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macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2021
Actually companies that donate and share this information, imo, encourage others to donate as well. So imo, that's a side benefit of having big companies donating, and especially when these companies provide a corporate matching donation.

Your entitled to your views (obviously), but as I said above, Tim Cook will not change how he operates, because random internet posters post snarky verbiage about him.
Companies giving are usually tax right offs for charitable giving and it does give them good pr at the same time, so it is win win really. In this case I would think a trillion dollar company would do more then just match employee donations. I do agree complaining or bashing Cook online does and changes nothing, but I also don't think we should stand naively thinking Apple as a whole is this great compassionate company, they are in it to make money and that is their priority. They pat themselves on the back every event and obnoxiously play self righteous. Maybe the employee contributions make of a fair bit, I won't speak out against any giving and support, just would like to see these companies that are completely debt free, with more cash then countries do more, especially if they are constantly telling us how great they are and changing the world for the better with their products.

Nicky G

macrumors 65816
Mar 24, 2002
You clearly don’t understand how business and politics work.
I think the commenter u serstabda these things, they just didn’t agree that it was right. I tend to agree. Ford, IBM, even Walt Disney himself were actively supporting of Hitler and Nazi Germany… right up until the moment it was untenable. Yes, this may be how some corporations work — but it’s not good, nor excusable.

A MacBook lover

May 22, 2009
Russian stocks have been severely hammered, and now retail investors are blocking from trading them (ie. you). However institutional investors like JP Morgan and Godlman Sacks (Apple credit card partner) are not and actively gobbling up as much Russian energy, railway, steel and banking stocks as they can on the cheap.

If you're watching the media on either partisan side, this "war" is clearly 9/10th propganda, but if you are paying even the slightest attention to the financial side, Apple's actions are clearly aligned with market manipulation thru geopolitical pageantry.

Apple isn't the good guy here. Don't give money to any of these groups, the scams are rampant and no good will be done in the world with it.
This 100000x

But too many people are indoctrinated by mainstream media to see what’s really going on. They just love hopping on the bandwagon. Do they even know why Russia is upset?


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Companies giving are usually tax right offs for charitable giving and it does give them good pr at the same time, so it is win win really. In this case I would think a trillion dollar company would do more then just match employee donations. I do agree complaining or bashing Cook online does and changes nothing, but I also don't think we should stand naively thinking Apple as a whole is this great compassionate company, they are in it to make money and that is their priority. They pat themselves on the back every event and obnoxiously play self righteous. Maybe the employee contributions make of a fair bit, I won't speak out against any giving and support, just would like to see these companies that are completely debt free, with more cash then countries do more, especially if they are constantly telling us how great they are and changing the world for the better with their products.
I too get a tax write off for charitable giving. And it’s true for profit companies are knit to provide a service and make money from that service. It’s also great if the “company or corporation” has a social conscious. And they broadcast their agenda and get a following. As you noted win-win.

As to the question of whether apple is socially compassionate? It appear so. And publicizing their actions let others, such as yourself, know the actions that are taken. Another poster was recently criticizing apple for not doing enough for one effort. Apple will never win 100% in the court of public opinion. But then they don’t need to.

While not everyone likes apple and they haven’t in the past batted 100%, they must be doing something right.
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Oct 10, 2011
Companies giving are usually tax right offs for charitable giving and it does give them good pr at the same time, so it is win win really. In this case I would think a trillion dollar company would do more then just match employee donations. I do agree complaining or bashing Cook online does and changes nothing, but I also don't think we should stand naively thinking Apple as a whole is this great compassionate company, they are in it to make money and that is their priority. They pat themselves on the back every event and obnoxiously play self righteous. Maybe the employee contributions make of a fair bit, I won't speak out against any giving and support, just would like to see these companies that are completely debt free, with more cash then countries do more, especially if they are constantly telling us how great they are and changing the world for the better with their products.

"I won't speak out against any giving and support, just would like to see these companies that are completely debt free, with more cash then countries do more..."

More? How much more should Apple donate? What is the correct number?

It sounds like you must have inside knowledge regarding how much Apple donates to this and other causes that help people.

And how much did you donate? Can you do more? How much more?


macrumors 68000
May 3, 2011
Yeah sure, russian nazists here trying to defend putins regime… go watch what russian army is doing right now in ukraine - bombing civilian buildings, shooting at nuclear plant, using cluster bombs.. **** russian invaders?


Feb 24, 2016
Moscow / Berlin
Yeah sure, russian nazists here trying to defend putins regime… go watch what russian army is doing right now in ukraine - bombing civilian buildings, shooting at nuclear plant, using cluster bombs.. **** russian invaders?
Which regime are you defending. The “Building 7” regime of 2001?

Or maybe it is ukranian azov batalions, who killed over 3000 people on Donbas and Lugansk since 2014 and who now place heavy weaponry in the middle of the cities, hiding between women and children like terrorist do?

And by the way… aren't Russia fighting with Ukraine since 2014 already? Because Ukrainian president Zelenskiy was saying that this what was going on all this time…

Or… is Russia in this only for 1 week?

So much confusion, right?

Is there even a point to remember Iraq and many other countries with hundreds of thousands innocent people killed?

I am surprised how people are not getting sick of their own hypocrisy sometimes and even have a nerve to get into discussions they hardly know anything about.

Have you even ever been to Russia, Ukraine, Crimea? Do you know a single person living there? When was the last time you traveled around those countries and talked to people?

Right… why would you. TV and internet is enough to know all whats needed.

Well, you are around 20+ years behind in your knowledge, since there were 3 buildings that fell during 9/11 tragedy and one of them had no good reasons to whatsoever.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 15, 2011
As I've written before in these politics-allowed comments sections: Tim Cook once hosted Netanyahu at Cupertino. This caring about human rights might be believable by some, but definitely not all.

Glad some people know. It was also convenient for Tim Cook to ignore the 14000 people who were murdered by Ukraine forces and extreme right wing groups in the Donbass with weapons and funding from the US over the last 8 years after the US supported coup in 2014. Now Suddenly Tim cares.


macrumors 601
Sep 25, 2012
Slapfish, North Carolina
There are legions ??? on Twitter supporting the BoycottMcDonalds hashtag.

Because McDonalds chooses to remain serving food to ordinary Russians.

As if banning ordinary Russian civilians from eating Chicken McNuggets would being down Putin’s military. ?
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macrumors 601
Sep 25, 2012
Slapfish, North Carolina
If enough people in Russia were against the war and against their dictator, they’d Get rid of him
That’s naive.

The ordinary Russians HAVE been standing up to Putin for years. Did you miss the news? Most dissidents are all dead, exiled, rotting in jail, or were poisoned with radioactive something-something.


macrumors 6502
Mar 5, 2012
This 100000x

But too many people are indoctrinated by mainstream media to see what’s really going on. They just love hopping on the bandwagon. Do they even know why Russia is upset?

Putin has issued a few statements, but whether or not you want to believe him seems irrelevant to the fact that nobody in their right mind should be supporting the Ukraine government.

They are very open with their own long history of really disturbing hardcore bigotry.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 16, 2012
That’s naive.

The ordinary Russians HAVE been standing up to Putin for years. Did you miss the news? Most dissidents are all dead, exiled, rotting in jail, or were poisoned with radioactive something-something.
Sad but true. But the Revolution of 1917 would not have been successful without the army mutinying against the Tzar. I fear that something similar will be necessary this time as well.


macrumors 601
Sep 25, 2012
Slapfish, North Carolina
Sad but true. But the Revolution of 1917 would not have been successful without the army mutinying against the Tzar. I fear that something similar will be necessary this time as well.
Right. At this point, only the oligarchs and the Russian generals can overcome Putin. So why the hell are people here wanting Apple and all corporations to starve and punish ordinary Russians? This is not their war.


macrumors 6502
Mar 5, 2012
Sad but true. But the Revolution of 1917 would not have been successful without the army mutinying against the Tzar. I fear that something similar will be necessary this time as well.
The situation might be reversed, things under the tzars were not going well for the average person. The opposite has been happening in Russia over the last couple decades.

Also of note, Russia has already repatriated much of its gold reserves from foreign banks. Intangible asset boycotts like software and financial processing schemes can be easily laughed off when you’re sitting on a heap of precious metals and resources like gas and oil.

Meanwhile Russia has cut off fertilizer for food exports, while the US is still buying their oil.

The average US citizen is getting played here. The war is against you, and none of the big players involved, foreign or domestic, are out for anyone’s best interests.


macrumors 601
Apr 18, 2011
Good to see, while quite a few businesses have stated they're stopping to work with Russian biz, have not yet much seen in terms of donations
Apple though is one of the "we hate the Russian population who have nothing to do with the war so we will not trade in Russia" on one hand but also doing donations for Ukraine on the other hand.

If Apple think one good gesture will nullify their other bad action, they are surely mistaken. Mind you not that Apple care, they make billions of revenue a quarter and do whatever they want regardless of how discriminatory it is. The only way to make Apple stop is to hurt their bottom line . . . which is not going to happen any time soon.
Csam has nothing to do with privacy. Having illegal content on your phone, now you know you shouldn’t. Bottom line, apple respects privacy but your data is up for grabs with search and seizure by the government.
CSAM has everything to do with privacy as it attempts to skirt around the proper processes of lawfully obtained search warrants and other similar things.

A good article . . . mostly.
I agree with the content of it. It is good that the west is condemning the appalling actions of certain world leaders.
However overall this is a little hypocritical as the Palestinian people (As they call themselves this because Palestine is not a country) try to justify their leaders appalling actions as a good thing. They also are ignoring other appalling actions of world leaders like Trudeau.

Calling others out is great and I am all for it. However if you refuse to fix your own actions, then you do look a little hypocritical overall.


macrumors 601
Apr 18, 2011
Sad but true. But the Revolution of 1917 would not have been successful without the army mutinying against the Tzar. I fear that something similar will be necessary this time as well.
The important thing is not winning this kind of conflict. Be it 1917 or 2022. The actual issue is who is put in power once the conflict has ended?

Putin is the last remaining big leader in Russia who follow the old Soviet ways. Ways that started through the Red Russian movement and were solidified in the country when they came to power post the 1917 conflict.

Fighting for freedom does not mean replacing one authoritarian regime with another authoritarian regime. That is the cycle we need to break. It is tough because most people only care about toppling those they hate from power, not in replacing them with someone who actually believes in freedom and a better tomorrow.


macrumors 68040
Jul 10, 2012
As I've written before in these politics-allowed comments sections: Tim Cook once hosted Netanyahu at Cupertino. This caring about human rights might be believable by some, but definitely not all.

Also hosted Prince Bone Saw (before MBS slaughtered Jamal Khashoggi.)

But we don’t know the background. It may have been business. It may have just been a simple courtesy. It may have fulfilled a request from the State Dept. It may have been a bit of all of this (as Apple has significant operations in Israel and so may have been using a visit to lobby Netanyahu.)
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macrumors 68020
Jan 19, 2008
If enough people in Russia were against the war and against their dictator, they’d Get rid of him
There’s no more free press in russia so they’re exposed non-stop to one-sided propaganda.

If your only news source is the Russian equivalent of Fox News, you start believing anything.

That’s why independently verified news is so critical.


macrumors 68020
Jan 19, 2008
Very interesting how Tim Cook only stopped sales in Russia after the currency crash there. This is the guy who claims to care about freedom of speech, gay rights, etc but he does everything to comply with Russian laws instead of standing up for his so called beliefs.
Why do you want Apple to become the world’s police? They are a commercial company bound by the legislation of the countries they operate in. If they pull out of a country, they have zero leverage and their position is taken by another company.

According to you Apple should pull out of all markets in countries infringing on freedom of speech and gay rights, racial injustice, … that’s unfortunately the entire world.
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macrumors 6502
Mar 5, 2012
CSAM has everything to do with privacy as it attempts to skirt around the proper processes of lawfully obtained search warrants and other similar things.
Apple is totally disingenuous on CSAM, instead of scanning iCloud Photos on private devices, they could more ethically and effectively implement CSAM of iCloud Photos stored on their own servers. They can legitimately claim they want to police their own servers for illegal content, and it would have the same effect, instead of doing the creepy, sneaky user device monitoring scheme.

A less ideal solution: Apple could also, using CSAM data, block child pornography from displaying on any operating systems across their platform. This is similar to what Adobe does for counterfeiting controls where scans of cash bills won't display correctly. This is also built into scanner and printer hardware by various manufacturers. While this scheme could also be exploited by suspect governments and entities, it doesn't turn Apple into the same kind of intrusive creepy content police of users' personal devices, nor have the same dire ramifications with the absolute certain abuse of CSAM.

I assume Apple is smart enough to know there were several better ways to tackle this problem if they must, but they deliberately chose the absolute worst option.

I wonder why?
Lack of vision? Sad and depressing.
Stupidity thru ego? Kinda where I'm leaning.
Compromised? Paging Alex Jones to the conspiracy desk.
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macrumors 68000
Oct 7, 2018
Stalingrad, Russia
Also of note, Russia has already repatriated much of its gold reserves from foreign banks. Intangible asset boycotts like software and financial processing schemes can be easily laughed off when you’re sitting on a heap of precious metals and resources like gas and oil.

Meanwhile Russia has cut off fertilizer for food exports, while the US is still buying their oil.

The average US citizen is getting played here. The war is against you, and none of the big players involved, foreign or domestic, are out for anyone’s best interests.
I don't think anybody is wagin a war against US citizens. There is an objective reason.
US can no longer support Bretton Woods system. "Make America Great Again" means just that, supporting America and dropping support for the Bretton Woods system.

To his credit Biden has realized this two-three months into his presidency. I strongly suspect that Biden and Vladimir Putin do have a bit of a "good cop, bad cop" dynamics going on in order to achieve each other objectives and facilitate the changing economic model.
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