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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 23, 2020
Because Apple developer relations is still not responding to my health safety reports, I will begin the process of fully exposing all the problems at Apple one by one, it may take me some time to fully explain and address them in a more presentable way with fully elaboration and 3D visuals - so I hope you will be patient in receiving this initial message of caution against using the Apple Pencil 2, especially if you allow your children to draw with it.

I had given them fair warning that I would become an outspoken detractor if they neglected to acknowledge and address the reports. I have removed all my drawing applications from the public, as I feel it would be a moral crime to encourage something I know has such a severe impact. And as I have no financial ties to this, I will not be compromised by money, nor try to build any sort of following, so I hope you expect nothing of me, but to expose the truth, and provoke Apple to have better material health standards.

I consider the Apple Pencil 2 to be one of the most hazardous things Apple has ever produced, and I literally have cried with tears multiple times thinking about how many people are using it every day. For now, please accept this quickly made visual chart representing the relative difference in damage, and I will do my best to follow up with a more detailed presentation as soon as I can make it.

Please be patient.

I understand that everyone will need to hear facts - with those facts having to be presented in a way that can be understood logically. I assure you, we will get to the explanation that can be logically understood.

Explaining complex things like this, that are not widely known, means we have to be very methodical about communicating about it.

The entire reason things like this happen, and get worse, is because current employees do not know what Apple knew decades ago. Since it is not easy for the new hires to understand, then I hope you can understand, that I must take even more care in communicating it to the public.

In order to understand this problem, we also have to reveal several adjacent complex components and how they work together.

I am working on framing this fire hose of information in a way you need to hear in a clear format, but that will take time, so the initial warning comes first. Please be patient.
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  • Haha
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It would have been nice had you waited to compile this “firehose” of information prior to throwing out this clickbait post. This is the kind of BS Fox News would pull, throwing out a major scandal and then saying they’ll support their insinuations at a later date, but trust us, these details will be monumental!
Yea, no kidding. You haven’t even mentioned WHAT is “dangerous”. Is it the materials? Some woo woo radio waves? Magnets messing with pacemakers? Maybe it’s just too pointy!

it probably is the most easily used as a shiv... but then again, I could choke on those AirPods if I tried 🤣
I found the bar chart quite convincing. The mew pencil is almost 20 times more dangerous than the original pencil. I have since taken away my wife’s pencil 2 for her own good. 😏
I understand, but these are not things that can be adequately said in the format of a forum post.

It will take me time to put it together in a format that is flawless and immune to all logical objection. I feel this is the only way to distinguish it as absolute fact and keep it from being misconstrued.

So I just put a placeholder here until I have finished it.

I assume the people here are intellectuals, and can be patient. If not, the community is welcome to decide to delete the thread and ignore the seriousness of the problems.

It is already hard enough to talk about these things openly without lash back from the industry. I've been an Apple only developer since 2007, and Apple obviously isn't going to be nice to me when I do this, because it's obviously considered bad etiquette to talk about negative things. I am destroying my relationship with Apple to speak about these things.

So if you could understand my position as well and be kind enough to have the patience to wait, then I will come back here when it is ready.
Ah, but what does "20 times more dangerous" mean? After all, according to 1 minute of extensive research with a search engine you are 60 times more likely to be killed by lightning than by a shark.

So if I posted a graphic showing a very short bar labelled "shark" and a long one labelled "lightning" would that convince the OP that they should walk around in a portable Faraday cage (or that their username should be changed to "lesslightning")?
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