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macrumors 65816
Dec 28, 2018
Queens, New York, USA
I tried to add the location of a highway speed camera set up on Interstate 80 near the Iowa/Illinois border. (Maps didn’t announce it when I navigated through there a few months ago.) I provided a screen grab of the actual camera from Google Street View, and detailed in the comments that I wanted the speed camera announced while navigating.

Apple Maps apparently denied my addition yesterday, claiming that they can only add actual businesses with addresses. 🙄

How else can I do this?



macrumors 65816
Dec 28, 2018
Queens, New York, USA
At a glance, it looks like Maps cleared out areas where trees were bunched together too much, because the 3D objects were basically melding together. Maps now shows more individual trees for a cleaner look? I don't have too many other shots to compare.
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macrumors 65816
Dec 28, 2018
Queens, New York, USA
Was driving around in a non-DCE area yesterday, and I just wanted to show off how weird the camera can be. I wonder if they’re doing background stuff in preparation for the iOS 17 launch.

Some roads you can see buildings and things look good. Noticed that the angle behind the vehicle is a bit skewed, similar to the pre-iOS 13 navigation. But then you turn a corner, and suddenly the map is zoomed out fairly far and all the buildings disappear.





And some random DCE shots from lately.










macrumors 65816
Dec 28, 2018
Queens, New York, USA
Gotta love that wide screen!
Eh…I think it’s too wide, and that’s affecting the overall quality of what I’m seeing navigating on Apple Maps. Of course, that can change if Apple updates their programming.

Moz, you mentioned earlier that you’re seeing buildings all the time in non-DCE areas on the iOS 17 beta. I too was seeing buildings all the time on vanilla iOS 16 while vacationing in Iowa, and I believe that was because the car I rented had a more “normal” widescreen display (not ultra widescreen). I think that plays a big factor.

If you navigate on Apple Maps on your phone itself in a DCE area, you see details like lane markings at all times. But on CarPlay, lane markings only seem to appear when you’re about to make a turn, or while in junction view. The default camera seems to be zoomed out just a bit too far for those details. Also, the colors of the buildings are far more muted, because that is also dynamic based on the zoom level. Everything looks better overall on the phone screen.

I wonder if the CarPlay experience in a car with a more vertically-oriented screen would more closely mirror the phone experience?

Here’s a tidbit you may not have noticed before. Did you know that if you set a route and begin navigation in Maps, and then scroll off route, the areas “away” from the direction you’re headed are more dull in color, almost like the area is fading away?

On my ultra widescreen, the faded areas are visible at times, which I think brings down the overall quality of what I’m seeing on the screen.

Compare the below photos. One where I’m turning left, so the area is more detailed, and two where I’m turning right, therefore the area to the left is a bit faded. (Unimportant.)




Oh! Something I forgot to mention. I’ve noticed that besides the trees in the DCE areas being updated, it seems building colors are being adjusted as well. (Not always for the better, but…)

Check out the red and blue buildings next to the highway below. Before and after.



This is just one example of many. Not sure if this is an automated process by way of the Apple Maps cars or via AI and aerial imagery, or someone making manual adjustments. Leaning towards automated, since some of the changes I’ve seen are less accurate.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Jun 29, 2010
South Cackalacky
Whenever I see across the board changes like this for the past few years (even to point of regression in some areas like POI info that WAS correct going back to old incorrect locations), it has indicated some larger update on the horizon. Like they are pulling in the current data to update and then reissue.

My hope has always been that this would happen on a larger scale, but even if it is an update to specific areas, so be it.
I am one of those people that uses Maps for trips to the grocery store 5 miles away that I could drive with my eyes closed...but when Publix, which was marked correctly as being where the actual building is, and then suddenly a couple of weeks ago is now marked closer to the main road on the other side of the parking lot, it drives me crazy.

EDIT: Here’s what I’m referring to…the end point used to actually be right in front of the actual store…and believe it or not, that can and will change the directions so I might come in another entrance to the shopping plaza on the top right of the pic (out of frame)


EDIT #2: Well...I figured out what is wrong. Apple actually did the correct thing (or Publix did) and created a new listing at the correct circled location. The listing I had in my favorites which i was getting directions to is what changed. That represented an updated location of the old Publix which was once located a mile away (before I even moved here).

So, simply removed that from my favorites, updated the newly listed one to my favorites...old one isn't even showing up as an option now. fault??? Hah!
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macrumors 65816
Dec 28, 2018
Queens, New York, USA
Some additional DCE changes I’ve noticed lately…road markings are now appearing in parking lots! Parking lots used to be just shaded a bit lighter to indicate they were parking lots. But now as you zoom in, their color changes to normal road colors, and the road markings become visible.





macrumors regular
Aug 10, 2019
I opened Maps today and discovered that the Nearby feature now shows up with different POI categories when opening search here in Sweden. It hasn’t shown up here before for some reason. You can also add a stop from different categories during turn-by-turn navigation.


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