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Apr 12, 2001

Apple today released a new update for Safari Technology Preview, the experimental browser Apple first introduced four years ago in March 2016. Apple designed the Safari Technology Preview to test features that may be introduced into future release versions of Safari.

Safari Technology Preview release 114 includes bug fixes and performance improvements for Web Inspector, JavaScript, Date and Time Inputs, Web Audio, MediaRecorder, Paint Timing, WebGL, CSS, Web API, Lazy Loading, Media, WebRTC, Rendering, Text Rendering, Scrolling, Back-Forward Cache, and Storage Access API.

The current Safari Technology Preview release is the built on the new Safari 14 update included in macOS Big Sur with support for Safari Web Extensions imported from other browsers, tab previews, password breach notifications, web authentication with Touch ID, and more.

The new Safari Technology Preview update is available for macOS Catalina and macOS Big Sur, the newest version of the Mac operating system that's set to be released this fall.

The Safari Technology Preview update is available through the Software Update mechanism in System Preferences to anyone who has downloaded the browser. Full release notes for the update are available on the Safari Technology Preview website.

Apple's aim with Safari Technology Preview is to gather feedback from developers and users on its browser development process. Safari Technology Preview can run side-by-side with the existing Safari browser and while designed for developers, it does not require a developer account to download.

Article Link: Apple Releases Safari Technology Preview 114 With Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements
This looks to be a much bigger update than expected, I suspect this is the first 14.1 update? There are a lot of improvements in this update.
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I use STP all the time, but what I do find disappointing is that even though this is supposed to be the bleeding edge browser, there are still many, many websites I visit where either Safari browsing isn't supported or it just doesn't work. I end up having to use Firefox or something else. It happens often enough that I wonder why I bother with Safari in the first place. I'll concede that many of the sites that don't seem to work right or at all pertain to streaming video (Amazon Prime etc.) or possibly the overuse of Flash etc. Even my bank's website doesn't like Safari. It's a constant pain point...
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I use STP all the time, but what I do find disappointing is that even though this is supposed to be the bleeding edge browser, there are still many, many websites I visit where either Safari browsing isn't supported or it just doesn't work. I end up having to use Firefox or something else. It happens often enough that I wonder why I bother with Safari in the first place. I'll concede that many of the sites that don't seem to work right or at all pertain to streaming video (Amazon Prime etc.) or possibly the overuse of Flash etc. Even my bank's website doesn't like Safari. It's a constant pain point...
Have you tried enabling the Developer menu and impersonating a different browser?
I use STP all the time, but what I do find disappointing is that even though this is supposed to be the bleeding edge browser, there are still many, many websites I visit where either Safari browsing isn't supported or it just doesn't work. I end up having to use Firefox or something else. It happens often enough that I wonder why I bother with Safari in the first place. I'll concede that many of the sites that don't seem to work right or at all pertain to streaming video (Amazon Prime etc.) or possibly the overuse of Flash etc. Even my bank's website doesn't like Safari. It's a constant pain point...
Really? That never happens to me. But I wouldn’t go near a site that hasn’t updated away from flash. Those sites are backward and poorly maintained. Didn’t they get the memo? I would be extremely cautious about what security exposures they posed

and your bank? Aren’t they supposed to be secure. I have never had a problem with safari or STP with any bank. I’d be concerned, but not about safari

[update]. safari 14 does not support Flash. Period. End of life for flash is 12/31/2020 (a couple short months away, and there are still web sites that require it, incredible.). Here is a link for you
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For the record, YouTube 4k plays fine in Safari 14. if it is not for you, got to developers, experimental features and ensure that VP9 codecs are turned on

And YouTube 8k works as well, although my MBP 2014 doesn't support 8k, it does play, but my network struggles to download content.
Why don't they focus on making Safari lightweight on Memory usage? Safari is a memory hog.
Every singe tab opened could take up to 600 MB or more, even when not in use.
There's no need to cache everything when the internet connection is fast enough.
Why don't they focus on making Safari lightweight on Memory usage? Safari is a memory hog.
Every singe tab opened could take up to 600 MB or more, even when not in use.
There's no need to cache everything when the internet connection is fast enough.
1 minute ago
I don’t think that’s right. Safari is lightweight and fast. Much better than chrome. And uses way less battery
Apple said:
  • Enabled WebGL2 by default
This is notable. Apple has been pretty much trashing the viability of WebGL 2.0 in the market by lagging YEARS behind the other browser vendors in supporting and enabling it. Better late than never
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For the record, YouTube 4k plays fine in Safari 14. if it is not for you, got to developers, experimental features and ensure that VP9 codecs are turned on

And YouTube 8k works as well, although my MBP 2014 doesn't support 8k, it does play, but my network struggles to download content.

This even works with Safari 14 on Catalina?
Safari is less resource hog browser than Chrome. Unfortunately people who can not upgrade beyond High Sierra are stuck with Safari 13.
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Using it now... can't even report a bug, that's how buggy it is. Has anyone tried to build a Wix website with it? Terrible... has to constantly reload pages and sucks the life out of the browser. Slow. Terrible.
hmm...did they removed the mute icon from tabs where a video is playing on youtube ? that was very handy without searching the tab and check which one is playing...
Also, some websites are still laggy on scrolling...and safari 14 has the same problem as well
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I don't know about the last two betas since I am still on beta 7 which is buggy (the downloading the latest beta is **** slow I don't what going on since every else work just no network issues anyway)

In this Release 114 (Safari 14.1, WebKit 16611.1.1.3) Color are more vivids than the old Version 14.0.1 (16610.2.5)

Screenshot 2020-10-09 at 6.18.53 PM.png

In some page
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