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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple today announced that the 1,000-seat auditorium at its new Apple Park campus will be named the "Steve Jobs Theater" in memory of the company's late co-founder, who would have turned 62 years old on February 24.


Steve Jobs Theater, a 20-foot-tall glass cylinder with the world's largest freestanding carbon-fiber roof, is situated atop a hill at one of the highest points of the 175-acre campus, overlooking meadows and the main building.

Apple CEO Tim Cook:
"Steve's vision for Apple stretched far beyond his time with us. He intended Apple Park to be the home of innovation for generations to come," said Tim Cook, Apple's CEO. "The workspaces and parklands are designed to inspire our team as well as benefit the environment. We've achieved the most energy-efficient building of its kind in the world and the campus will run entirely on renewable energy."
Jobs' widow Laurene Powell Jobs:
"Steve was exhilarated, and inspired, by the California landscape, by its light and its expansiveness. It was his favorite setting for thought. Apple Park captures his spirit uncannily well," said Laurene Powell Jobs. "He would have flourished, as the people of Apple surely will, on this luminously designed campus."
Apple design chief Jony Ive:
"Steve invested so much of his energy creating and supporting vital, creative environments. We have approached the design, engineering and making of our new campus with the same enthusiasm and design principles that characterize our products," said Jony Ive, Apple's chief design officer. "Connecting extraordinarily advanced buildings with rolling parkland creates a wonderfully open environment for people to create, collaborate and work together. We have been extremely fortunate to be able to work closely, over many years, with the remarkable architectural practice Foster + Partners."
Apple Park will be ready for employees to begin occupying in April, and the Steve Jobs Theater will open later this year.

Article Link: Apple Names its New Campus Auditorium 'Steve Jobs Theater'
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macrumors 68000
Jun 24, 2010
Yup, a good naming decision. Almost seems obvious, now that it's been confirmed.


macrumors newbie
Sep 9, 2016
Thanks for the campus Steve; the best we can give you is naming rights to the theater. Heaven forbid we name the campus after you.
- Love Tim
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 19, 2007
The best auditorium I've been in? The Salk Institute in La Jolla. What makes it the best? It's impervious to radio signals. Would it be blasphemous for Apple to do the same?

Mac 128

macrumors 603
Apr 16, 2015
Presumably no new iPads or Macs until April? I believe Tim Cook said at the October 2016 keynote that was the last time they would use the old auditorium on Apple Campus 1.

It doesn't mean that they won't host events elsewhere even as they never use the old theater. And even if the new iPads are announced in April, it won't be in this theater as the article indicates the campus opens in April, but the theater not until later in the year.

I'm kind of surprised by that, as I expected them to have the theater ready to go before the campus, but I guess it makes more sense to put resources into the work space. Not sure when the next even will be. It's too small for WWDC, or the iPhone announcement. So that doesn't leave much between April and September for them to introduce. Chances are the theater will be used first for conferences and educational purposes before its first product reveal.


Jul 12, 2016
The March Keynote would have been awesome if it was in time for the opening. Missed it by one month.


macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2014
Isn't it going to be too bright to see anything on the presentation screen?
Btw where is the screen? Maybe it comes up from the floor.


macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
I don't think they could have named it anything else. This is where many big media events will be held. It's the name that will be most in the News, and best of all, in a way it means that Steve will be present at each keynote held there. Now it's up to Apple to make him proud. Don't let him down! It's the 10th anniversary of the iPhone, and I'm looking forward to this special new redesigned version being unveiled in Steve Jobs Theater.


macrumors 6502
Oct 12, 2011
To be honest I was reading this post to look for people complaining about this .... almost no one .... this must be some kind of mac rumors record


macrumors G5
Aug 10, 2007
I'm a rolling stone.
Isn't it going to be too bright to see anything on the presentation screen?
Btw where is the screen? Maybe it comes up from the floor.

I think you don't seem to understand where the theater is, it's not all what you see in the picture above, most of it is underground. (Without light entering from above).
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