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macrumors 6502
Jan 12, 2006
New York, New York
Better off to just let everyone get it and move on. I said that from day one. Let it kill who it's going to kill and get back to normal. Those that die would eventually die from it at some point anyway.
In the case of some older people just approaching retirement age (in their mid to late 60's), with just about 20yrs of averaged life expectancy remaining, that segment of people, they believe by not dining indoor and going to work in office they might just avoid COVID altogether and die from natural causes as they expected.

It's "year 3" now, they just have to stay on this "new normal" lifestyle for rest of their lives...
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macrumors 68040
Sep 9, 2015
Hospitals diagnose COVID-19 based on testing. Citation of those tests having "many false positives" please?
The problem is those hospitalized with COVID may have been hospitalized for a myriad of other reasons and having COVID superimposed will skew those numbers. That is part of what has muddied the waters with how people feel about the whole pandemic response. It’s a religious dogma where there are two camps entrenched in “mask everywhere, social distance, do what the government says” and those who think this was all a joke. The truth is in the middle. If you have certain risk factors, and millions of Americans do, take necessary precautions. If you don’t, or want to roll the dice, fine. But mandates were an absolute disaster, as was how school closures and mask mandates worked for kids. To say America botched the COVID response is an epic understatement. Forced closure of businesses, lockdowns did absolutely nothing but prolong the inevitable while inducing untold pain on businesses, livelihoods, mental health, etc.


Mar 7, 2007
Midwest America.
Forget the doctors it’s the hospitals, want an accurate number go ahead ask your local hospital health administration, or ask if doctors were handcuffed to certain approved treatments and protocols or better yet dig a bit and see that federal funding was being provided a substantial amount for labeled Covid and intubated.

Having some knowledge in this, hospitals were 'handcuffed' to treatments that were approved first, and available, for use in hospital. You can always go 'AMA' (Against Medical Advice) and get whatever treatment you want, from swallowing light bulbs, drinking bleach, or Lysol, or quaffing animal de-worming drugs.

There are a lot of 'treatments' out there (far too many unapproved), and nothing works better than avoiding getting it in the first place.


Mar 7, 2007
Midwest America.
... mandates were an absolute disaster ...

Australia did mandates, and New Zealand too. It worked very well for them for the most part. They also didn't have social media, and other media and political figures that sold the lie that mandates don't and won't work. How many could have been saved. That is the odd part, how can people justify the deaths, the 'excess deaths' of so many people. Has it gotten so callous here that people don't care about others at all, and as long as it doesn't happen to the, it's okay?

My god, when did humanity die?

T Coma

macrumors 6502a
Dec 3, 2015
Flyover Country, USA
Australia did mandates, and New Zealand too. It worked very well for them for the most part. They also didn't have social media, and other media and political figures that sold the lie that mandates don't and won't work. How many could have been saved. That is the odd part, how can people justify the deaths, the 'excess deaths' of so many people. Has it gotten so callous here that people don't care about others at all, and as long as it doesn't happen to the, it's okay?

My god, when did humanity die?

Utter fan fiction.


Mar 7, 2007
Midwest America.
If only the numbers of infected and death were not so inflated due to payouts. Sad as it maybe hospitals cashed in those bonus payouts for labelling anything COVID-19 and attach a respirator to it.


Many/most were treated under EMTALA, likely, and the hospitals never received a penny. Who was paying these payouts? How would hospitals hide the lie? There isn't a chance in hell that hospitals were getting 'payouts' for lying about covid cases. And if anything, covid was radically under-reported int he same way so many other deaths are. Most states, and counties, have no follow through to check if the cause of death listed on that death certificate is actually what killed them. Many infected people also died of related symptoms of the infection. So they had covid but 'died' of a symptom, so a conscientious person would list what actually killed them, and possibly list the other symptomatology and possible, or known other possible contributors, but sometimes they just enter something, anything. I heard that the EU requires the cause of death to be exact, and attested to for all deaths. In this country, it varies so much you can't make any useful statistics of what is killing people because they are often wrong, or list the 'easy stuff'...
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Mar 7, 2007
Midwest America.
I had it in April, and was off training for around 2 weeks. It cost me quite a lot. I value my training, and the results it provides. Would I want to risk having another 2 weeks off? Would I want to risk long covid? Would I want to risk clots and losing my senses?


Others that want to risk it, by all means, but remember that if/when you get sick and need medical care, those that you rely on know you were foolish, and didn't have the self respect to protect yourself or others. They are getting, and have gotten, very burned out and resentful of those that doubt the truth of this pandemic. Most are waiting for 'the big one' to arrive. The one that has a much higher risk of mortality. Some think it's only a matter of time, and I believe them. It's all too real a possibility, and has happened before. The virus doesn't care what you think of it, it's only reason to exist is to reproduce and spread, and if it kills the host, well, so what. The virus doesn't care. It's always out there, trying to mutate, trying to spread.


macrumors 68040
Sep 9, 2015
Australia did mandates, and New Zealand too. It worked very well for them for the most part. They also didn't have social media, and other media and political figures that sold the lie that mandates don't and won't work. How many could have been saved. That is the odd part, how can people justify the deaths, the 'excess deaths' of so many people. Has it gotten so callous here that people don't care about others at all, and as long as it doesn't happen to the, it's okay?

My god, when did humanity die?
Sweden didn’t. And they fared far better long term. What’s your point? My god, when did humanity die? We make sweeping accusations and assumptions about others who have a difference of opinion. God forbid…


macrumors 6502
Jan 31, 2021
IDK if the other member made additional comments after. I'll give you a couple examples from a pharmacy I frequented, where out-of-pocket is never more than insurance:

Most common OTC drugs are cheaper out of pocket than going through insurance due to co-pay, bottling costs, etc.
For vaccines like Measles, if you have outstanding deductibles, as is the case for many relatively-healthy people, you will still pay the same as out-of-pocket, and co-pay.
Aren’t vaccines covered under preventative care? There’s no out of pocket or co-pay for that stuff.

OTC drugs are usually less powerful than Rx drugs. For example, Nexium OTC is only 20mg. Nexium Rx is 40mg or higher.


macrumors 6502
Jan 12, 2006
New York, New York
Aren’t vaccines covered under preventative care? There’s no out of pocket or co-pay for that stuff.

OTC drugs are usually less powerful than Rx drugs. For example, Nexium OTC is only 20mg. Nexium Rx is 40mg or higher.
Just did a quick Google search and found this article regarding Measles coverage under Medicare - sounds convoluted:

In the Nexium's case, maybe take 2 OTC pills instead of one to get the same dosage? The price of one bigger bottle of the OTC version usually still comes out cheaper than the Rx version, otherwise how else will the pharmacy get compensated for the bottles, printing labels, technicians/pharmacists' labor, however long it takes them to perform all relevant tasks?


macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2006

Many/most were treated under EMTALA, likely, and the hospitals never received a penny. Who was paying these payouts? How would hospitals hide the lie? There isn't a chance in hell that hospitals were getting 'payouts' for lying about covid cases. And if anything, covid was radically under-reported int he same way so many other deaths are. Most states, and counties, have no follow through to check if the cause of death listed on that death certificate is actually what killed them. Many infected people also died of related symptoms of the infection. So they had covid but 'died' of a symptom, so a conscientious person would list what actually killed them, and possibly list the other symptomatology and possible, or known other possible contributors, but sometimes they just enter something, anything. I heard that the EU requires the cause of death to be exact, and attested to for all deaths. In this country, it varies so much you can't make any useful statistics of what is killing people because they are often wrong, or list the 'easy stuff'...
Has the virus known as SARS-CoV-2 been isolated, until that happens we really don’t know what is infecting people and causing little to no symptoms in many people and mild to severe symptoms in some and death in others.

I understand there is a genetic sequence of what a Corona virus, until it’s isolated all it is is throwing darts in the dark blindfolded and hoping one even hits the dartboard anywhere. What is the PCR test even confirming the same generic sequence without an isolated virus. Got it, I have some snake oil for you that cures all ailments, just take my word for it I wear a white coat and people call me doctor and I have some medical background and oh yeah my paid friends and colleagues agree that this snake oil works. I actually don’t recommend using anything else other than this snake oil because you know science and stuff. 😝


macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2006
Having some knowledge in this, hospitals were 'handcuffed' to treatments that were approved first, and available, for use in hospital. You can always go 'AMA' (Against Medical Advice) and get whatever treatment you want, from swallowing light bulbs, drinking bleach, or Lysol, or quaffing animal de-worming drugs.

There are a lot of 'treatments' out there (far too many unapproved), and nothing works better than avoiding getting it in the first place.
The fact that you are chiming in CDC narrative with “animal de-working” and some bleach reference that I suspect is related to the prior President of the USA pretty much sums up the head in the sand attitude.

Hey I have had many friends who have caught whatever is being called “COVID-19” and they symptoms ranged from nothing but a mild like flu for 3 days to some feeling like a ton of bricks fell on them for one day and recovered after 5 while others who took about 10 days to recover and a 98 who died due to medical neglect a couple weeks prior to her 99th birthday and me who has either caught it and experienced nothing or have not caught anything in the last 2.5 years and have not taken any precautions.

Yeah I have a wide spectrum of whatever is being called the virus of the century or is it monkey pox now or whatever avian flu, Marburg or swine flu or whatever spin the wheel of virus doom is being played on the media.


macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2006
Nope, it’s a data point, maybe an irrelevant one, in the sea of data points.
How is this for a data point?

First it was don’t need a mask because PPE is in short supply then it was wear a fabric mask, then a surgical mask then two then three I believe or was it one surgical and a fabric then an N95/KN95, next it will be wear a fishbowl over your head or an oxygen mask with tank. These are nothing more than guesses to confuse the public while also frustrating as it demonstrates the advisor(s) are making it up as progressing and playing on peoples fear to claim that do this and that will keep them safe and nothing more as the advisor(s) have the answer to they fear which is more fear.

If one want to wear something voluntarily I have no issue with it, imposing it on other by claiming you are protecting the greater good is Mumbo jumbo psychological operation. Gas masks that the military use have a 12-24 hour carbon filter canister active usage and is very hard to breath in while offering limited protection from aerosol agents far lethal than the disease called COVID-19. But hey as long as the virtue signalling and some visible object on your face to show how caring of a person you are while making people feel safe then whatever?


macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2006
So what you're really saying is that your a selfish tool. Got it.
Human nature is selfish because it relates to preservation of one’s own life. That like telling all the wealthy seniors and with the notion of gender that all males over the age of whatever to not board the life boats when the Titanic was sinking was not be selfish to save the younger generation. When you are categosized as at risk or expendable due to some criteria it will be interesting if you go voluntarily.

Yes, I understand this may seem like a extreme example but it is to drive a point that people are by nature selfish for survival purposes. The virtue signalling constant brainwashing via media is clearly a PsyOp that by amazement worked rather well on the masses for the last 2.5 years and that is the concerning part.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2006
Except… they do mean exactly what I think they mean. The chance of producing the desired outcome. And since it was always less than 100%, it was never guaranteed whether your personal opinion is they are accurate, or they are “a joke”. Mind you, I’ll reiterate that alpha and delta have basically disappeared. So I’d say the desired outcome has been met.
I recommend reading up on some of Professor of Medicine John Ioannidis work relating to the subject.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2006
Better off to just let everyone get it and move on. I said that from day one. Let it kill who it's going to kill and get back to normal. Those that die would eventually die from it at some point anyway.
While that is a harsh outlook, “The Great Barrington Declaration” would have probably been the best answer and we would not have had labour and supply issues along with the other messes that followed.

The key here is that many people are seriously unhealthy and/or have a poor diet. Some claiming to be healthy and succumbed to the disease we simply don’t know what definition of healthy those people are using. To see someone thin does not make them healthy there is a condition called “TOFI” Thin on the Outside, Fat on the Inside. But the peoples significant other or the family will never know that as they just see a thin person who seems to be active and the media will just go for the sensational aspect that this person was thin, healthy and died from the disease. It’s misleading reporting.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2006
There are exceptions to everything. People have died having their tonsils taken out, that doesn't mean it's something to waste your time worrying about.
Medial treatment and operating errors or medical malpractice is one of the top causes of death in the US if I remember reading that some years ago.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2006
I’m sorry. Did I not say it was a gaffe? Was that not clear? Were even the producers of the vaccines ever on record of saying 100% efficacy? That’d be a pretty damn strong advertisement, you know, claiming flawless development. I’m sure they must’ve used that term since you’re so certain it was guaranteed. Share that with me!
Did the person who said it (POTUS) admit it was a gaffe or are you acting as the WH Press Secretary. POTUS mandated all federal employees and encouraged many business to get the injection or loose their livelihood. Who cares what the manufacturers say they have 100% immunity protection from liability unless they intentionally put rat poison in it and labelled it as the treatment they cannot be sued. All other mechanisms for compensation is a joke, it’s setup that way to discourage and financial drain the victim.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2006
Yeah, that’s not how it works. Which is why it’s a fraud. There’s nothing other than the work of 1 man, not peer-reviewed, who has only ever submitted 1 research paper in his lifetime, who is an utter ghost on planet earth otherwise, to support even his own claim. I don’t need to write an alternate paper, the lack of support to his speaks volumes. And the fact it runs counter to decades of research in a time of misinformation should throw up red flags to anyone with 2 firing brain cells.
Have at it.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
How is this for a data point?

First it was don’t need a mask because PPE is in short supply then it was wear a fabric mask, then a surgical mask then two then three I believe or was it one surgical and a fabric then an N95/KN95, next it will be wear a fishbowl over your head or an oxygen mask with tank. These are nothing more than guesses to confuse the public while also frustrating as it demonstrates the advisor(s) are making it up as progressing and playing on peoples fear to claim that do this and that will keep them safe and nothing more as the advisor(s) have the answer to they fear which is more fear.
What playing on peoples' fears. The fear that the original variants, which were lower respiratory in nature could be very dangerous?
If one want to wear something voluntarily I have no issue with it, imposing it on other by claiming you are protecting the greater good is Mumbo jumbo psychological operation.
And having one impose their will the other way by way of a statement such as the above. You are certainly more than welcome to not participate and stay in the comfort of your home.
Gas masks that the military use have a 12-24 hour carbon filter canister active usage and is very hard to breath in while offering limited protection from aerosol agents far lethal than the disease called COVID-19. But hey as long as the virtue signalling and some visible object on your face to show how caring of a person you are while making people feel safe then whatever?
Do you have peer reviewed majority opinion proof that masks offer 0% probability of helping people stay safe? If not whatever you say is not relevant.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Did the person who said it (POTUS) admit it was a gaffe or are you acting as the WH Press Secretary. POTUS mandated all federal employees and encouraged many business to get the injection or loose their livelihood. Who cares what the manufacturers say they have 100% immunity protection from liability unless they intentionally put rat poison in it and labelled it as the treatment they cannot be sued. All other mechanisms for compensation is a joke, it’s setup that way to discourage and financial drain the victim.
And in spite of all of that, here we are today. And while we are not out of the woods, this is going in a positive direction. Not due to the anti-vaxxers, but due to the vaxxers. The people who took "one for the gipper" helped out the selfish.


macrumors 68000
Jun 10, 2008
Try using a trustworthy website.

Want me to spell out the problem? It’s an ecological fallacy you’re falling for. And since this guy is a literal phantom, it’s most likely an alias of Joe Mercola to sell more snake oil.

Anyway, to digress. The theory you’ve been duped by is terrible because it looks at 2 counties, 1 with and 1 without a mask mandate and says the mandate county has more deaths. That’s it. It doesn’t have any other variables in the study, it looks only at those 2 factors from a high level - literally the other side of the planet. It has no data on if people followed the mandate, if they wore a mask properly or if it was a South Park chin diaper, if people were still having large gatherings, what hospital capacity was in those places, nothing. You can’t extrapolate ANY information without those factors. None at all. There’s better ecological studies that DO include these variables, and guess what? It has the opposite conclusion.

In all the years we’ve treated tuberculosis, an aerosol droplet spread respiratory disease, wearing a mask or respirator has been beneficial and not one single report or study has ever… ever… said otherwise.

You’ve been duped. Conned. Swindled. Cheated. Deceived. Rooked. Exploited. Fleeced. Bamboozled. It’s ok to admit it.
Last edited:


Mar 7, 2007
Midwest America.
Sweden didn’t. And they fared far better long term. What’s your point? My god, when did humanity die? We make sweeping accusations and assumptions about others who have a difference of opinion. God forbid…

Yeah, Sweden did really well, didn't they.

Sweden is rather isolated, and I'm sure took measures to control/mitigate the pandemic. Still, a lot of Swedes died.

Perhaps too many?

And Sweden DID use mandates. They DID require the other methods that people balked about here, including limiting the capacities of bars and other places. So where did you get your information? I went right to their government website. I've heard a lot about how 'Sweden did nothing' but that seems to be yet another lie sweeping through social media.

Screen Shot 2022-08-04 at 8.53.25 AM.png Screen Shot 2022-08-04 at 8.53.15 AM.png


macrumors 65816
Feb 2, 2021
Hospitals diagnose COVID-19 based on testing. Citation of those tests having "many false positives" please?

Except… they do mean exactly what I think they mean. The chance of producing the desired outcome. And since it was always less than 100%, it was never guaranteed whether your personal opinion is they are accurate, or they are “a joke”. Mind you, I’ll reiterate that alpha and delta have basically disappeared. So I’d say the desired outcome has been met.

Both of you need to do your own homework. Assigned reading, ”The Real Anthony Fauci“ by RFK Jr., “A Plague Upon our House” by Scott Atlas, and “The Bodies of Others” by Naomi Wolf. All have extensive endnotes for you to not believe.
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