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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

With the iOS and iPadOS 15 updates, Apple is adding new customization options to the Memoji that can be used in Messages, FaceTime, and more.


There are more than 40 new outfit choices to choose from, and three new outfit colors to pick. Apple has introduced an option to select a different color for the right eye and the left eye for those with heterochromia, and there are three new glasses options.

Apple has added new multicolored headwear options so people can represent their favorite sports teams or universities, and there are new accessibility options for depicting cochlear implants, oxygen tubes, or a soft helmet.

Along with these new customization options, Apple has introduced nine new emoji stickers for sending a shaka, a hand wave, a lightbulb moment and more, but the new stickers don't appear to be available just yet.

Article Link: Apple Adds New Outfits, Glasses, Headwear and Accessibility Options to Memoji in iOS 15
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macrumors 6502a
May 23, 2008
Athens, GA USA
Are 12 year olds buying all the iPhones now? ridiculous. I quit using emojis when Blackberry exceeded 100 (icons) including all the flags of the world. You can't find anything brousing when there are hundreds, thousands of these things...


macrumors 6502
Sep 19, 2009
What are we?
"a 2 trillion dollar company"

What should we focus on?
And why should we focus on cartoons and 12 year old girls?
"Because money - see $2 trillion for details, then come back and tell us why this is a Bad Idea. Count $1 per second, and you'll be done in about 32,000 years."
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Flight Plan

macrumors 6502a
May 26, 2014
Southeastern US
This article has just changed my life! I can't wait to change my avatar to have pink hair, and maybe a li'l pink beret to match.

But where should I put it...on the engine cowlings? Atop the canopy, but wouldn't the hat blow off? I know; maybe I should put a pink beard on the leading edge of the fuselage!
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Mar 28, 2002
This article has just changed my life! I can't wait to change my avatar to have pink hair, and maybe a li'l pink beret to match.

But where should I put it...on the engine cowlings? Atop the canopy, but wouldn't the hat blow off? I know; maybe I should put a pink beard on the leading edge of the fuselage!

You can have quite a bit of fun with them… and this one‘s even pre-iOS 15!

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