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interesting that there are emails from Apple executives highlighting the difficulties of the Apple watch and it's sensor and then these difficulties magically went away with the hiring of two of Masimo's senior employees who have extensive experience and knowledge of medical sensors.
Good for them. Looks like Masimo did a poor job paying them… if those employees were so valuable, Masimo should have retained them. 🤷‍♀️
Good for them. Looks like Masimo did a poor job paying them… if those employees were so valuable, Masimo should have retained them. 🤷‍♀️
Just because Apple comes along with more money does not mean that Masimo was paying them badly. Greed plays a big part, people just want more money for what they do and that could be the case here. Both employee's could have been paid good money at Masimo but both employee's wanted more. Apple comes along and gives them more.
It’s not just companies that „own“ your knowledge. Universities do the same all the time. That’s why I decided against „inventing“ something for my Bachelor and Master Thesis because I knew that if I did something great, it would be owned by my university like no thanks!

Over here it’s pretty normal that you cannot work in the same area for about 2 years once you have reached a certain level. However, you end up leaving with a nice care package for those years so I actually wouldn’t mind haha a 2 years paid break sounds nice

Most universities have aggressive technology transfer offices that help move ideas out of the ivory tower to others who can move the idea forward and even monetize it. This is good for the university, for the researcher, and for the progress of knowledge in general.

You could have always invented something during your bachelors thesis in your basement using your own funds.
What Masimo described is simple business. "Poached" employees? These are people that have their own willpower and decision making, not wild animals being hunted.
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wow, 12 patents in 6 months on such a complex thing. Either he is a genius and can pull magic from his pockets anytime or he had a headstart at Masimo and just used that knowledge and recreated it at Apple with some changes.
Apple is known for stealing stuff so this wouldn't be surprising. I hope justice is served
Does an engineer really come up with everything from scratch, or do they use prior experience and knowledge they’ve accumulated along the way.
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in top restaurants each new chef sings a NDA and can't steal recipes. Just because you know how to cook it doesn't mean you can go to another place and start cooking the same thing with a little alteration.

6 months in and 12 patents in is very suspicious to start with. Or you really think this guy came up with a new patent every 2 weeks?

Does an engineer really come up with everything from scratch, or do they use prior experience and knowledge they’ve accumulated along the way.
especially from smaller companies
It’s less wrong to steal from bigger companies? If Masimo stole IP from Apple, would that be more acceptable somehow?

People have this knee jerk way of trying to use Apple's size as a moral failing…

If Masimo's allegations are true, then anyone who would support Apple winning the lawsuit is highly unethical.

If Masimo's allegations are false then anyone who would support Masimo winning the lawsuit is highly unethical.

I'm not sure why we need to explicitly state these things, but here we are.
It’s less wrong to steal from bigger companies? If Masimo stole IP from Apple, would that be more acceptable somehow?

People have this knee jerk way of trying to use Apple's size as a moral failing…

If Masimo's allegations are false then anyone who would support Masimo winning the lawsuit is highly unethical.

I'm not sure why we need to explicitly state these things, but here we are.
Yes, it is less wrong to steal from bigger companies. It's still wrong, but less wrong. A small company might go out of business and affect people's livelihoods if they are stolen from. It's similar to how stealing from a billionaire is wrong, but it's less wrong than stealing from a poor man. The latter's survival can be jeopardized if he's stolen from.

As for Apple specifically, it's even less wrong to steal from Apple than from some other bigger companies. That's because Apple has both stolen and attempted to steal intellectual property from others in the past. I don't sympathize much with a thief who is later stolen from.
" Masimo claims that Apple was deliberately stealing employees..." Nobody steals your employees, unless they are kidnappers. This language, and also the "XXX is stealing our jobs!" lines, really bug me. Blame the bosses for not paying the employees enough, and blame the bosses for finding ones to do your job cheaper, but don't blame the employees.
" Masimo claims that Apple was deliberately stealing employees..." Nobody steals your employees, unless they are kidnappers. This language, and also the "XXX is stealing our jobs!" lines, really bug me. Blame the bosses for not paying the employees enough, and blame the bosses for finding ones to do your job cheaper, but don't blame the employees.
I do not think Masimo employees will like the wording coming from the company because to use the word 'stealing' implies property is being taken against the companies will therefore implying that the employees are the 'property' of the company. I do not think any employee at any company would like to be thought of as 'property'
interesting that there are emails from Apple executives highlighting the difficulties of the Apple watch and it's sensor and then these difficulties magically went away with the hiring of two of Masimo's senior employees who have extensive experience and knowledge of medical sensors.
Sometimes a company needs to bring a different mindset to a task to get it working. Apple is smart enough to know when to do that.
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