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Mar 7, 2007
Midwest America.
Good feature, but patentable? Gee-wizz...

In this country, you could probably patent a fart...
[doublepost=1462120002][/doublepost]This seems a very Rube Goldberg solution to an interesting problem. Perhaps adding some basic gramer parsing to the auto-correct system would help.

And how about just adding a highlight color to the 'fixed' (diddled?) text? Make it yellow, for example, or blue.

And who ever said that they don't ever make mistakes typing, um, sport, just wait. As you get older it will happen. For all its flaws, auto-correct is a necessity for older carbon based biped hominoids. Sew far... ;)

But, Apple shouldn't 'fix' the problems. Making fun of auto-correct 'excursions from reality' is almost as funny as 'Stupid Human Tricks', and reading how the newest Darwin Award recipients achieved their awards.
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macrumors P6
This seems a very Rube Goldberg solution to an interesting problem. Perhaps adding some basic grammar parsing to the auto-correct system would help.


And how about just adding a highlight color to the 'fixed' (diddled?) text? Make it yellow, for example, or blue.

Brilliant idea! Quick, patent it !!! ;)

Even better... let the recipient touch the diddled words to see what the user originally typed, and maybe even a list of other possible matches.


macrumors 6502
Jan 27, 2010
Dallas, TX

The United States Patent and Trademark Office recently published a new patent application originally filed by Apple last July, detailing a system in which the receiver of an iMessage could be notified when pieces of the message are scrambled incoherently by the company's autocorrect system (via AppleInsider).

Like most patents, it's still advised to be wary of how long it'll take Apple to implement the autocorrect notification system into iOS, if it ever will. Still, it's easy to see how useful and streamlined such a feature could be, without completely taking out much of the humorous -- and sometimes awkward -- mishaps for which autocorrect has become famous.

Article Link: Apple Looks to Streamline Clarification of Awkward Autocorrect Messages in New Patent Application

(Oh,weird. With the Smart Cover/keyboard attached, the iPad offers no keyboard on screen. I guess it's "smart", but I'm not. ;)

From my perspective, any improvements to auto-correct would be more than welcome. To whit, my iPad email signature (which exists in modified form for iPhone and webmail/iCloud interface):

"David Drinkwater. iPad transmission.
Apologies for abruptness and auto-incorrections graciously tendered."
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Gasu E.

macrumors 603
Mar 20, 2004
Not far from Boston, MA.
too/top and sure/sire are ok examples, but no/on is clearly not. n and o aren't near each other. No one typos that. And regardless, I would much rather have to fix too/top or sure/sire myself in those rare cases I fat thumb it than the constant battle with autocorrect over all the other words I type out perfectly that it changes to whole other words.

teh example is correct


macrumors 65816
Sep 6, 2011
Autocorrect really sucks when you are bilingual, sometimes I deliberately type words in a different language but it autocorrects, it shouldn't do that when you have more than 1 keyboard language on your phone, or even on OS X.
You are absolutely correct! Autocorrect only works if the keyboard language matches the language you are typing in and totally gets confused if you "inject" a foreign word into the conversation. Like you said, it should be smart enough to know which additional languages you have in your keyboard setup. However, I think it would be rather difficult to Autocorrect multilingual text. We humans can recognize many different words from many different languages as soon as we see them, but the smart phones aren't that smart yet.


macrumors G5
Aug 10, 2007
I'm a rolling stone.
You are absolutely correct! Autocorrect only works if the keyboard language matches the language you are typing in and totally gets confused if you "inject" a foreign word into the conversation. Like you said, it should be smart enough to know which additional languages you have in your keyboard setup. However, I think it would be rather difficult to Autocorrect multilingual text. We humans can recognize many different words from many different languages as soon as we see them, but the smart phones aren't that smart yet.

Not sure but I think Android does a much better job handling bi/multilingual autocorrect.
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