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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 17, 2013

I would like to buy an Apple Pencil 2 for my iPad Pro but I am doubtful.

In your opinion, is there a chance for a new Pencil to be launched in the next months, will I run the risk to buy an outdated product or can I go?

Please advise your opinions, thanks.


Dec 27, 2018
Is there a chance? The answer is of course yes. Is it likely, in my opinion no (I have no inside information).

If you by an Apple Pencil, or pretty much any device from any company, two things are almost always true. 1. The device will continue to work when a new model is introduced. 2. At some point a new model will be introduced.

I suppose a third truth is that some day the device will need to be replaced.

Do you need an Apple Pencil? Do you want an Apple Pencil? Only you can decide if the current model is something you need/want. And if the current model provides sufficient value.

I recently purchased an Apple Pencil. It was on my Xmas list as a nice to have. A cool toy, something I wanted but didn’t need. My wife is a teacher. And in Covid times is teaching from home. One of the other teachers in her school learned how to use an iPad and an Apple Pencil to annotate her lesson presentations in real time. Because of the software they are using this made things much easier. My wife is quite happy and the Pencil fills a real need for her.

We are getting real value from the device today and not concerned about any future added value.

Only you can decide if any device will meet a current need and provide greater real value today versus some potential future value. The fact that you are asking the question makes me think that you are more like me, for whom the pencil was a nice to have item, rather than my wife, for whom it satisfied a real need.

Good luck whatever you decide.


macrumors 6502
Jul 5, 2015
Ventura, CA
It is two years old this month, the first gen lasted three years. That could be one gauge to help you decide. Another factor is probably technology emerging that can't be incorporated into a firmware update. The most likely scenario is that sales of the current model dip below a certain threshold... All that being said, I purchased one yesterday for my forthcoming iPad Air 4.


macrumors 603
Feb 22, 2009
If it were me, I would wait to buy anything right now other than the iPhone, ( or any other product that just came out) and wait until the rumored November event is over. Might be some surprises there.
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