The New Intel Core M processors are launching in september which means this macbook could be getting a nice speed upgrade relatively soon.
The New Intel Core M processors are launching in september which means this macbook could be getting a nice speed upgrade relatively soon.
the new intel core m processors are launching in september which means this macbook could be getting a nice speed upgrade relatively soon.
Hopefully Apple learned a lesson from the iPad 3/iPad 4 episode. In any case, Intel's recent track record is not encouraging on the timing front.
The iPad 3 was bad enough, there was a lot of angry folks round here. Don't think Apple will do that again.
Yep. Count me in as one of those angry customers.
I don't see it happening, for a number of reasons. One major reason that popped into my head when I read the OP is the fact that a refresh that comes so close to the initial product rollout can only be viewed as a failure in the design. There would be more negative reaction then positive. Apple is all about image and while they have refreshed a product in close proximity before (I'm thinking of the iPad), it produced a lot of negative user reactions. I can only imagine how much worse that would be for such a high profile initial roll out as this.