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Apr 12, 2001

Apple CEO Tim Cook today visited San Jose State University near the Apple Park campus in Cupertino, California where he sat down with Malala Yousafzai and SJSU president Mary Papazian to discuss education and the empowerment of women at the university.

Apple in January 2018 announced a partnership with the Malala Fund to support the Malala Fund's work championing a quality education for girls all around the world, and the two companies have worked together since then. Cook is on the Malala Fund leadership council, and he tweeted about the meeting this afternoon.


According to SJSU newspaper The Spartan Daily, Cook spoke about familiar topics that include the importance of an early coding education and privacy.

"We've tried to focus on teaching coding skills to everyone," said Cook. Everyone should learn to code before they graduate."

Cook said that it's important to introduce collaboration into the classroom as early as possible.
"The earlier you introduce collaboration into the classroom and the teacher becomes the coach and tech is used as a tool, not a means to itself, I see great results in boys and girls."
Malala also spoke about the work the Malala Fund is doing around the world, sharing her thoughts on the future of the Malala Fund. "Technology is changing at a very fast pace, we need to change our education for that," she said. "We have taken it for granted that education isn't possible in some places like refugee camps, but technology can change that."

Through Apple's support, the Malala Fund has aimed to double the number of grants awarded to its Gulmakai Network and extend funding programs to India and Latin America, bringing secondary education opportunities to more than 100,000 girls. Malala said that over the next five years, she hopes the Malala Fund will spread to 10 new countries.

"There are 1 billion girls not ready to enter the workforce because its not a quality education or they're not in school at all," she said.

The Malala Fund also works with Apple's Developer Academies in Brazil, and Apple is helping the Malala Fund scale its organization by assisting with technology, curriculum, and research into the policy changes needed everywhere to allow girls attend school and complete their education.

Note: Due to the political nature of the discussion regarding this topic, the discussion thread is located in our Political News forum. All forum members and site visitors are welcome to read and follow the thread, but posting is limited to forum members with at least 100 posts.

Article Link: Apple CEO Tim Cook Joins Malala Yousafzai to Discuss Education at SJSU
Apple SJW CEO Tim Cook will never say anything about the Muslim Uyghur women (and men) in the Xinjiang province who the mainland Chinese government are currently putting in concentration camps and committing genocide against.

Apple SJW CEO Tim Cook will likely support feminist policies that fire decent men like James Damore who write memos critical of feminism’s unfairness to men, but Cook will never criticize the Chinese Communist Party for truly oppressing and murdering Uyghur women (and men).

Apple SJW CEO Tim Cook cares more about shareholders than human rights. He only speaks about political issues that won’t put shareholders’ money in jeopardy. Cook values profits more than people.
Like many leaders in many Silicon Valley tech companies, Apple SJW CEO Tim Cook speaks out in support of feminism not because he cares about the well-being of women, but because he wants more women to enter the Silicon Valley tech industry in order to increase the labor pool and thus pay lower wages. That increases company profits. It’s the same reason why many Silicon Valley companies’ leaders support the H-1B visa scheme. Supply and demand. A larger supply of workers means the companies can pay the workers less and thus maximize profits.
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Maybe I am missing something, one is trying to get basic education rights for females in a country that has problems with recognizing females right to equal education as men. Some of these countries where this mentality exists are remote villages that have limited access to electricity, internet, clean running water, food, shelter, etc. Due to the remoteness of the situation the mentality exists though changing slowly with a lot of generational hesitation and acceptance for retaliation from those who have been privileged by depriving the vulnerable.

The other is a privileged individual who has worked hard to become a CEO of a multi-billion dollar tech company and has been supporting human rights issues though in a questionable manner along with privacy and security. While also trying to promote coding and computing to deprived villagers who’s primary concern is day-to-day life.

I feel there is some disconnect here. I speak from personal experience who has lived in a developing country and then immigrated to a developed country. I can say this when living in a developed country basic human needs of food, shelter clothing is primary and the comes education. I was not thinking about getting an iPad or a phone or learn how to code I was more concerned to get good grades in English, Math, Sciences, etc that span many fields not just limiting my knowledge to computer coding which uses math and science.

How about the multi-billion dollar corps help with the basics like clean food, water, shelter, health care, electricity and connectivity then to shove they agenda for coding. The only people coding in developing countries are those that come from wealthy families who were either uninterested or unable to become doctors, dentists, lawyers, etc. While the attitude is changing let’s get some real perspective on developing countries hardships.
"extend funding programs to India and Latin America, bringing secondary education opportunities to more than 100,000 girls"

Quota Cook once again demonstrating his SJW bias against men. What else is new?

Though I am not in complete agreement with Cook, I suspect you have not lived in a developing country where men are deemed more important than women. I say this as a male, I have seen the disparity between the genders.
Even though this is in PRSI, I think everyone can agree Malala is an amazing human being.

While I am not disputing that she is an amazing person and what she has done and accomplished thus far, I feel they may not be approaching it in the most effective method.
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How about the multi-billion dollar corps help with the basics like clean food, water, shelter, health care, electricity and connectivity then to shove they agenda for coding. The only people coding in developing countries are those that come from wealthy families who were either uninterested or unable to become doctors, dentists, lawyers, etc. While the attitude is changing let’s get some real perspective on developing countries hardships.

Because that would mean Quota Cook would have to support men & the less fortunate which he has repeatedly shown no interest in.
Because that would mean Quota Cook would have to support men & the less fortunate which he has repeatedly shown no interest in.

I fear though the intention is good the execution can be better. When multi-billion dollar corps from the west jump into local politics in the east and out they dollars behind a deprived people what you end up getting is retaliation against those people who are being treated as special cases. I understand how this sounds, it’s a complex issue. There is a method to do it correctly, however what may happen is that these women will become targeted. It’s been know that many women who are fortunate to receive an education do better than they male counterparts (it’s complicated as to why), women in developing countries are educated highly by they families to make them seem desirable for marriage. None of the information is new. It’s like these companies are supporting female education (great) but the local mentality is to use a well educated women as a competitive bride (bargaining chip). Similar instance occurs in the far-east, women unfortunately are seen as property. Until the mentality changes this good hearted effort will just be abused and misused.
Even though this is in PRSI, I think everyone can agree Malala is an amazing human being.
Indeed. And not just intellectually and spiritually, but physically. Not sure too many of us could do what she’s done after being shot in the head.
Quota Cook once again demonstrating his SJW bias against men. What else is new?
Bias against men?! He’s gay, for god’s sake.
And helping women equals hurting men? The world could use less zero-sum blather like this. Sometimes a parent compliments one child and the other whines “but I’m good toooo!” I guess we don’t all grow out of that mindset.
Because that would mean Quota Cook would have to support men & the less fortunate which he has repeatedly shown no interest in
In many places outside of cozy living rooms from where people post on MacRumors, women are less fortunate. Unless of course you’re cool with being treated as property, stolen for breeding, forced into marriage, prohibited from education (see: Yousafzai, Malala, shot for the crime of going to school), forbidden from being outside without an escort, and being murdered for disobedience. And the only men hurt by helping them are those who want it this way.
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Bias against men?! He’s gay, for god’s sake.

Your whole post was excellent, and this line made me laugh so much, bravo. :D

Malala is amazing, and yeah, guess what, Tim Cook and Apple aren’t perfect but doing some good is better than not. And supporting one particular route to making things better in the world doesn’t mean it has to be only that route (and isn’t).
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Are here really some unsecure small d... men who are posting things against women being finally treated equally in those countries??? What a sad person you must be...
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And helping women equals hurting men?
In this day and age? Yes. If you dare say you're proud of being straight, white and male you're branded a bigot, a homophobe and a sexist even when there's nothing of the sort to indicate that and furthermore, men are currently being marginalized in favor of ******** political correctness & quotas.
In this day and age? Yes. If you dare say you're proud of being straight, white and male you're branded a bigot, a homophobe and a sexist even when there's nothing of the sort to indicate that and furthermore, men are currently being marginalized in favor of ******** political correctness & quotas.
Quite a rant. I’m certain it has nothing to do with the statement you quoted.
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