When you buy from the Apple Refurb store, are all devices going to have 100% battery health or are some devices fairly well used in terms of battery?
My refurbished 2020 MacBook Air that I purchased earlier this year (direct from Apple's site) came with about 11 charge cycles out of the box. A little surprised, but it is refurbishedWhen you buy from the Apple Refurb store, are all devices going to have 100% battery health or are some devices fairly well used in terms of battery?
That’s a great price for a really capable Mac. The cpu is plenty powerful, so loading up the M1 Air is the best value you can get if you need 16GB and 1TB.I can get a refurb’ed m1 air, 16 gb, 1 tb, for $1259 on Apple’s Military store; a $360 savings over a new comparable M2 MBA. I mostly just make dopey 5-10 minute 4k videos using IMovie. Thinking this would be all I need and the price is very compelling.
For the cost of a new MBA M2, I’m in the neighborhood, price wise to a comparably spec’ed refurb’ed 14” MBP.
That’s a great price for a really capable Mac. The cpu is plenty powerful, so loading up the M1 Air is the best value you can get if you need 16GB and 1TB.
I paid $1500 with an education discount early 2021, and thought that was a great value for the same MBA. It’s hard to get a discount on BTO configs.