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Apr 12, 2001

Apple is holding talks with the Department of Veterans Affairs about offering electronic health records to military veterans, reports The Wall Street Journal.

Apple already provides access to electronic medical records through the Health app on iOS devices for patients of participating hospitals and medical groups.


Under the terms of the discussions, Apple would expand the feature to veterans, creating special software tools that would allow the VA's estimated nine million veterans to transfer their records to the iPhone.

According to The Wall Street Journal, top VA officials and associates from Trump's Mar-a-Lago Club discussed the project in emails that were obtained by the newspaper. The emails suggest the Trump administration "wrestled early on with the project's goals."

Apple first introduced its Health Records feature in the United States in the iOS 11.3 update released in March. More than 100 medical providers and hospitals have signed up to partner with Apple, allowing iPhone users to access their health records on their iOS devices.

Simple access to health records across multiple medical providers allows patients and doctors alike to better track healthcare. Health Records displays information that includes allergies, vital signs, conditions, immunizations, medications, labs, and procedures.

Health records can be accessed in the Health app under the "Health Data" section. After choosing and authenticating with a provider, all relevant medical data is available through the Health app and is updated automatically following doctor visits.

Note: Due to the political nature of the discussion regarding this topic, the discussion thread is located in our Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. All forum members and site visitors are welcome to read and follow the thread, but posting is limited to forum members with at least 100 posts.

Article Link: Apple in Talks to Offer Veterans Access to Electronic Medical Records on iPhone
How about an accessibility mode in iOS for those veterans who suffer from Parkinson's disease, tremors and palsy?
Fortunately my friend bought an iPad with a home button. He really struggles with various gestures needed for iOS.
This is not a political post. Should not be posted here.

The VA has typically VERY technology forward when it comes to electronic medical records. They manage and maintain one of the earliest electronic medical records known at this time. CPRS/ViSTA has been around since the 1970s and is actually quite effective. It has some aspects that are a little quirky, but what medical record doesn't?

I would see the VA being willing and open to integrating with Apple. I would be quit thrilled to see an EMR solution like this available at the VA. Those who say "government hurrr durrr" don't have an understanding of the VA's ability to incorporate new technologies. They're a little slow, but they usually advance at a good pace. For instance, they have an electronic consent program that is miles ahead of the public and private institutions locally in my city. They also have a great 2 factor authentication system that is far and away the most secure implementation that I have used in my time as both a medical student and a resident physician.
First why don’t they give veterans a big discount because most of them probably can’t afford alot of what Apple has to offer.

I’m not a vet but my dad is and the only way they have iPhones are because we have purchased them for them.
This is cool but so few providers are included. Apple should partner with insurance companies. The one I work for is working on a massive project to create an individual health record. We acquired the company below to help accomplish this. Insurance companies are the ones with all the data.
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This is interesting. I’m not sure what interest Apple has in handling health information though. Perhaps taking aggregate non-identifiable health data and analyzing or selling it? The VA system is a massive and highly valuable treasure trove of health data.

Most hospitals/health networks have online patient access to their health records. So I guess this is just an added level of convenience? On the provider convenience end, many states have integration of health records between unaffiliated hospital networks. For example in Massachusetts, if you go to Mass General Hospital they can pull your medical records from Beth Israel or Boston Medical Center or Tufts.

Rhode Island is working on a system that is essentially a central database of all electronic health records of hospitals and providers within the state. That way any doctor can essentially see all of your health records regardless of where you have been in the past (as long as it’s in RI).

As a healthcare provider I very much appreciate easy access to patients past medical history and records. I’m not sure how the information is displayed on the iPhone and how much things can be manipulated. I prefer to get records directly from the patient’s previous providers- whether it be via electronic integration or getting the records faxed over. That way I know I’m getting as close to the full story as possible.
I don't know about all of the negative nancys out there with this. Guys this is a good thing, and they have got start somewhere. They also have the same integration with the Mayo Clinic as well. Hopefully soon most hospitals and doctors offices will start supporting this as well.

The idea is this:

-Apple Wallet will hold all of your credit, debit, and other passes.
-Health will hold all of your health information and Medical ID cards.
-ONE state in the US now has a digital driver's license, Louisiana, I know Arizona is getting it next. In most states, if not all, allow you to use your car insurance on your insurance company's app.
-HomeKit to unlock your doors, set your temp, open your garage door
-Something in the car to start the car, etc.
-Many transit agencies offer apps to get on a bus/train.

The idea is that this is the ONLY thing one would need to carry with you. It is a godsend out there for men who don't have purses to lug stuff around in.
With all the data breaches the last thing I want is my medical data in any way available. I don’t want it electronic at all. Of course the whole purpose of electronic medical records is so the state can have easy access to it. It has never helped me. Doctors keep having me fill out the same long list of questions each time I go.
With all the data breaches the last thing I want is my medical data in any way available. I don’t want it electronic at all. Of course the whole purpose of electronic medical records is so the state can have easy access to it. It has never helped me. Doctors keep having me fill out the same long list of questions each time I go.
Tin foil hats are available at your local Safeway/Vons/Albertsons. I think they're on sale. You can even use Apple Pay to buy them. I like Reynolds Wrap myself but store brand works too.
First why don’t they give veterans a big discount because most of them probably can’t afford alot of what Apple has to offer.

I’m not a vet but my dad is and the only way they have iPhones are because we have purchased them for them.

This comment is ridiculous. So is that the common perception about veterans? Is that they are all poor and can't afford it? So they should lack necessary medical needs?
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In all fairness government screws up everything it touches.

That’s in all fairness?
If you idealistic anarchists had any idea how much of what exists today only exists because the big bad inept evil government grabbed the idea with one hand and pulled out its wallet with the other, you’d realize how absurd that ideology is.

But as explained in the post, this isn’t about the gov creating or running something, it’s about Apple asking permission and doing it. Not that politics people ever need to actually read the articles to base wild opinions on...
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That’s in all fairness?
If you idealistic anarchists had any idea how much of what exists today only exists only because the big bad inept evil government grabbed it with one hand and pulled out its wallet with the other, you’d realize how absurd that ideology is.

But as explained in the post, this isn’t about the gov creating or running something, it’s about Apple asking permission and doing it. Not that politics people ever need to actually read the articles to base wild opinions on...
People keep forgetting that there were a few things that the government did that really kind of helped out humanity as a whole, things like....THE INTERNET, and GPS.
First why don’t they give veterans a big discount because most of them probably can’t afford alot of what Apple has to offer.

I’m not a vet but my dad is and the only way they have iPhones are because we have purchased them for them.
This guy gets it. Can no-one see it will lead to a two-tier health system?

The "haves"with their iPhones and the "have nots" without because let's face it iPhone aren't getting cheaper.
and a ton of computer hardware, and most of the metals and fireproofing and electrical/chemical insulating materials we use in everything from cars that don’t kill you like they did before, to aircraft o my gods what came out of air and spacecraft, from fasteners to metals to composites to the design software to the engineering principles, to the organizational structures to nearly a century’s worth of physics, chemistry, metallurgy, mathematics, that weve since relied on to make anything and everything, to one generations practically interest free home, business, and education loans for anything and everyone and their brother to build the post-war US, in the era before handing the reins over to private industry. The IRS may be irritating, the pentagon may be a villainous hive of treachery, and five presidents in a row failed to understand the importance of the space program, but “the government”s most successful role since forever is in taking the big risks up front that private industry won’t, from sending ships out to find new trade routes to pure research, before opening them up to exploitation by private capitalists later. It’s the only reason we have most of the fruits of those labors.
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First why don’t they give veterans a big discount because most of them probably can’t afford alot of what Apple has to offer.

I’m not a vet but my dad is and the only way they have iPhones are because we have purchased them for them.

Actually a good idea. Why don't you forward this idea to Apple? Maybe Apple could start with iPhone discounts for veterans on their online store…. in the same exact way that Apple already provides Education discounts to students and teachers.
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Liability as to how an individuals medical data is modified under this type of system is a big problem. Can an individual modify their own dosing levels? How are data changes tracked? Who is responsible if a patient is hurt if a medical record was modified by non-medical personnel?

Technically, creating a unified medical data center and making it "portable" and available to other platforms is not the problem. The old chain of custody of medical data is the problem.
Actually a good idea. Why don't you forward this idea to Apple? Maybe Apple could start with iPhone discounts for veterans on their online store…. in the same exact way that Apple already provides Education discounts to students and teachers.
Apple offers discount to all military members and all veterans and their families. It is under federal employee discount. It is basically same discount as educational discount for students and teachers. So not much.
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