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macrumors G3
Jan 24, 2008
Tim Cook is wrong.

Technology isn’t neutral. Technology can be bad from day one if it created for nefarious and criminal reasons.

Nuclear bombs are bad.

Facebook’s business model is bad.

Social media is designed to be addictive and divisive.

Bitcoin mining and unregulated crypto Ponzi schemes are bad and make the worst people on the planet wealthier than they already are.

NFTs are bad and gamers hate them more than anything they ever hated.

Lots of vehicles are designed badly with no regard for public safety, especially when they rush to market.

Intel chips are bad and they are a scam company.

Theranos was a scam tech company.

The list goes on for days and days.
I think you are proving Tim's point here rather that refuting it. It's how people use technology that determines whether it is good or bad. Bad business models, nefarious/criminal usage, and scams are human choices.


Aug 5, 2021
I think you are proving Tim's point here rather that refuting it. It's how people use technology that determines whether it is good or bad. Bad business models, nefarious/criminal usage, and scams are human choices.

I already factored everything. The ones I listed can’t be used ‘correctly’ or ‘to make the world better’. They are bad from the start and their design was criminal. Their founders were all criminal minded or deranged, and thats why some of them were founded by anons.


macrumors G3
Jan 24, 2008
I already factored everything. The ones I listed can’t be used ‘correctly’ or ‘to make the world better’. They are bad from the start and their design was criminal. Their founders were all criminal minded or deranged, and thats why some of them were founded by anons.
No, you didn't. You assigned human motives in every case. No one is claiming that business models and scams are neutral. It's the underlying technology that is neutral.

The internet is neutral. Facebook is not.
DNA testing is neutral. Theranos is not.


macrumors 601
Nov 16, 2010
Yes, I am pissed and disappointed at Apple as well. All the other companies are helping Ukraine at the moment for example, but not Apple. Even Elon Musk (whom I disliked a lot) helped Ukraine.
He stands up for Black Lives Matters (which is fine) and such things, but not Ukrainians. Even Google helped Ukraine. I sent an email to MacRumors to write about it, but for whatever reason they didn't. I am so sad and devastated now. I'm thinking about leaving Apple ecosystem.
Apple only is vocal about the “issues” that garner them the most virtue points. As are the vast majority of corporations over the last couple years. Now is when we see what companies are truly made of in the face of tons of people under direct attack and threats of destruction. Taking up arms to defend their homes, homemade bombs. REAL ISSUES. Not pointless slogans.
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macrumors 68000
Oct 7, 2018
Stalingrad, Russia
Yes, Tim, and you can help by removing apps that peddle disinformation on health issues (Spotify) and cut countries actively engaged in war crimes (Russia and China) from the App Store, irregardless of how much they want to bribe you.
Unlike you, Apple can't afford to live in a world of propaganda and illusions. There is a reason why Apple's business model is so successful.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Yes, I am pissed and disappointed at Apple as well. All the other companies are helping Ukraine at the moment for example, but not Apple. Even Elon Musk (whom I disliked a lot) helped Ukraine.
He stands up for Black Lives Matters (which is fine) and such things, but not Ukrainians. Even Google helped Ukraine. I sent an email to MacRumors to write about it, but for whatever reason they didn't. I am so sad and devastated now. I'm thinking about leaving Apple ecosystem.
Just as a don't know what Apple is doing or not as they haven't announced it. Apple isn't obliged to help the world as neither is Google. It's clearly your choice to leave the "apple ecosystem" for something else.


Aug 5, 2021
I know it's a popular thing to say, but switching to USB-C is not more environmentally friendly.

There are at a couple billion lightning cables and chargers already out there in use, not to mention whatever lightning accessories people have already purchased.

You are suggesting people throw those all out and buy USB-C which is ALREADY 10 YEARS OLD?

There's just no way that doing all that is going to be better for the environment - or do you know different?

Now, when the time comes for whatever standard comes next... then it may make sense for Apple to adopt whatever standard is created for interoperability, but for lightning/USB-C, that ship sailed a looooooooong time ago.
Lightning is the best for the environment cause Apple charges a huge royalty on it, causing the cables to cost 10 times what they otherwise would ($15 MFi vs $1.50 bootleg), so people buy fewer. But at this point, it's likely that people have enough USB-C cables lying around for other stuff that they'd not need more for their iPhones.
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macrumors 65816
Jan 1, 2021
Just as a don't know what Apple is doing or not as they haven't announced it. Apple isn't obliged to help the world as neither is Google. It's clearly your choice to leave the "apple ecosystem" for something else.
Update: Apple did the same thing for Apple Maps as Google did*
They removed games with conference flag worldwide (even Russia), but not RT news app etc from the Russian App Store.
Today I was arguing with a Russian and when I told him that Poland joining Nato was the best decision ever made he threatened to cut my throat and stab me to death and called me a nazi.

Why shouldn't I be disappointed with Apple? They're mostly fake.


Aug 5, 2021
No, you didn't. You assigned human motives in every case. No one is claiming that business models and scams are neutral. It's the underlying technology that is neutral.

The internet is neutral. Facebook is not.
DNA testing is neutral. Theranos is not.
The media (since 2016 precisely) keeps telling me FB is evil and shoving propaganda at me... I don't get it, all I see on there is my grandma posting selfies and some posts from car groups I'm in. The ads are for buying random stuff like diamond rings. Are they mixing it up with Twitter?
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macrumors 68000
Oct 14, 2013
Is Apple still selling goods in Russia? Or China for that matter?
American big brands including Apple, Google, Ford and Harley-Davidson on Tuesday stopped sales and distanced themselves from Russia because of the invasion of Ukraine, joining a growing list of companies from shippers to car makers to energy companies shunning the country.

Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL) said it had stopped sales of iPhones and other products in Russia, Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOGL) Inc's Google dropped Russian state publishers from its news, Ford Motor (NYSE:F) told its Russian manufacturing partner it was suspending operations in the country, and Harley-Davidson Inc (NYSE:HOG) suspended its business and shipments of its bikes.


No to war ??
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macrumors G3
Jan 24, 2008
The media (since 2016 precisely) keeps telling me FB is evil and shoving propaganda at me... I don't get it, all I see on there is my grandma posting selfies and some posts from car groups I'm in. The ads are for buying random stuff like diamond rings. Are they mixing it up with Twitter?
I'd recommend you read the articles explaining how Facebook's algorithms surface and promote misinformation. Luckily, if you only use it for cars and family pictures, you can avoid the dark holes. :)


macrumors 6502a
Jun 11, 2009
Unlike you, Apple can't afford to live in a world of propaganda and illusions. There is a reason why Apple's business model is so successful.

Did you actually just use the phrase, “Apple can’t afford”


macrumors G3
Jan 24, 2008
If you’re gonna preach climate change to everyone then set the example ..but he’s not really serious about it.
That's a silly argument. I'd say making the largest corporation on the planet carbon-neutral by 2030 is a serious commitment.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
If you’re gonna preach climate change to everyone then set the example ..but he’s not really serious about it.
One could be actively engaged in green efforts and be for the environment and get on a aircraft. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. Or is it MR posters nit-pick everything?


macrumors 6502
Mar 5, 2012
Yo my friend, you didn't understand a single word of my comment.

That may be my fault, so allow me to restate my point in more general terms:

Changing from one well-established standard to another one in the middle or late in its life cycle is HIGHLY wasteful because it will require billions of cables to be discarded and replaced with new ones for no practical gain.

This is NOT about a specific cable, technology or brand over another.

It's about the insanity of throwing out a couple of BILLION perfectly functional cables and accessories into the rubbish and calling that an environmentally friendly act.

The current USB-C/lightning standards only have a limited time left in them before they are replaced by something new. Forcing everyone to replace all their cables at this stage is madness and the opposite of environmentally friendly.

No I “heard” ya. You missed a few points.

“Environment” is a contextually meaningless term, and “friendly” is an attempt to garner emotion rather than make any technical point. Together they are used to push pseudo science than anything meaningful.

The cabling is indentical, what you’re really complaining about is the cable connectors.

Regardless this “environmentally friendly” worry/concern is simplistic and imaginary.

Nobody is going to upgrade cable types for a device unless it already has those ports. Old cables break down anyways, and even older devices need a supply of “new” cabling.

This changing supply need is already factored into manufacturing demand and old types are produced at slower rate and smaller yield compared to new standards that they replace. Also these new types don’t just start out at max volume, but ramp up over time as they replace the old ones.

And the larger point, Apple’s environmentalism is pure pageantry and a corporate distraction by a CEO with limited vision for the industry in which he works. But I guarantee he knows how to price out and source cable manufacturing for optimum profit returns. Ditto for cardboard packaging, and the more time Tim Cook wastes emoting over saving a few nickels, the more Apple languishes in key areas, like software quality.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it

And the larger point, Apple’s environmentalism is pure pageantry and a corporate distraction by a CEO with limited vision for the industry in which he works.
Yes, in your opinion this is true and not a statement of fact, imo.
But I guarantee he knows how to price out and source cable manufacturing for optimum profit returns.
Yes, that’s his job.
Ditto for cardboard packaging, and the more time Tim Cook wastes emoting over saving a few nickels, the more Apple languishes in key areas, like software quality.
Straw man.


Jan 1, 2018
I disagree with Cook and everything I do.. I think in terms of the web and internet, we need to return web 1.1 which was much better with less bloat and javascript. Cook is not visionary, he is an idealist who lives in a UTOPIAN mindset.


Aug 5, 2021
I'd recommend you read the articles explaining how Facebook's algorithms surface and promote misinformation. Luckily, if you only use it for cars and family pictures, you can avoid the dark holes. :)
What if the articles are misinformation? My friends and I all have been using FB to keep in touch since the start of college. Nobody is seeing the stuff the articles allege. Yet I get on Twitter or even Reddit and instantly get pushed fringe political groups promoting anger and falsehoods.


macrumors G3
Jan 24, 2008
What if the articles are misinformation? My friends and I all have been using FB to keep in touch since the start of college. Nobody is seeing the stuff the articles allege. Yet I get on Twitter or even Reddit and instantly get pushed fringe political groups promoting anger and falsehoods.
Sorry. I didn't realize that you weren't actually interested in an answer to your question.


macrumors 6502
Mar 5, 2012
Yes, in your opinion this is true and not a statement of fact, imo.

Yes, that’s his job.

Straw man.
I can also play the "your opinion isn't fact" game too, but saving the environment is an extraordinary claim, and extraordinary claims require proof, and Apple has no proof for this claim besides glossy press releases.

Further Apple has little proof their efforts are even scientifically sound, beyond the same glossy press releases.


macrumors G3
Jan 24, 2008
I can also play the "your opinion isn't fact" game too, but saving the environment is an extraordinary claim, and extraordinary claims require proof, and Apple has no proof for this claim besides glossy press releases.

Further Apple has little proof their efforts are even scientifically sound, beyond the same glossy press releases.
Apple has released extensive annual environmental reports.



macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
I can also play the "your opinion isn't fact" game too, but saving the environment is an extraordinary claim, and extraordinary claims require proof, and Apple has no proof for this claim besides glossy press releases.

Further Apple has little proof their efforts are even scientifically sound, beyond the same glossy press releases.
Sure we can play this game....then no company/corporation who claims anything similar to along the lines of Apple claims is all in the same boat and requires the same set of scientifically sound proofs.
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