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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 14, 2018
I am having a strange bug with step priority. I looked back and found a similar thread on iOS 11, but apparently this is still a problem that occurs. I did file a bug report with Apple. I don't think this is solvable, but posting this just in case anyone has solved this or just FYI for those who might experience it. I have my step priority set in Apple Health to:

Cubii -- This is an under desk elliptical that reports steps to Apple Health. I have it first in priority list as otherwise I will not get this included in the total since my watch will show 0 steps while I am using it and it will take priority if it is first. So -- Cubii is first

Apple Watch
iPhone - It is very rare that I have steps from the iPhone that are actually used in my Apple Health total as I wear the watch almost all the time when I walk.

So - most days if you add up in data sources my total Cubii Steps and my total Apple Watch steps it is very close to the Apple Health total steps. For example, a couple of days ago, I had 6520 steps from the Watch and 855 from Cubii which adds up to 7375. Apple Health gave my total as 6603. This is probably due to a couple of minutes during the day when I used Cubii for part of a minute then got up and the Watch reported steps. The Watch steps didn't get counted as Cubii was priority. So - most days that discrepancy is less than 100 steps.

But some days the discrepancy is huge.

Yesterday, Cubii gave me 2561 steps and the Watch gave me 6515. That is a total of a little over 9000 steps. But, Apple Health says my total is 6944! I looked closely at the data and there were very few minutes where I had steps from both Cubii (1st in priority) and Apple Watch. If we delete the Apple Watch data for those minutes it makes a difference of a couple of hundred steps. So, even including that I should have a total of between 8800 and 8900 steps.

An interesting thing. I was sitting at my desk and it was close to midnight and I saw that Apple Health said I had about 6990 steps. My goal for the day was 7000 so I got up and starting walking around to get to 7000. I walked for about 5 minutes then sat back down. My watch showed an increase in steps for that 5 minutes walking. But, Apple Health had gone backwards and was now showing about 6400 steps! I kept walking another several minutes and eventually it got up to 6944.

Similar thing happened the day before. I looked at Apple Health soon after midnight for the prior day and it said my step total was 7853. (Note the actual total of Cubii and Watch steps was 8057 but that is reasonably close). When I got up in the morning though the 7853 was changed to 6481!

There is also a day about a week ago that is off by over 1000 steps. But, then there are several days in a row that look basically correct.

It is like it sometimes counts the Cubii steps and other times it doesn't or only counts some of them even though it is first in priority.


macrumors regular
Jul 28, 2017
Sorry for you. I think that priority counting of apple health steps works pretty bad. I have the similar problem with iPhone (because I would like to know the upstairs I take) but I discard the iPhone source because I don’t trust the priority system. Sometimes good, some others regular and some times horrible. Because of that I decided just enabling Apple Watch source. Sorry....


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 14, 2018
I have looked at this carefully now and realize that when it combines steps it is ending up not counting some. I find that there are days when Apple Health is just not counting all of my Apple Watch steps and all of my Cubii steps even though they don't overlap at all. That is, if you go minute by minute through the data source the Cubii steps are shown and there are no Apple Watch steps for that period. Then then Apple Watch steps are shown and there is no overlap. Let's say 500 Cubii steps and 7500 Apple watch steps. Apple Health should have I have a total of 8000 steps. But, quite often, Apple Health will instead say I have something like 7700 steps for the day.

I can understand if there is overlap for a time period but these are situations when there is no overlap. I've started doing a spreadsheet each day listing separately my Apple Watch steps and my Cubii steps (I check and adjust for any overlap which is rare) and then come up with my own total.
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