Degaussing? I've got these dials... Does it need degaussing?
It's been so long that I can't remember which buttons used to be on those monitors, but it may have like a wavy rectangle or a magnet with a diagonal line going through the it next to the button.
It think there are also physical dials (?) on these monitors that will let you adjust things a bit (tracking, etc...) too.
Degaussing? I've got these dials...
haha thanks anyway!Wow! That really takes me back!
I don't think I have seen one of these (or those dials) since... 2002? 2003?
Having said that... I can't remember what some of those symbols mean on the front panel!So I couldn't really tell you which one to press, or if these monitors even had a degauss button on them.
What you are seeing could just be that the monitor is somewhere in the process of failing, but back in the day, we used to have to sometimes push the degaussing button (usually just for fun though), when the picture got out of whack. It'd make the screen go all haywire for a second, but really what it was doing (IIRC) is sort of normalizing the monitor/adjusting for changes in the magnetic field around it (which could distort the image on the thing).
Maybe that's what's up here... or maybe not! Wish my memory of these monitors was better!
Let me know if you figure it out though! I am applauding your find/recovery of this ancient form of computing!
If there is no degaus button, you can do it the cheap and dirty way by running an electric pencil sharpener while holding it about 6 inches from the front of the screen and moving it in a circle about the size of the screen.
Thanks, I just moved it literally a couple meters and used a different power connector and it works without the waving!Try using a different video source, the waving might not be a problem with the monitor.
Try a different power outlet or even a different house/office in case it's RFI or EMI.
A video of the waving effect might be advantageous to a diagnosis.
BTW, here is a manual for the Apple Color Monitor 100
And if that's NOT the one, try the AppleColor Composite Monitor: II Items/Documentation/Manuals/Apple II AppleColor Composite Monitor Owner's Guide.pdf