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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple today released Aperture 3.0.3, addressing a number of issues with the company's professional-level photo management and manipulation software.This update improves overall stability and fixes issues in a number of areas. The key areas addressed include:

- Applying adjustments such as Retouch or Chromatic Aberration
- Creating and using Raw Fine Tuning presets
- Viewing, adding and removing detected faces
- Switching target printers and paper sizes when printing
- Duplicating Smart Albums
- Repairing and rebuilding Aperture libraries
- Reconnecting referenced files
- Working with GPS track files in Places
- Searching for keywords in the Query HUD or Keyword ControlsFull details on the nearly four dozen documented fixes included in the update are listed in the release notes.

Aperture 3.0.3 weighs in at 69.4 MB and requires Mac OS X 10.5.8 or 10.6.2 or later.

Article Link: Apple Releases Aperture 3.0.3


macrumors 68000
Jun 17, 2009
Lincolnshire, England
Just downloaded,
Aperture still has a 'half second / 1 second' delay when clicking on the Metadata and/or Adjustments tab, which, I think shouldn't happen.
Changing the black point, brightness and curves had a slightly faster feel, but not much if actually any. Aperture still seems to 'process' after doing anything. I think it personally should wait until I've finished playing with the picture...... I see that 'Processing' text too much.
Startup / Quit is still the same for me, not too bad but not impressive.
I'd LOVE to see some big speed improvements in their next update!

Only messed around for 5 mins though. :)


macrumors 68000
Dec 24, 2001
Carson City, NV
Just downloaded,
Aperture still has a 'half second / 1 second' delay when clicking on the Metadata and/or Adjustments tab, which, I think shouldn't happen.
Changing the black point, brightness and curves had a slightly faster feel, but not much if actually any. Aperture still seems to 'process' after doing anything. I think it personally should wait until I've finished playing with the picture...... I see that 'Processing' text too much.
Startup / Quit is still the same for me, not too bad but not impressive.
I'd LOVE to see some big speed improvements in their next update!

Only messed around for 5 mins though. :)

I happy that Aperture's big rewrite is over. Would love to see some benchmarks on the new Xeon 5600's...

Alas, the Mac Pro hasn't been updated, yet.


macrumors 68040
Jan 15, 2003
51st State of America
I would like it if when using the crop tool the proportions stick once you hit the side of the image, the 3x2 ratio will be lost because you can continue to drag the crop box, only by selecting the 3x2 ratio again will it then lock.


macrumors 6502
Feb 1, 2005
Why is it that software updates appear on the page 2 forum?

I bet when iPhone OS 4 comes out it will make the front page!


macrumors 68030
Jul 25, 2002
I would like it if when using the crop tool the proportions stick once you hit the side of the image, the 3x2 ratio will be lost because you can continue to drag the crop box, only by selecting the 3x2 ratio again will it then lock.

Hmm. Never had this issue. When I crop, I'm always constraining it to original master dimensions, and when I hit the edge the cropping stops. In fact, I rely on this.

Maybe it's a difference between "Master Aspect Ratio" and "3x2"? Odd.

cocky jeremy

Jul 12, 2008
Too bad i can't even get my Mac to see that i have 3.0 installed to be able to get 3.0.1 and 3.0.2, let alone 3.0.3… grrr.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 11, 2008
Aperture is still way to slow. In 100% mode it's a lot slower than CaptureNX2 and that says a lot as CNX is one of the slowest raw converters out there. :mad:


macrumors 6502a
Jan 2, 2010
Menlo Park, CA
Yeah. And it's buggy like hell and crashes frequently.

Why buy Apple products? Why do you still use the company you so emphatically Hate?

For someone who does as much Apple bashing as you do, I find it funny you trade in your Mac Pro for an iMac


macrumors regular
Mar 18, 2008
I downloaded Aperture and I was so disappointed! It's so SLOW and slow and slow... :\

I'm back at Lightroom/Photoshop. I wanted to ditch Adobe stuff from my computer, but despite the good looking interface and general feel, I have this feeling the beta is not over yet for Aperture. :(


macrumors newbie
Feb 5, 2010
San Diego, California
Why buy Apple products? Why do you still use the company you so emphatically Hate?

For someone who does as much Apple bashing as you do, I find it funny you trade in your Mac Pro for an iMac

I have not seen any previous posts, but I do not think you should bash the guy for his comment. Aperture IS slow and buggy. I am a huge Apple fan and have been for years before the entire Intel thing, however Aperture seems to always be the most unstable thing on my computer, making my computer run hot, draining my batteries, crashing my computer, and worst of all freezing up this brand new Macbook Pro so nothing else works either and forcing me into a manual shut down by holding the power button. Apple really has a lot of work to do on the stability issues. At least it runs MUCH BETTER than it did when Aperture 3.0 was first released. Let me tell you, I was super close to saying screw it and purchasing Lightroom.


macrumors G3
Apr 6, 2007
Portland, OR
Why buy Apple products? Why do you still use the company you so emphatically Hate?

For someone who does as much Apple bashing as you do, I find it funny you trade in your Mac Pro for an iMac
Really? You're going to go that far? Just because a poster has some generally negative comments about software stability all the sudden he hates Apple?



macrumors 6502a
Jun 12, 2006
Aperture 3's new UI looks like sh*tty iPhoto ripoff. aperture 2 was much better in that area
Also, A3 has crazy memory usage yet is still painfully slow.

Is there any way to convert an Aperture library over to Lightroom, I'd like to give Lightroom a try.
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