If anyone would do that it would probably be Google... They did it a while ago with Google Earth and I don't see why they couldn't do it again with the new Google Maps Street View and what not.
I was big on flight sims a long time ago now. Just as with real aviation, drones seem to be the in thing, a lot more fun to fly a Parrot or any one of the dozens of other flying smartdevice-controlled flying toys out there than to fly some pixels.
Tell that to X-Plane 10 users. That and Infinite Flight rate/rank pretty highly in the iOS charts. Mac and PC also sell a lot of copies of it. I agree though - Apple don't make games.
Tell that to X-Plane 10 users. That and Infinite Flight rate/rank pretty highly in the iOS charts. Mac and PC also sell a lot of copies of it. I agree though - Apple don't make games.