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I am not sure of the exact date when the PPC 601 came on the scene, I think it was 1990 or 91. When that happened not many applications ran native and were slowed down even more by the emulation mode. FileMaker Pro went to version 3 and slowed down as it has slowed with each successive version since. I/O as you pointed out had a lot to do with that.

The PPC601 first appeared in the Mac desktop line in the PowerMac 6100, released in March 1994:

That's quite some time after 1990. Perhaps you're thinking of some other processor shift, like the 68020 to 68030, or 030 to 040?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: waiting to be blown away.......

Originally posted by prewwii
About 1990 we were doing a shop floor control and circuit test project using National Instrument's LabView (one of the finest pieces of software I have ever used) and ACIUS 4D. Both packages were developed on Mac and came out with a Wintel version about 1990...91. In both cases the Wintel version out performed the Mac version.
As someone who actually used LabView on Windows in the 1990 era, it was dog slow. You must remember that this application ran very well on a Mac Plus, but it was a snail on Intel.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: waiting to be blown away.......

Originally posted by MisterMe
As someone who actually used LabView on Windows in the 1990 era, it was dog slow. You must remember that this application ran very well on a Mac Plus, but it was a snail on Intel.

Shows to go ya how poor my memory is. I worked on that project from 1990 thru 1993 and could not remember exactly when the PPC came out. I lost my parents in 1993 and dropped out for a year or so.

We used some hard to find IIx's for that project because we needed the slots for cards and the new Mac's, Ci's I think, only had 3 slots. I bought a Centris (one of the first in the Twin Cities) in that era and could not remember how long after that the PPC era started. It didn't seem long before we were seeing Apple dealer demo's of the up coming PPC. In those days it didn't take much to be a value added reseller. That's another story.

There were two National Instrument products at that time LabWindows and LabView. LabWindows was a dog. My experience with the PC version of LabView was limited until just before version 4. By then there was a clear advantage on the PC even for ease of use because of the two button mouse.

We used early LabView versions 2 thru 3 for the shop control project. If you remember when version 3 came out it was some what crippled compared to the Mac only version 2 because of the limits of Windows yet version 3 had many new features. We were a beta site for LabView in that era.

But I digress..... the point is that Mac has been behind the performance curve, with a few exceptions, for a long time. If the Spec numbers on the 970 are accurate it will only bring us back to those times in the mid 1990's when a Mac was about as fast as a PC, excluding the Photoshop bake offs. With the best of spins that's not much progress.
Unfortunately, the G3 and G4 put an end to that with Motorola's power disappation changes toward economy and their flirtation with being the first to produce a desktop processor with a vector-processing (SIMD) unit. (As everyone knows, it's much better to have a vector-processing unit that's almost unused rather than real speed.)

Actually the Pentium II and even the K-6 had SiMD extension LONG before the G3 came out, let alone the first G4 chips with altivec. Altivec was superior to both MMX and 3DNow!, even SSE when the Pentium III came out but the Pentium 4 has SSE2 which might take 2 clockcycles instead of 1 like Altivec does but it's double precision unlike Altivec.

It was around mid 1997 when the 9600 powermac with the 350Mhz 604e was out so it's not like the PC didn't take it's time catching up with the mac.

Imagine how it would be if Motorola hadn't been stuck at 500Mhz for so long ?

We would have seen the 1.42Ghz G4s come out at the same time as Intel rolled out the 2Ghz prescot chips. It would have been a double blow for intel if it had been in the same line up as now with the top 2 models sporting dual cpus.

I just hope the PPC970 being in the next range of powermacs is worth forcing everyone into an OS X only world.

Personally speaking, I'm just not ready to dump my mac just to have a more recent model to run an OS that offers incredible speed and stability but offsets it with incredible bloat and RAM requirements just yet.

If it means I can finally buy a mac for £1500 or less than matches an Athlon XP or Pentium 4 Northwood costing £1000, I think I'd gladly stay beige for a while and wait it out. OS 9 isn't too shabby really, at least it runs on my mac.
I want proof! Proof! Proof! Proof! :D

They should come out with something called: iShovel -- to deal with all of the poop and unsubstantiated claims and rumors.

That said, I hope it's correct. Although I've gotten a bit skeptical as of late about the processors outperforming Intel. The 970 sounds GREAT. But I really think we needed it, like, last year?

Okay. I'm feeling sore right now. (Or maybe I'm just hungry... :D)

Go Apple! Shish boom bah! Rah! Rah! Ya! Ya! ha ha

I have no doubt that a 970 system (especially a dualie) will outperform _current_ Intel-based systems. But will it outperform THEN-current systems? I doubt it muchly, based on the released estimated spec marks already published. And when you compare it to an AMD hammer-based system? Not gonna happen.

Nevertheless, a 970-based Apple (especially a sweet, sweet dualie system) will be PLENTY fast for anyone. I'm more than willing to take a reasonable hardware hit to be able to use OS X, thanks, and not be at all regretful.
What will 64-bit bring us?

If the 970 will be 64-bit, then what 32-bit Pentium 4 will match it's speed, or vice-versa? Now there is a comparison.

Will 64-bit closely "double" the speed? "Double" efficiency?

I know the 970 it's supposed to top at 1.8 GHz, but let's take a single 2.0 GHz 970 for example... Could that mean it can keep up with at least a 3.06 GHz p4?? Could it effectively be the equivalent of a 3.6-4.0 GHz 32-bit processor? (Of course I'm not including optimizations of SSE2 or Altivec and the like.) And what about Altivec? If the former were true, can the addition of Altivec optimization really bring the 970 to the top-of-the-hill? Will SSE2 optimization for P4's keep a close second or keep it's crown? What about all these factors?

Bring it on....
Re: What will 64-bit bring us?

Originally posted by imaswitcheryeah
If the 970 will be 64-bit, then what 32-bit Pentium 4 will match it's speed, or vice-versa? Now there is a comparison.

Will 64-bit closely "double" the speed? "Double" efficiency?

I know the 970 it's supposed to top at 1.8 GHz, but let's take a single 2.0 GHz 970 for example... Could that mean it can keep up with at least a 3.06 GHz p4?? Could it effectively be the equivalent of a 3.6-4.0 GHz 32-bit processor? (Of course I'm not including optimizations of SSE2 or Altivec and the like.) And what about Altivec? If the former were true, can the addition of Altivec optimization really bring the 970 to the top-of-the-hill? Will SSE2 optimization for P4's keep a close second or keep it's crown? What about all these factors?

Bring it on....

I am glad there are finally others that realise that you can not compare Peaches and Mangos.

64-bit will not do ANYTHING in day to day life... at least until the OS moves 64-bit. I really do not see that a 64 version of word or Internet Explorer will make any difference unless you are one of those people who tests machines by scrolling hundreds of pages... even then, would 64-bit make a difference???

What is going to matter is the efficiency of the chip at those "32-bit" levels we work at now until the time that consumers find a use for the 64-bit archtecture. I would imagine that one of the first areas that would start to benefit in the consumer market would be games. I could see a potential for processing more factors of a game at the same time. Obviously, a great deal of items in game require each bit of information to be processed in order but so many more factors in games these days can be processed at the same time and I think this is where 64-bit will excel. Probably excel more on graphics cards than CPUs, though.
Re: Re: waiting to be blown away.......

Originally posted by Catfish_Man
You missed it. The 604e 350MHz was the fastest desktop chip in the world for its time. First to 350MHz too. The original beige G3 also beat the Pentium IIs of its time, just as the G4 did with the P3 600-700 (of course, it started out 500MHz G4 vs 600MHz P3, and quickly became dual 500MHz G4 vs. 1000MHz P3).

That would be a 350 mhz G4. The first line of G4s didn't even include a 500mhz. It was 350, 400, and 450.

I have the 350. Still slams my roommate's 1.3ghz wintel box.

I really do not see that a 64 version of word or Internet Explorer will make any difference unless you are one of those people who tests machines by scrolling hundreds of pages... even then, would 64-bit make a difference???
No, 64-bit is not beneficial here.

I would imagine that one of the first areas that would start to benefit in the consumer market would be games. I could see a potential for processing more factors of a game at the same time.
64-bit is almost certainly not beneficial here either, for many reasons.

One: You see, while its true that a 64-bit computer can easily work with 64-bit integers whereas a 32-bit computer can only easily work with 32-bit integers, each integer is still only a single number. You've simply spent twice as many bits storing it. Is that really better? Only if you are trying to store something that won't fit in 32 bits.

Two: Games a typically floating-point intensive, and both 32-bit and 64-bit computers support 64-bit floating-point (aka double-precision) math.

Three: If the idea is to process data in 64-bit chunks instead of 32-bit, as fussily as "process" is used, why not use AltiVec? It "processes" in 128-bit chunks.
Originally posted by ddtlm

No, 64-bit is not beneficial here.

64-bit is almost certainly not beneficial here either, for many reasons.

One: You see, while its true that a 64-bit computer can easily work with 64-bit integers whereas a 32-bit computer can only easily work with 32-bit integers, each integer is still only a single number. You've simply spent twice as many bits storing it. Is that really better? Only if you are trying to store something that won't fit in 32 bits.

Two: Games a typically floating-point intensive, and both 32-bit and 64-bit computers support 64-bit floating-point (aka double-precision) math.

Three: If the idea is to process data in 64-bit chunks instead of 32-bit, as fussily as "process" is used, why not use AltiVec? It "processes" in 128-bit chunks.

Points one and two understood, my appologies.

Point three has the problem that many cool programs are very basically ported to Mac and so they won't have AltiVec. Also, assuming my theory was right, which you proved wrong, AltiVec would be no good because it processes 4x32-bit chunks and I was looking at the advantage of having 64-bit strings of data.

No need to apologise for anything. :)

Point three has the problem that many cool programs are very basically ported to Mac and so they won't have AltiVec.
True, but will they be programmed to use 64-bitness either? I bet not. Outside of working with huge single values, there really isn't much that 64-bitness does for number-crunching. Macs have AltiVec and PCs have SSE/SSE2 ... essentially no one is going to use a 64-bit integer for doing anything besides storing single, huge values... which is generally not useful.
Originally posted by ddtlm

No need to apologise for anything. :)

True, but will they be programmed to use 64-bitness either? I bet not. Outside of working with huge single values, there really isn't much that 64-bitness does for number-crunching. Macs have AltiVec and PCs have SSE/SSE2 ... essentially no one is going to use a 64-bit integer for doing anything besides storing single, huge values... which is generally not useful.

I see it like everything else like this in the computer world, when it comes out only a couple can use it but soon they will have so many uses that people will talk about when 128-bit processors will be out even though, at the time, they could not possible think of a true use for them.

I see it like everything else like this in the computer world, when it comes out only a couple can use it but soon they will have so many uses that people will talk about when 128-bit processors will be out even though, at the time, they could not possible think of a true use for them.
64-bitness has been out for years, and there is no push to move to 128-bit. 32-bit is almost enough for everything, 64-bit is more than enough, and will remain so for quite a while. Perhaps you should think about just how big 64 bits is. It can store a number not twice as big as 32 bits, not four times as big, but 4 billion times as big. 64 bits can store a number equal to more than 4 billion squared (2^64 - 1). I don't know how to say that number, but anyway it's something like 20 digits long. It is far beyond comprehention.
Originally posted by ddtlm

One: You see, while its true that a 64-bit computer can easily work with 64-bit integers whereas a 32-bit computer can only easily work with 32-bit integers, each integer is still only a single number. You've simply spent twice as many bits storing it. Is that really better? Only if you are trying to store something that won't fit in 32 bits.

No, of course, that is likely to be much worse if you just blindly change your 32-bit numbers to 64-bit numbers when you don't need to, because then you're (1) using twice as much memory (and cache) storing your data and (2) using twice as much memory-to-CPU bandwitdh popping those numbers in and out of memory. You would think that programmers wouldn't use 64-bit ints when 32-bit ints would do, especially not for processor-intensive code (or code that intermingles with processor-intensive code, hence bumping everything out of cache). However, experience with 32-bit processors shows that far too many programmers use long (32-bit) ints when a short (16-bit) or even byte (8-bit) would have done quite well.

Two: Games a typically floating-point intensive, and both 32-bit and 64-bit computers support 64-bit floating-point (aka double-precision) math.

Well, generally speaking, many floating point activities could actually be done using 64-bit integers, and so a "good" programmer would intermix floating point operations with long-long int operations to keep both pipelines full at all points. Granted, as above, *most* programmers don't pay enough attention to such details, but having a single-op 64-bit math processor there alongside your screaming FPU doubles your ability to streamling bottleneck code.

Of course, again, if the memory bandwidth isn't up to snuff (as is the case on the G4), no matter how well you pipeline int/FP instructions on the chip you're still constrained by the latency and throughput in pulling those bits from main memory.

Three: If the idea is to process data in 64-bit chunks instead of 32-bit, as fussily as "process" is used, why not use AltiVec? It "processes" in 128-bit chunks.

Exactly. The altivec unit is rarely logjammed on current apps (and certainly not on current games), and is a great way to process 8 shorts or 16 bytes at a time (assuming you want to do the same process to them). Using a 64-bit int register to do this instead of a SIMD instruction set is much less efficient in that you have to handle overflow conditions (ie, you have 8 bytes that you are incrementing ... if one of those bytes held an unsigned 255, incrementing it will push it to 0 and double-increment the byte next to it), which robs you of the efficiency you were trying to get by operating on a multi-byte int in the first place. Unless, of course, you "know" that you can never have overflow conditions, in which case the 64-bit int register can "stand in for" a half-sized Altivec register if your bottleneck is actually in the Altivec unit (same memory arguments apply as before; >90% of the time on a Mac the bottleneck is to memory, NOT in the CPU or its pipelining! The 970 helps with this in a much larger CPU-memory bus, but you also have to remember that you will likely have much more data being shoved through that bus simply due to the fact that most of the time 64-bit ints will be used where they could have been 32-bit).

A 64-bit processor offers highly-expanded memory capacity, and the ability to do integer math in many cases where before only floating point (double-precision at that) would work. The 64-bit processor also allows more efficient use of 64-bit ints where they are required for, as an example, database operations (all current processors can do 64-bit math, but it's not terribly efficient; gcc and CodeWarrior offer the "long long" data type for this purpose, while MS VC++ offers the "_int64" data type for this ... incrementing a 64-bit int is a three-cycle process instead of a single-cycle process as it would be on a 64-bit processor ... right-shifting a 64-bit int on a 32-bit processor is something like 5 cycles instead of a single cycle; left-shifting is incredibly inefficient on Intel chips as it is, and is even moreso when you are dealing with a 64-bit int). 64 bit integers will not help at all on data which is naturally 32-bit or 16-bit or 8-bits per discrete chunk (for instance, strings, which even in Unicode are in 16-bit chunks).
Originally posted by jettredmont
Using a 64-bit int register to do this instead of a SIMD instruction set is much less efficient in that you have to handle overflow conditions (ie, you have 8 bytes that you are incrementing ... if one of those bytes held an unsigned 255, incrementing it will push it to 0 and double-increment the byte next to it), which robs you of the efficiency you were trying to get by operating on a multi-byte int in the first place.

Sorry about the self-reply, but it's easier than editing :)

I forgot one important fact about Altivec: memory must be aligned on 64-bit boundaries in memory for loading/unloading in Altivec (or you take multiple operations to load each chunk into Altivec), which might not be the case with 64-bit ints. That might be a boundary case where using a 64-bit int instead of Altivec to handle 8 (unaligned) bytes of data from memory. Of course, if you have a whole stream of such data, it's only the first (<16) bytes that need to be handled in an unaligned manner; after that you can use Altivec ... it's unlikely that the extra code to special-case those first 16 bytes would be efficient enough to outweigh its cost in cache memory, and so unless you're doing Altivec operations on <16 byte unaligned arrays it's not worth it. Another drawback to Altivec is that if your code uses it there is a bit of extra framing setup involved which again wouldn't be necessary for 64-bit code, and the altivec data can't be pushed directly over to a non-Altivec register for further processing without going through cache and potentially main memory, which again would cause mini-operations to be more efficient on 64-bit code than with Altivec ...
Originally posted by ddtlm

64-bitness has been out for years, and there is no push to move to 128-bit. 32-bit is almost enough for everything, 64-bit is more than enough, and will remain so for quite a while. Perhaps you should think about just how big 64 bits is. It can store a number not twice as big as 32 bits, not four times as big, but 4 billion times as big. 64 bits can store a number equal to more than 4 billion squared (2^64 - 1). I don't know how to say that number, but anyway it's something like 20 digits long. It is far beyond comprehention.

I do know how big 128-bits is but I choose not to be naive.... remember how so many people pay out Gates about his RAM comments years and years ago. There WILL be a use for 128-bit processors and it would not surprise me if it only takes as long as the move from 32-bit to 64-bit did/is take/ing.
Originally posted by richie
IMO, a high pressure water cleaner would be more useful. And they've already got the noise-production (with the Windtunnel G4s) right up there on par with the competition ;)

I wonder if it'll be like some kinda' osmosis water filteration type device. Maybe I could purify my whole home water system through my mac"s cooling device, you know, in case the duct tape over the door threshhold thing doesn't protect against a dirty bomb.

sarcasm, just to be funny, not rude.

some mac enthusiastic company needs to just make a new PPC proc that goes at 10Ghz and has AltiVec, Altivec 2, and plain brute force with 10TB of memory bandwidth....then we'd all be happy right? amd we'd take over the world while we're at i tihink....

I do know how big 128-bits is but I choose not to be naive.... remember how so many people pay out Gates about his RAM comments years and years ago.
You are in no position to be declaring wether or not you are being naive.

There WILL be a use for 128-bit processors and it would not surprise me if it only takes as long as the move from 32-bit to 64-bit did/is take/ing.
You are apparently blinded by big numbers and have no appreciation for the actual work being done in programs. A number of things can be handled by integers as small as 8 bits, a whole lot more can be handled by 16 bits, and virtually everything can be done in 32 bits. 64 bits is the point where some integer operations benefit, and the extra memory addressability is useful. Going to 128 bits removes the addressability benefit since noone is anywhere close to getting 16 billion gigabytes of RAM, and the number of integer ops that benefit are cut down still further.
Originally posted by ddtlm

You are in no position to be declaring wether or not you are being naive.

You are apparently blinded by big numbers and have no appreciation for the actual work being done in programs. A number of things can be handled by integers as small as 8 bits, a whole lot more can be handled by 16 bits, and virtually everything can be done in 32 bits. 64 bits is the point where some integer operations benefit, and the extra memory addressability is useful. Going to 128 bits removes the addressability benefit since noone is anywhere close to getting 16 billion gigabytes of RAM, and the number of integer ops that benefit are cut down still further.

You seem to be a little jumpy there DDTLM. You getting enough sleep. Just take a few deep breaths and repeat after me. It's not the end of the world. It's not the end of the world. It's not the end of the world.

By the way I read madamimadam about the move to 128bit to be a quote of what Gates said.

Originally posted by madamimadam

remember how so many people pay out Gates about his RAM comments years and years ago. There WILL be a use for 128-bit processors and it would not surprise me if it only takes as long as the move from 32-bit to 64-bit did/is take/ing.

Your agreement with madamimadam is irrelevant. Wether either of you can produce a solid argument to back your position is what matters, and so far all I've gotten is hand-wavy "bigger numbers are good" claims.

Why don't you go find an application for 128-bit integers and report back so we can decide if it is justification for a 128-bit processor?
Originally posted by ddtlm

Your agreement with madamimadam is irrelevant. Wether either of you can produce a solid argument to back your position is what matters, and so far all I've gotten is hand-wavy "bigger numbers are good" claims.

Why don't you go find an application for 128-bit integers and report back so we can decide if it is justification for a 128-bit processor?

You still don't get it do you? This is like pounding nails with my fist.

It's a joke man. madamimadam was picking on Gates' inneptitude. Gates said that he thought it would only take the time that it took to move from 32bit to 64bit to move from 64bit to 128bit. Gates is such an idiot sometimes.

Do you understand now? No one at least not me is saying that there is or will ever be in the next 500 years of human history a need for a 128bit processor.

I love ya man but you definitely need to take a step back and take a deep breath and look at the context of what's being said before jumping down somones speedos.
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