As the topic states, who is making money from Carplay? Is it the Car manufacturers paying Apple to get a license for carplay into their car designs? Or is it Apple paying car manufacturers to get the feature in? How does either side make money from this?
BMW charged me $250 each to have Apple CarPlay integration in my three BMW's.
Apple makes money by offering an alternative GPS operating system to the car manufacturers for a price and car manufacturers are making money by charging their consumers for it. It's important to car makers because people are not paying them $1000 for their homebrew GPS systems, they are using their iPhone's instead.
And it's very necessary for Apple because they have had a very predictable and profitable revenue stream from car manufacturers since 2003 with the 30 PIN connectors and then Lightning connectors, getting paid handsomely for that integration. With everything going Bluetooth the way to protect that profit center is to create a Bluetooth OS and charge car makers for it.