I have an Airport Time Capsule at home and 150/150 FIOS internet. No problem at all getting full speed with wifi with my MacBook Air. I suffered with sub-megabit DSL in my rural location for over 10 years and was finally able to get FIOS last summer. Just unplugged the time capsule from my old DSL router and plugged it into the ethernet port of the FIOS router. Couldn't have been simpler. If I go to a fast site like Vimeo, I can upload a 1GB file in a little under one minute, so I am getting very close to the full advertised 150 mbs bandwidth.
I also use a network drive with wifi from the MacBook Air. The server is connected to the time capsule via gigabit ethernet. This is what I get (multiply these numbers x 8 to get speed in megabits). The time capsule and Airport extreme are not "state of the art" but they are more than adequate for what you (and I) need.

It is certainly able to deliver much higher speed than 216 mbit/sec on your LAN.