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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

While Apple's partnership with the Fair Labor Association to conduct independent audits of working conditions at factories in Apple's supply chain has been gaining headlines in recent weeks, USA Today reports that Apple is also gearing up for independent environmental audits of several suppliers. The news comes as Apple yesterday released its annual environmental report, touting a number of new initiatives and improvements, including significant investments in alternative energy at its new North Carolina data center.
Ma Jun, founder of the Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs, told USA TODAY in a phone interview Monday that Apple agreed to the independent reviews in late January in response to two reports that IPE and other environmental groups released last year documenting hazardous-waste leaks and the use of toxic chemicals at suspected Apple suppliers.

The reviews, which could begin in March, will start with two suppliers but might expand to others, said Ma, one of China's leading environmental activists.

Linda Greer, Washington-D.C.-based director of the National Resources Defense Council's health program, said Apple agreed to allow environmental groups to examine at least two of the 14 suppliers that Apple did environmental audits on last year. Apple has promised the groups access to the factories, she said. The reviews will focus on environmental issues, such as whether Apple suppliers are discharging toxic waste into the water supply and soil.
Apple is reportedly also working with the IPE's database of environmental violations in China, using the data to help monitor current supply chain partners and evaluate potential new ones.


Apple is said to be looking to add a similar level of transparency to its environmental auditing as it is deploying for audits of working conditions, seeking to make the results public and naming the audited suppliers once they have had an opportunity to address any deficiencies.

Article Link: Apple Beginning Independent Environmental Audits of Chinese Suppliers' Facilities


macrumors 68030
Oct 16, 2007
Whether this is because Tim is now in charge, or Apple is getting larger by the minute, it is good to see them start doing things like this.


macrumors 6502
Apr 27, 2010
Whether you think this is a cynical attempt at brand protection further down the line or you believe Apple are leading the way in employee and environmental welfare regulation, this move can ONLY be a good thing.

Let's hope everyone else follows suit.


macrumors 6502
Apr 27, 2010
Whether this is because Tim is now in charge, or Apple is getting larger by the minute, it is good to see them start doing things like this.

I think Tim realised a while back that investing in Apple employees from the bottom up can only strengthen them.

If done right, there is no downside to this.


macrumors 68020
Mar 22, 2004
The Great White North
Whether you think this is a cynical attempt at brand protection further down the line or you believe Apple are leading the way in employee and environmental welfare regulation, this move can ONLY be a good thing.

Let's hope everyone else follows suit.
I like the fact that they agreed to independent audits.


Feb 17, 2009
I like the fact that they agreed to independent audits.

Start counting when the first posts arrive that it's all rigged, not honest, jobs need to be in USA., Apple is just paying lip service, PR stunt etc.etc.

To me Apple demonstrated that they do what they say when they started looking into greener manufacturing, use of components that are easier to recycle and give you options to send in your old equipment.

They joined FLA, give access to FoxConn, get wage raises. will never be enough for the nay sayers!


macrumors G3
Feb 26, 2011
New England, USA
Start counting when the first posts arrive that it's all rigged, not honest, jobs need to be in USA., Apple is just paying lip service, PR stunt etc.etc.

To me Apple demonstrated that they do what they say when they started looking into greener manufacturing, use of components that are easier to recycle and give you options to send in your old equipment.

They joined FLA, give access to FoxConn, get wage raises. will never be enough for the nay sayers!

I'm afraid Thunderhawks is only too correct.

While I am sure more could be done, more can always be done. It seems to me Apple deserves at least some praise for it's matter what the motivation...good, bad, or indifferent.


macrumors 68040
Oct 19, 2010
Buffalo, NY
While I am sure more could be done, more can always be done. It seems to me Apple deserves at least some praise for it's matter what the motivation...good, bad, or indifferent.

You're right.

It's nature for many people to hold onto their beliefs, whether right or wrong, regardless of new information.

Some people believe Apple is an evil company doing bad things. Any information to the contrary will be greeted with skepticism and criticism so that their past beliefs don't have to change. I see this in politics as well, and anti-Apple fanboys don't care about the facts, they just want to hate.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 26, 2011
Anyone seen the Android trolls yet? What's the hold up, they should be here by now.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Whether you think this is a cynical attempt at brand protection further down the line or you believe Apple are leading the way in employee and environmental welfare regulation, this move can ONLY be a good thing.

Let's hope everyone else follows suit.

You don't need to be cynical. But it will be good for all involved

1) If Apple can force better working and environmental standards in China it will raise Apple's costs but also costs for competitors. Apple's competitors are more price sensitive than is Apple so Apple has an advantage if China over all has raised standards.

2) It's obvious the people living in China will be better off


Apr 1, 2005
Space The Only Frontier
You don't need to be cynical. But it will be good for all involved

1) If Apple can force better working and environmental standards in China it will raise Apple's costs but also costs for competitors. Apple's competitors are more price sensitive than is Apple so Apple has an advantage if China over all has raised standards.

2) It's obvious the people living in China will be better off

It won't force competitors to change anything as long as they are off the radar.


macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2006
Start counting when the first posts arrive that it's all rigged, not honest, jobs need to be in USA., Apple is just paying lip service, PR stunt etc.etc.
To me Apple demonstrated that they do what they say when they started looking into greener manufacturing, use of components that are easier to recycle and give you options to send in your old equipment.
They joined FLA, give access to FoxConn, get wage raises. will never be enough for the nay sayers!

Hear, hear.

What many don't realize is that's petition contained false claims about a "neurotoxin". Organizations don't fact-check their claims, and nobody in the media calls them on this nonsense. I put the following comment on the NGO's FB page:

I am the 99% who think that campaigns should be fact-based and the so-called watchdog organizations must be held accountable for their actions. The 1% who sacrifice the truth for sensationalism do not represent me.

Taz Mangus

macrumors 604
Mar 10, 2011
Going to grab my popcorn and wait to see how some will spin this as "a marketing ploy" or "it has to be rigged" type of comments. Apple has a big target painted on them by the media and pundits. Great to see Apple being responsible enough to make this happen.


macrumors 65816
Dec 26, 2009
Deep Space
This is good news. The Chinese environment needs it. It's also another step into the right direction to level competition.


macrumors regular
Jan 13, 2012
Steve Jobs did it better.

There will be a lot of money and precious management expertise spent on this, and the end it will not make an iota of difference.


macrumors 68020
Feb 23, 2010
Lagrange Point
Waiting for the anti-environment morons to come out and start saying, this is a waist of money and that we should tailor our environmental laws to those of China.


macrumors 6502
Apr 14, 2010
Demanding the factory uses renewable energy would make a much bigger difference. China is all coal, all the time.

Not really, they have hydropower and nuclear. They also have solar and solar thermal water heaters in various places across the country. But they do need to work on cleaning up the coal plants they do have, and they have a lot. It is one of the things they should be buying from the west with the extra trade imbalance we have.

Taz Mangus

macrumors 604
Mar 10, 2011
Steve Jobs did it better.

There will be a lot of money and precious management expertise spent on this, and the end it will not make an iota of difference.

Apple is trying to be transparent. Besides, Apple is in the position where they need to provide some answers as they are the target right now. It seems that Apple is going to be in this type of position for as long as they are as successful as they are now. And I dubt that will be changing for the foreseeable future.


macrumors regular
Jan 13, 2012
Waiting for the anti-environment morons to come out and start saying, this is a waist of money and that we should tailor our environmental laws to those of China.

This is a waste of money and we should tailor our environmental laws to those of China.


Apple is trying to be transparent. Besides, Apple is in the position where they need to provide some answers as they are the target right now. It seems that Apple is going to be in this type of position for as long as they are as successful as they are now. And I dubt that will be changing for the foreseeable future.

There is no need to be transparent. Acting in the exact opposite manner is what brought Apple success since Jobs' return. There is nothing unethical in this position.

When it comes down to it, environmentalists will never be truly satisfied with any technological product or anything any successful corporation does. They'll just smell more blood, turn their attention on it, and come back for more.

Nobody with a lic of sense buys or doesn't buy a cell phone based on the issues we are talking about here anyway. In all, this is a losing proposition for Apple -- it's just a question of how much.
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