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Jul 24, 2015
Reading most of the comments in this thread, I realize that Spotify has one MAJOR problem, that they never will get over it!


That's the only explanation!

Look, if you like Spotify better, then use Spotify and tell all your friends.

Apple knows their service isn't perfect, and there's they listened to me, they will listen to you.


macrumors 68040
Sep 19, 2007
Honestly I think i'm up to about 30 major limitations or bugs with Apple Music and yet i'm still urging it to work just because I really like the full library management I can get in it that Spotify doesn't offer.

If it wasn't for that Spotify beats it in almost every other way. Speed, usability, navigation, curated playlists (i'm sorry but the Apple music ones are terrible under "for you", an introduction to an artist I know well? No Apple, I to hear new records not the top ten most popular songs from my favourite artists!
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macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2003
Dark Castle
Why many people are happy with the trend to pay a monthly fee for everything?

Apple shall fix it for Apple users...


macrumors 6502a
Oct 28, 2008
Totally agree here the interface is horrible. I really want to love the service, but I hate using it.


macrumors regular
Oct 30, 2014
Simple solution... buy Spotify, rebadge it as Apple Music. Spotify works great... I switched back from Apple Music.

Apple probably could have bought Spotify for a fraction of what they paid for Beats, and if they had, they would've had the added bonus of not being associated with trashy thug Dre and crappy Beats headphones.


macrumors 68000
Jun 23, 2003
So. Cal.
They can improve it by buying a real streaming service. They are just terrible about their own services. They always have been. Doesn't help that Apple software has been taking a slide either for the last few years. It's really bad these days. Hardware is great, but software is what you actually use on a daily basis and Apple software has become extremely mediocre to poor.


Sep 21, 2008
Still waiting for when I tell Siri to play SOMETHING - it will actually play!

I did this last night with "Hey Siri!". I threw about 20 songs at her and she played every single one without a hitch. I was very surprised. I even threw in some specialized requests - different versions of the same song. Again, she played them without issue. It was pretty cool.

I have Spotify and while I like it, I am over the black/green theme. It's boring and I hate how many taps it takes me to get somewhere. I don't really use any of the social features because I mainly play it on my phone/ipad. Don't care whose listening to what and I don't care who knows what I listen too.

Apple music isn't without it's faults though. While I like the integration and the style of the interface, some things just don't make sense and aren't fluid. Very confusing. Less words and more icons when it comes to liking, adding to playlist, favorite and the like.
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macrumors 65816
Feb 25, 2003
Tempe, AZ
music's interface is terribad. i cant believe its an Apple product to be honest. the social features may be nice but if i cant figure out basic interface options to interact with the music i already own.... well, all i'll say is, im using an android phone now, and i downgraded my old iphone 4 back to iOS6 for listening to music. thankfully i had saved my hashes from when i used to jailbreak so I still had the choice to do so (heh, remember that, Apple? choice?) If i wanna check out new stuff, i open spotify and im listening to music within seconds.

you can add the best djs in the world and the coolest social media features but if i cant figure out how to use it for the most basic purposes what good is it?


macrumors newbie
Jun 29, 2009

Just over two months after the launch of Apple Music, the streaming music service has received a mix of praise and criticism from early adopters. Beats 1 and curated playlists are among the most acclaimed features of Apple Music, while a confusing user interface and iTunes library issues have caused frustration among some users.


Addressing those issues, iTunes executive Oliver Schusser told The Guardian on Thursday that the company is actively working to improve Apple Music, ahead of its launch on Android and Sonos-connected hi-fi systems in the fall.Schusser also said Apple still has "a bit of homework to be done" to improve Apple Music Connect, a social platform for artists to connect with fans. Beats co-founder Jimmy Iovine admitted last month that Apple Music Connect is a work in progress.Apple Music launched for iOS, Mac and PC on June 30, with some 11 million users signing up to take advantage of the service's free three-month trial period. That trial will expire for some users soon, meaning they will have to choose between paying $9.99 per month or using iTunes or other methods of listening to music.Schusser assures that Apple is only interested in the long-term picture for Apple Music, rather than constantly measuring how many users are signing up. Starting later this month, it should become clearer just how many users are interested in using the service as paid subscribers.

Article Link: Apple Focused on Improving Apple Music Ahead of Android Launch


macrumors newbie
Jun 29, 2009
The offline music interface is awful. Make it like, where the downloaded music is actually separated on the UI.

And allow offline saving of individual artists

And let it work on NAnos.


macrumors regular
Apr 20, 2011
My biggest bugbear is the searching:
  • Give me one search with an indicator to show whether it's in Apple Music or My Music
  • Show history when I click/tap in search - especially on iOS. It's painful typing something out then losing it when navigating away from the results so you have to type it all out again
Others are:
  • Shared playlists. FFS don't overthink it - make a playlist, make it public or not.
  • Lyrics
  • Swipe from the right for the next track/from the left for the previous.
  • Option of a darker interface would be nice.
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macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2011
Do they have playlists for decades yet, like 60s, 70s, 90s, 00s? I can't find anything like that - just the overuse of the word 'deepcuts'...


macrumors 6502a
Oct 22, 2009
A few things I don't like about the new player:

-Where is the live "recently played" playlist? It's gone from iTunes in Mac too.
-When you are on Album List, the music currently played is displayed in a bar near
the bottom of the player. Shouldn't be at the top, with the list of albums right below it?
-When you are on the lock screen, why can't the album art fills the top half of the screen,
with the controls at the lower half?
-Why can't we browse playlists while at lock screen?
-Whatever happens to Cover Flow?
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macrumors 65816
Feb 18, 2010
Terra Australis
I wont' pay for music unless I get the music in a tangible format in return. I will not pay to access music, at my own internet / data cost then be expected to purchase the music as well. Im not here to support the corrupt industry.
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 15, 2013
So far I'm loving Apple Music. I've also always been a iTunes match subscriber and haven't experienced any of the issues others have merging the two services. I've subscribed to Spotify off and on in the past and I never really cared for it. It felt.. clunky. And I couldn't really just get lost in my music like I like to. With Apple Music i've been able to get lost in the music again. It's brought the hobby part of being a music lover back that I had been missing for so so long. And I don't care what ANYONE says, for me Apple Music streams MUCH faster than Spotify and sounds MUCH MUCH better.


May 13, 2013
I wont' pay for music unless I get the music in a tangible format in return. I will not pay to access music, at my own internet / data cost then be expected to purchase the music as well. Im not here to support the corrupt industry.

Thanks for sharing?

billy the fish

Jul 23, 2015
I haven't subscribed to Music but when I tried to find a song on my iPhone to play for someone and went to look for it, I experienced the new GUI and had a heck of a time finding the song on my phone. I realize it's just something new I need to get used to but it was a little painful at that time.
You're searching for it wrong.. Lol


macrumors 68000
Sep 19, 2003
Minnesota USA
I wont' pay for music unless I get the music in a tangible format in return. I will not pay to access music, at my own internet / data cost then be expected to purchase the music as well. Im not here to support the corrupt industry.

If you don't want to support the music industry, only listen to the radio. Or better yet, don't listen to music at all. Don't justify your crimes with a bogus excuse.
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macrumors member
Jan 3, 2014
If everyone had the great experience/luck I'm having I think people would LOVE it!! But the again, I actually really like the interface. I hope they fix the bugs other people are having ASAP!
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macrumors member
Aug 16, 2010
Apple music in itself is OK. The interface does have too much to cram in. But where it does not yet work for me is with the combination of iTunes, iTunes Match, and Apple Music.

iTunes and the iTunes store were OK. Aside from the metadata mangling, dodgy file control, and general database instability.

iTunes Match introduced some great features and at the same time added to the file management problems. Songs being badly identified, metadata further mangled.

With Apple Music it's pretty good if you're starting over. But if you already have a collection it can end up all over the place: duplicates, misidentified items, omissions, changing offline access. My children find it frustrating. I've turned to synced playlists, DS Audio, and SD cards to listen to the music I like.
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