I'd personally go with the Apple Care plan if the iPod's <3 years old, over 3 years then I guess its good battery replacement got cheaper. I wonder if this can also be serviced for the same price at a Apple Store or if they would just charge you and ship it themselves to apple or what... Other than that, I know this is neither the time or place but I figure it should be a quick and simple question and answer, but can you add signatures to your posts or do a lot of you just copy and paste signatures following your posts? I'll try to figure it out, but on to topic - I'd personally like to see the ipod battery replacement be even cheaper or more acceptable depending on iPod. For example, $59 for the full-size iPod/iPod-Photo line, $39 for the Mini (having a smaller li-ion, why not?) and $19 for the shuffle. Why should a bargain brand player like the 512 shuffle at $99 battery replacement cost over half the price of the unit while the $400 60 gig iPod cost the same amount even though its only about 15-20% the price of that unit. Maybe I'm wrong on this, please inform me if so - just curious...