I visit thrift stores a lot, and sometimes I happen upon a piece of old computing. I've come across a mint Commodore 1541 drive (which, in retrospect, I should have picked up), a PowerBook 2400c whose screen died after a few days, an Apple Extended Keyboard, and other fun things.
This, though, seems to be the mother lode. I found it at the Goodwill in Middletown, CT.
System, drives, monitor, printer, joystick, software (full list is in the photo). They want $450 for everything, they say it's all working, and they offer to let you verify that on the spot.
This, though, seems to be the mother lode. I found it at the Goodwill in Middletown, CT.

System, drives, monitor, printer, joystick, software (full list is in the photo). They want $450 for everything, they say it's all working, and they offer to let you verify that on the spot.