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macrumors 68040
Jun 6, 2005
Apple is terribly exposed to manufacturing disruptions in China. Covid is the tip of the iceberg. Wait for the coming crisis and possibly war over Taiwan. One of Tim's biggest mistakes was allowing the China exposure to worsen. He does not have much of a contingency plan. In the meantime, President Xi can virtually shut Apple down tomorrow if he wishes.
This is true of most US and European manufacturing. The short term pros outweighed the long term cons of having all your manufacturing in a totalitarian country but now the cons are coming. Everywhere has its problems but it's past time to divest from China and their problems. Easier said than done....

And China trying CV19 lockdowns after so much data shows the futility and damage they did to the countries who engaged in them. Devastating impacts on education and economy with unproven benefit on saving lives....I dont understand what data they are relying on that motivates a failed intervention.


macrumors 6502
Dec 3, 2012
Wake Forest, NC
This is true of most US and European manufacturing. The short term pros outweighed the long term cons of having all your manufacturing in a totalitarian country but now the cons are coming. Everywhere has its problems but it's past time to divest from China and their problems. Easier said than done....

And China trying CV19 lockdowns after so much data shows the futility and damage they did to the countries who engaged in them. Devastating impacts on education and economy with unproven benefit on saving lives....I dont understand what data they are relying on that motivates a failed intervention.
Thanks for your reply. But actually, in the latest reporting year, less than 20% of US manufactured imports came from China. For Apple, that number is much, much higher. And hence it's lion sized problem.


macrumors 6502
Mar 23, 2014
One not all that minor point about China, for those being critical. And I know ppl will doubt the statistics (tho funny, china hawks were terrified of Chinese gov GDP data as recently as 5 years ago), but the Chinese death rates from covid are a tiny fraction of the US, and significantly better than European figures, too. Now, I think every country gets to decide this for themselves. But the Chinese seem to value life more than phones. Maybe it's something to think about?


macrumors 65816
Sep 16, 2022
Sept I ordered my 14 pro max 256 Purple. Said it be early Nov. Came 2 weeks early. Was lucky. japan where prices most in the world for apple these days. Its typical to do the most costly orders first.
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macrumors 68020
May 8, 2008
This wouldn’t have been a problem if Apple had not solely relied on China. Apple had 3 years to move its assembly plant to India or other counties such as Vietnam But they didn’t take advantage of it back then. Now the demand is high and the supply is low. By the time Apple catches up with the supply. Rest assured, People will be waiting for the iPhone SE 2023 or iPhone 15 model.

So happy I Pre-ordered my iPhone 14 Pro Max. Loving it!!!
You do realize building the infrastructure and supply chain as well build factories, hire and train a force from scratch to complete with decades of tech building ecosystems in China will not happen as 3 years or 5 for that matter. The cost to sever China completely would extremely to consumers. You think inflation is high now. Remember, Foxcon and others manufacture for Samsung and others
And that helps lower cost over.
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Jun 25, 2009
This year however is a little different. The news reported that workers at Foxccon were walking out because of being locked down in their dorms because of a COVID outbreak. Not good. Not good. Get ready for a market tear on AAPL tomorrow.

Buy the dips! 💪🏻


macrumors 6502
Nov 8, 2008
At least the plus will be in stock 😂

But, yes I’m tired of EVERY year the same story. Supply constraints, demand, blah, blah, blah. I’m just glad I’m skipping this year. Let’s see what kind of supply constraints there is next fall.
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Jun 25, 2009
One not all that minor point about China, for those being critical. And I know ppl will doubt the statistics (tho funny, china hawks were terrified of Chinese gov GDP data as recently as 5 years ago), but the Chinese death rates from covid are a tiny fraction of the US, and significantly better than European figures, too. Now, I think every country gets to decide this for themselves. But the Chinese seem to value life more than phones. Maybe it's something to think about?

They can’t even leave their apartments for groceries. People were being brought meager servings of bread and tea, basically starving and not permitted to go outdoors…they’re still enforcing a “zero COVID” strategy all these years later…

Just wait until they reopen their society…the cases of every other viral diseases are going to SKYROCKET due to these draconian measures. The harm this is going to do for generations…cannot be overstated! The poor children not developing…learning social skills, all of the immune systems not building up resistance to anything…yikes!


macrumors 65816
Jul 15, 2010
How? The statement said strong demand, which means a lot of people still want to buy iPhones despite the delays.

I mean remember how the MacBook Pros took months to ship, yet it didn’t faze the Apple buyers.
Tim Cook and all the other smart people at Apple should have seen this coming with the rise of Xi.


macrumors G5
Jun 18, 2017
Disagree… supplies of the Pro models are abnormally constrained this year. I checked Apple Store stock out of curiosity a few hours ago, and there wasn’t a Pro Max model available within 4 hours of me in any direction.
I had thought supply was going to be a big problem for me since I didn't order the 14 Pro Max until October 12, but I got it last week. IOW, I got it about three weeks after ordering which not bad at all considering I ordered almost 4 weeks after everyone else here.

It seems the main contraints are going forward because of the Covid issues at the Foxconn factory, but before that, it was not as bad as some were thinking.
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macrumors 601
Mar 22, 2011
Tim Cook great at manipulating situations like this
If you need a pro or pro max for the holidays order now. Just announced Jan 8 return date
Have faith Apple will get the situation under control


macrumors 68020
Sep 8, 2016
And China trying CV19 lockdowns after so much data shows the futility and damage they did to the countries who engaged in them. Devastating impacts on education and economy with unproven benefit on saving lives....I dont understand what data they are relying on that motivates a failed intervention.Worldwide COVID deaths are at ~3.3 Million.
The Zero COVID policy is definitely keeping people alive in China.

Worldwide COVID deaths are at ~3.3 Million but China COVID deaths are at ~5.2 Thousand.

China has the largest population living in a single country by far at ~1.4 Billion, they are all unvaccinated and nearly all unexposed. Compare that with a USA population of ~335 Million, all who are vaccinated and/or have been exposed, yet well over 1 million COVID deaths have occurred here.

I don’t believe China has the resources to let COVID run wild there. The death toll would overwhelm them in weeks and create unbearable issues for the current leadership.

China is also unwilling to purchase vaccines from outside their borders, and the ones they have don’t work, at least so far...

Yet Zero COVID absolutely has many negative impacts and costs. However it’s clear China’s leadership is not changing its mind on Zero COVID anytime soon.


macrumors G5
Jun 18, 2017
The Zero COVID policy is definitely keeping people alive in China.

Worldwide COVID deaths are at ~3.3 Million but China COVID deaths are at ~5.2 Thousand.

China has the largest population living in a single country by far at ~1.4 Billion, they are all unvaccinated and nearly all unexposed. Compare that with a USA population of ~335 Million, all who are vaccinated and/or have been exposed, yet well over 1 million COVID deaths have occurred here.

I don’t believe China has the resources to let COVID run wild there. The death toll would overwhelm them in weeks and create unbearable issues for the current leadership.

China is also unwilling to purchase vaccines from outside their borders, and the ones they have don’t work, at least so far...

Yet Zero COVID absolutely has many negative impacts and costs. However it’s clear China’s leadership is not changing its mind on Zero COVID anytime soon.
I don't want to veer too far off into politics, etc. but most believe Covid infection rates and deaths are vastly underreported in China. However, on the flip side, China has significantly higher vaccination rates than in the US. US vaccination rates aren't as good as some might believe. For example, I live in Canada and according to Johns Hopkins' data, 89% of the population in Canada has had at least one dose, whereas it's 81% in the US. In contrast, it's higher in China than both our countries, at 93%. Some may rightly argue that the Chinese vaccines are less effective, but a 93% vaccination rate with a less effective vaccine is still a significant benefit.

Anyhow, it's good to see Apple is truly starting to diversify its supply chain. It would also help if the local governments in the various countries would get their collective **** together to support this type of economic development, with proper infrastructure support, etc.


macrumors 603
Jun 7, 2011
Folks, if you do need it, preorder next time just like I did. I received mine on 20/Sep.
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macrumors 68000
Sep 8, 2012
Charlottesville, VA
Seem to be a lot of young people on the forums. It's good to realize that nothing is simple. You can't change gigantic manufacturing processes in a day. Many things are involved with any large changes.

Tomorrow might be a really good day to buy some AAPL if the street freaks out.
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macrumors 6502a
Aug 24, 2016
SoCal ☀️
Survey of 1 here: my g/f’s pre-order 14 pro has had zero issues, thankfully. I did dfu it on day 1 though, just to be sure…


macrumors 68000
Oct 16, 2008
China's population is over four times that of the U.S. Over one million people died of COVID in the U.S. while 5,226 people died of COVID in China. If China eliminated their zero-COVID policy and adopted a strategy similar to the U.S., that would mean over four million dead Chinese people. Saving the lives of over four million people in China is more important than preventing delays of people getting new iPhones.


macrumors 604
Oct 23, 2010
This wouldn’t have been a problem if Apple had not solely relied on China. Apple had 3 years to move its assembly plant to India or other counties such as Vietnam But they didn’t take advantage of it back then. Now the demand is high and the supply is low. By the time Apple catches up with the supply. Rest assured, People will be waiting for the iPhone SE 2023 or iPhone 15 model.

So happy I Pre-ordered my iPhone 14 Pro Max. Loving it!!!
Apple should’ve kept some production in the USA. Tim Cook was being too greedy.
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macrumors 601
Dec 8, 2008
Apple should start charging a markup on their phones, at the very least to see how much people are willing to pay.
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