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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001


Apple today posted the session videos from its Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) held last week. The turnaround time on the video release marks a substantial improvement from last year, when it took five weeks for the videos to be posted.

Even more importantly, this year's videos appear to be free to all Registered Apple Developers. Last year's package was free only for conference attendees and ADC Premier members, with developers at lower-level programs being charged $299 for either the iPhone or Mac sessions or $499 for the complete package.

The move to free distribution of session videos is likely necessitated by Apple's restructuring of its Mac developer program earlier this year. In addition, the fact that WWDC sold out in only eight days indicates that there are likely substantial numbers of developers interested in the conference's content but who were unable to attend.

Article Link: Apple Posts WWDC 2010 Session Videos


macrumors newbie
Jun 25, 2007
SF Bay Area
For some reason, I can't get the "View in iTunes" link to work. I'm a paid iPhone developer, but it says "The Apple ID and password you entered does not provide access to ADC on iTunes."

Has anyone else had this problem?


macrumors member
Apr 14, 2010
Ive managed to download a few videos (paid dev) but it doesnt seem to work for my right now. Don't know how I should manage to watch most of this stuff though. Over 100 hours lol. Really great suprise from Apple.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 23, 2009
Greater Seattle, WA
What about the WWDC 2009 videos? They aren't up for sale anymore and they don't appear to be part of the free offerings for registered developers. Can anyone confirm whether or not the 2009 videos were added with the 2010 videos?


macrumors newbie
May 17, 2009
Everyone can watch for free

As long as you sign up to be a safari developer (for free), then you are officially a developer to apple and can access the videos. So it is free to watch all of the videos, all you have to do is sign up with the safari development program.


macrumors member
Jul 21, 2005
why exactly did i pay $1500 to attend if they're going to make the videos available free less than a week after the event?

my thoughts on the added bonus to attending though is the labs...getting 1 on 1 feedback, review, almost worth the price...not quite, but almost.


macrumors 68030
Sep 13, 2001
Portland, OR
The labs, and just having 5000 other developers in the same place to discuss things with, have always been the main reasons to go to WWDC in my opinion.


macrumors 68000
Nov 18, 2009
As long as you sign up to be a safari developer (for free), then you are officially a developer to apple and can access the videos. So it is free to watch all of the videos, all you have to do is sign up with the safari development program.

Thank you, this worked for me


macrumors member
Jul 16, 2008
For some reason, I can't get the "View in iTunes" link to work. I'm a paid iPhone developer, but it says "The Apple ID and password you entered does not provide access to ADC on iTunes."

Has anyone else had this problem?

I did. My iTunes account wasn't the same as my ADC account, so it created a conflict. I was able to get around it initially by signing in to iTunes with my ADC account, which had me set up a new iTunes account there. I can get the videos now, but I'll have to remember to sign out and back in when I want to buy music again. You might be able to work around it by signing your iTunes email address up as a Safari developer; I've not yet had a chance to try that.


Sep 4, 2009
... there are likely substantial numbers of developers interested in the conference's content but who were unable to attend.

You have that right. This fast post and free to registered app developers is a big consolation prize not making it to the conference. There were a lot of "parasite parties" around WWDC in San Francisco this week full of people that didn't make it into the conference. Some where public, some were invitation only and some were in between.


Moderator emeritus
Jun 15, 2000
Glad it's free this year. Good to learn about some new stuff coming out that hasn't yet been made public :)


macrumors 6502
Jun 21, 2008

I had BEGGED my boss last year to let me go, and the day he approved it, the conference sold out so I was screwed. This year, different boss and it just wasn't in the budget, so AGAIN I didn't get to go. At least this time around I can get all the sessions and content... Now I just have to find a week to watch them all!

Way to go Apple!


macrumors 6502
Dec 23, 2009
Madison, WI
Awesome. I know two developers (actually, the iPhone teachers at my college) who went, but were interested in multiple sessions running at the same time. This made their day.

Looks like Apple made it clear to me what size iPad they want me to buy. :)


macrumors G5
May 30, 2002
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I had BEGGED my boss last year to let me go, and the day he approved it, the conference sold out so I was screwed. This year, different boss and it just wasn't in the budget, so AGAIN I didn't get to go. At least this time around I can get all the sessions and content... Now I just have to find a week to watch them all!

Way to go Apple!

Download the standard definition videos and view them on your iPhone!! This is the REASON for iTunes & iTunes U ;) Don't make excuses to limit yourself.

If you drive to work, then hook it up to the speakers in the car and listen to it to give you an idea whats going on.

The labs, and just having 5000 other developers in the same place to discuss things with, have always been the main reasons to go to WWDC in my opinion.

See the competition, learn skills, heck even collaborate on different projects is the bonus!!


macrumors 68000
Feb 27, 2004
I'm only half way through the "Developer tools state of the union", but XCode 4 looks really cool. :)


macrumors newbie
Nov 9, 2009
Key visual

Interesting to see that the key-visual (bunch of TV screens rotating) they use actually comes from the Apple TV starting animation and yet, there was no news on it.....:(


macrumors 6502a
Feb 16, 2010
What about the WWDC 2009 videos? They aren't up for sale anymore and they don't appear to be part of the free offerings for registered developers. Can anyone confirm whether or not the 2009 videos were added with the 2010 videos?

Who cares? WWDC 2009 videos are sooo last-year! :D
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