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macrumors regular
Mar 5, 2012


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macrumors 65816
Jan 27, 2014
I absolutely agree! While Yosemite is really something new and fresh in terms of design, the whole direction puts me off a bit. The same feeling of a kid's toy made of plastic has been lurking in my mind since the introduction if iOS 7. And boy those neon-pastel gradients...

The panther/Tiger era was the best in therms of design IMO. That iMac was gorgeous with those matching peripherals. After Tiger not just design, but features got worse. Think about crippling Exposé by removing window names, and while Mission Control is good, the essential feature of Exposé is reduced further. This was just one example. My other gripe is interface related, namely more and more parts of the GUI got that boring grey surface that is so windows 95. I don't believe this the only way to get to a full vector based GUI that can be fully scaled to custom resolution. Yosemite does well with transparency, showing content beneath the surface. OTOH I'm not satisfied with this fully either. While Windows 7 Aero was kind of a sugarcoat and plasticky, this iOS 7 and now Yosemite styled sanded glass surface and transparency isn't perfection either. It is leaps and bounds better than what Win 7 had, but it's a tiny bit off the mark IMO. If only it were a smidgen more real, dare I say more skeumorph!

My vision of Mac OS would revolve around real world materials in GUI design. Dark, transparent, sanded glass surfaces, but just a bit more realistic than Yosemite to move away from the kid's toy look. Just use what the Macs are made of! I would tone down skeumorphism, but not like this 180 degree turn that we see now. Aluminium and some real world textures are definitely welcome in an essential, somewhat abstract from.

Thanks that you guys are not in charge of UI design like the rest of the complainers. We moved passed all this real world texture UI, in an essential somewhat abstract way (whatever that means).
Mavericks looks like a dinosaur now and will join the ugly remains that's is ios6 very soon. It's 2014, just let go of the nostalgia.


macrumors 6502
Jul 10, 2010
Birmingham, UK
Honestly I'm annoyed flat is considered modern because it's far from it. Look old and tasteless!

Yosemite is gonna need tweaks by myself before i would even consider an update to my system.

Blue folder icons - So ugly it's hard to describe the pain in my eyes.
Dock - Black dots are nasty and dock just feels clunky.
Dock Icons - Now I don't like standard maverick icons and replace mine but these are all so bad and the choice of jaunty square, rectangle and circle mean app designers are all gonna go with a circle and I really hate that look, like it gives me chills.
Windows - every single window item has these weird shades of colour, all different greys that just merge into a grey faceless blob. I don't think mavericks is the best but it at least places emphasis on elements with fine bevels and shadows where needed. If you strip it away you still need fine lines in there and it's a mistake to go too flat, you can be flat with tiny edge shadows and details and textures.
General use of CYAN, WHY WHY CYAN is horrible.
Icons - GRADIENTS GRADIENT, insensitive use of color gradients everywhere that are way way too deep in change with no subtly or finesse.

The retina screen is amazing and lets the designers do amazing UI elements and they just rubbished that idea and went super clunky. It'll get better as ios7 has with tweaks to UI but right now it's so super ugly in places I don't know what to say.

Don't upgrade then. There needs to be one thread where people who hate Apple's new UI design can go and moan together


macrumors newbie
Aug 19, 2014
Closing apps in full screen mode

Has anyone seen the new animation when closing windows in full screen mode yet???:eek:


macrumors 68020
May 10, 2011
Thanks that you guys are not in charge of UI design like the rest of the complainers. We moved passed all this real world texture UI, in an essential somewhat abstract way (whatever that means).
Mavericks looks like a dinosaur now and will join the ugly remains that's is ios6 very soon. It's 2014, just let go of the nostalgia.

It's fashion though, skeumorphism/textures/glossy etc will make a comeback at... at some point. We already had abstract/plain with Mac OS 1-7, Mac OS 8 started a 3D trend with Copland, OSX 10.0 introduced phographic icons/GUI, Yosemite goes back to plain. Cycle repeats.

Edit: fashion trend of square vs round GUI buttons is also interesting to note.


macrumors member
Oct 10, 2008
I love it when some people can only think in a bipolar or binary fashion about something. The key is always in the subtle details and ratios. What I meant to say in my previous post (which is pretty straightforward to me if someone fully reads the whole post) that somehow the balance of things are not quite perfect. I have to admit I really hate neon-pastel colors, IMO they're downright distasteful and ugly. That crayon color picker is devastating for example and it's not the worst. No surprise Apple very quietly toned down those neon nightmares in the subsequent iterations of iOS 7. What cracks me up is that Android is copying the same concept with Android L. They could have the opportunity now to build a real high tech interface, but no, pink and light pastel green are apparent on the first builds.


macrumors 601
Jun 8, 2007
… 2014, just let go of the nostalgia.

Clock's ticking, folks!

2015 is less than five months away. Just think of it. Brrrr! January, snowflakes in the air, children singing carols, and passers-by encouraging us to treat last year's novelties as dismissible nostalgia. There, now. Little smiling three-eyed Baby Yosemite 10.10.1 all thrown away, new year's resolutions half-kept, let it go, let it go, let it snow! Fresh new start. What's next? Don't you feel warmer already? I do! Look, traffic lights! There's no stopping it; wind, winds of change, let it blow, let it blow, let it blow, ding dong merrily on but wait – what's this – a computer without an operating system? Oh, bad Santa. Forgot to get us beta testing OS X 10.11 before letting go of 10.10. Although it's been said many times, many ways, Merry Sysmas To You.

Don't upgrade then. There needs to be one thread where people who hate Apple's new UI design can go and moan together and elsewhere in the topic there's a mixture of love and hate. Wrap up warm, boys and girls. There are mixtures elsewhere, by the way. And remember, transparency is good; seeing something unrelated whilst reading what's most relevant to you does help you to focus on the content ;)


macrumors 65816
Mar 17, 2009
GUI design is TOO flat. It's almost like they are trying to mimic the flatness of the original Mac 128K, but in retina-quality + color.


macrumors regular
Feb 9, 2007
Woah, just noticed that this new update switched my safari's search to Duck, Duck, Go!


macrumors 601
Jun 8, 2007
"I hate the interface" is not constructive criticism.


… miserable person.

That's not constructive.

… simply weren't open-minded enough

Your beginning with a condescending, destructive, unnecessary personal insult – instead of simply asking whether the writer truly meant what they wrote – was not an open-minded approach to considering another person's opinion of an Apple product.

If you had apologised sooner for your rush to denigrate someone, we might have more quickly gained some detail on the nature of the hatred of the human interface to a version of an operating system.

enjoy being sad

The longer you go without apologising for a personal insult, the more inappropriate it is to show negativity such as cruelty.

a much better use of time than complaining.

A more constructive suggestion: encourage the writer to use Feedback Assistant.


macrumors newbie
Aug 20, 2014
New volume and brightness icons

EDIT: just realised that this has been noted multiple times already... The post hasn't been updated though.


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macrumors newbie
Aug 5, 2014
Transparent menu bar

Where is the Transparent menu bar button?
In Mavericks -
Screen Shot 2014-08-20 at 20.21.42.png
And in Yosemite it's Gone -
Screen Shot 2014-08-20 at 20.29.05.png


macrumors newbie
Aug 6, 2013
Apple Tweaks Exiting Method On Full Screen Applications


Apple today released a new version of OS X Yosemite to developers, two weeks after releasing the fifth Developer Preview and more than two months after unveiling the new desktop operating system at its annual Worldwide Developers Conference.

The update, build 14A3429f, can be downloaded from the Mac App Store and through the Mac Developer Center. Apple has also released a Dictation Language update and Xcode 6 beta 6, though it appears the Xcode 6 software has been temporarily removed from the Developer Center.

OS X Yosemite brings a flatter, more modern look to OS X, with an emphasis on translucency and redesigned dock, windows, and more. It also includes a multitude of new features, such as improved integration with iOS 8 through Continuity, a new "Today" view in Notification Center that offers integration with third-party apps, a retooled Spotlight search with new data sources, and several new features for apps like Mail, Safari, and Messages.

Over the course of the beta testing period, each Developer Preview has added new features and refined the look and performance of OS X Yosemite. DP 4, for example, added a revamped version of iTunes with a streamlined design and support for Family Sharing, while an earlier beta introduced a new Dark Mode.

Today's Developer Preview is limited to registered developers, but in late July, Apple made a version of OS X Yosemite available to the public as part of a wide-ranging beta test. The pre-release version of Yosemite available to those participating in the public beta program is not expected to receive as many updates as the developer version.

Notable changes in DP 6:

Settings - The System Preferences menu has a new look with new icons.

Battery icon - There's a new battery icon.
Wallpapers - Developer Preview 6 introduces new Yosemite-themed wallpapers.

Do Not Disturb - The "Do Not Disturb" button in the Notification Center has returned in Yosemite DP 6. It was missing from previous betas.

Dashboard - The Dashboard in Yosemite is now translucent.

Icon updates - There are new hard drive icons in DP 6. There are also new icons for Font Book, Mission Control, Notes, Terminal, and Script Editor.

Messages Screen Sharing - A feature that allows users to share their screen using Messages was activated in DP 6. Screen sharing requires only an iMessage/Apple ID account and does not require users to have an AIM account as it did previously.

Update 6:00 PM PT: A new version of Xcode 6 beta 6 is available for download after being pulled from the Developer Center earlier today.

Article Link: Apple Releases OS X Yosemite Developer Preview 6


Apple has removed the little button in the top right corner of the taskbar that served the purpose of taking applications out of full screen and replaced it with the button that used to expand windows.

Maybe this was in prior releases of Yosemite, I just noticed it now though.


macrumors member
Jun 15, 2010
Anyone has issue with Finder going crazy and Desktop icons are flickering?

Anyone has issue with Finder going crazy and Desktop icons are flickering?

After upgrading to Yosemite DP 6 First I got this error all the time when I booted up...

After it went away after a few reboots but the issue remains

I have to open an app (any)

After click on desktop ( to activate FInder) and do CMD + N

That opens a New Finder Window and The Desktop craziness and icon flickering goes away...

I have to do it every time I boot up :(

Using a Macbook Pro 2013 Late Retina 13 inch


macrumors newbie
Aug 6, 2013
Yeah, that isn't new to DP6.



Anyone has issue with Finder going crazy and Desktop icons are flickering?

After upgrading to Yosemite DP 6 First I got this error all the time when I booted up...

After it went away after a few reboots but the issue remains

I have to open an app (any)

After click on desktop ( to activate FInder) and do CMD + N

That opens a New Finder Window and The Desktop craziness and icon flickering goes away...

I have to do it every time I boot up :(

Using a Macbook Pro 2013 Late Retina 13 inch

Only flickering I had was the dock in prior betas, that seems to be fixed now, though.


macrumors 68000
Nov 4, 2009
I love the new UI and find it VERY pleasing to work in. Of course I tend to lean toward the clean and simple in my world. It's very modern with a retro feel.
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