then some newer roads that are being worked on and some stores that just popped up over night i have not a single problem with the new app...


Shouldn't they know...done this before they released the app? I know I'm not the CEO of a fortune 50 company, so I can't make a call from experience here, but it seems wiser to make your product as complete as possible before you release it, instead of giving it to everyone half assed then rushing to make it good after pissing everyone off.

I know. I know. There's a reason why I'm posting on Macrumors instead of being a billionaire. No one's going "Renzatic wouldn't have let this happen", or claiming I'm rolling in my grave whenever someone does something stupid. But...I just seems like a better idea to me.
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