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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Yep. People are over this. I'm over this. People are going to do what they do and get sick whatever way they get stick. And only time will tell if full stadiums lead to full hospitals and full morgues.

However, I'm steering clear of large venue events for the foreseeable future.


macrumors 65816
Mar 11, 2009
Northwest Indiana
Sure. You can survive a car crash, but lose your sight and limbs. But hey, you survived? Right? But more to the point, unvaccinated (I guess those excepted by medical exemptions) are starting to have their options limited. It's the way things are going.
...what a false equivalency argument. COVID isn't taking people's limbs. The most common thing people have with COVID is a partial loss of taste and smell and...unlike a car crash, there is a vaccine anyone who wants can get now over 13 years old. Also, when the first wave of COVID hit cities were opening up emergency hospitals like in Chicago at the McCormick Place and the USN Mercy was brought into New York Harbor. If things are really that bad that noncovid people are not getting help, why isn't that happening now.
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macrumors 65816
Mar 11, 2009
Northwest Indiana
Yep. People are over this. I'm over this. People are going to do what they do and get sick whatever way they get stick. And only time will tell if full stadiums lead to full hospitals and full morgues.

However, I'm steering clear of large venue events for the foreseeable future. know you could get the vaccine and move on with life because the vaccine has a 99.999% effectiveness as preventing deaths and 99.95% at stopping hospitilizations.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
...what a false equivalency argument. COVID isn't taking people's limbs. The most common thing people have with COVID is a partial loss of taste and smell and...unlike a car crash, there is a vaccine anyone who wants can get now over 13 years old. Also, when the first wave of COVID hit cities were opening up emergency hospitals like in Chicago at the McCormick Place and the USN Mercy was brought into New York Harbor. If things are really that bad that noncovid people are not getting help, why isn't that happening now.
Covid is causing long term health issues. So while technically surviving, life is not the same as prior to catching covid as one could have lung damage, blood clots, organ damage etc.

Hence the analogy is apt.

The vaccinations are, imo, helping to control the severity, but we still don’t know how many suffer permanent damage after infections.
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macrumors 68030
Nov 3, 2005
Yep. People are over this. I'm over this. People are going to do what they do and get sick whatever way they get stick. And only time will tell if full stadiums lead to full hospitals and full morgues.

However, I'm steering clear of large venue events for the foreseeable future.


macrumors 68030
Nov 3, 2005
...what a false equivalency argument. COVID isn't taking people's limbs. The most common thing people have with COVID is a partial loss of taste and smell and...unlike a car crash, there is a vaccine anyone who wants can get now over 13 years old. Also, when the first wave of COVID hit cities were opening up emergency hospitals like in Chicago at the McCormick Place and the USN Mercy was brought into New York Harbor. If things are really that bad that noncovid people are not getting help, why isn't that happening now.
This is not true. COVID can lead to strokes, embolism in the near term and medium to long term organ damage if the ‘storm’ is bad/not prevented. When organs receive less O2 .. for days or weeks.. they don’t like it. Death is not the only risk from COVID.
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macrumors 68030
Nov 3, 2005
Covid is causing long term health issues. So while technically surviving, life is not the same as prior to catching covid as one could have lung damage, blood clots, organ damage etc.

Hence the analogy is apt.

The vaccinations are, imo, helping to control the severity, but we still don’t know how many suffer permanent damage after infections.
True. Doesn’t affect everyone but absolutely a risk of COVID. This is one of main reasons I decided to get the shot. My doc explained my chances of long-term damage are greater with COVID than vax. That’s a UCLA Medical Doc very informed, and experienced, in treating COVID patients. I want to run, bike, travel with my boys.. and having 90% (or less) lung capacity or damaged kidneys doesn’t work for that.
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