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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple today released a new update for Safari Technology Preview, the experimental browser that launched on March 30. Release 3 includes a long list of feature tweaks and updates to JavaScript, CSS, Web APIs, Web Inspector, Accessibility, Rendering, Media, and Networking, plus bug fixes.

Release notes are available on Apple's Safari Technology Preview website.

The Safari Technology Preview update is available through the Mac App Store to anyone who has downloaded the browser.

Apple's goal with Safari Technology Preview is to gather feedback from developers and users on its browser development ahead of launch. Safari Technology Preview can be run side-by-side with the existing Safari browser and while aimed at developers, it does not require a developer account to download.

Article Link: Apple Releases Safari Technology Preview 3 With Extensive Tweaks and Bug Fixes


macrumors 68000
Mar 24, 2010
Just downloaded this for the first time. I haven't had any real issues with Safari recently, but any improvements to stability and HTML/CSS/Javascript updates are always welcome of course.

I like that Apple is doing more to get their beta software in the hands of more people to get it perfected ahead of time.
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Jme Saunders

macrumors member
Mar 5, 2015
Just downloaded this for the first time. I haven't had any real issues with Safari recently, but any improvements to stability and HTML/CSS/Javascript updates are always welcome of course.

I like that Apple is doing more to get their beta software in the hands of more people to get it perfected ahead of time.

iOS 9, OS X El Capitan have not been exactly polished. I am glad that Apple are doing these betas ... but I just want them to take it as seriously as Microsoft do, they have been really listening to feedback.

Also, I feel that Apple lost its way with extensions very quickly on Safari. I hope Apple make improvements in this area.


macrumors 68000
Mar 24, 2010
iOS 9, OS X El Capitan have not been exactly polished. I am glad that Apple are doing these betas ... but I just want them to take it as seriously as Microsoft do, they have been really listening to feedback.

I agree, they haven't been very polished. However, maybe if they either started earlier by doing this type of beta release, or if they simply pushed release dates back in order to GET it where it needs to be before release (like how (Snow) Leopard was done), we might be seeing the polish we want to see from Apple.

One can hope. :p

Jme Saunders

macrumors member
Mar 5, 2015

That is certainly an improvement, thank you for that! Apple can make Safari again if it tries hard enough.

I agree, they haven't been very polished. However, maybe if they either started earlier by doing this type of beta release, or if they simply pushed release dates back in order to GET it where it needs to be before release (like how (Snow) Leopard was done), we might be seeing the polish we want to see from Apple.

One can hope. :p

I agree, Apple haven't been doing these that long. I'm still quite shocked they have a public iOS beta. I came from OS X Tiger and used every single version of OS X since. It's the little things that I don't like. The Photos apps I can't use multitouch to rotate a photo for example. In Finder I can't pinch to zoom anymore. There's still remnants left over from the previous UI as well. I am quite excited for WWDC though.
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macrumors 68040
Feb 2, 2004
Pacific Northwest
The push for this is due to the fact a massive overhaul of WebKit2 and its related technologies has been in the works by the developer community for the past 18 months. Instead of release and release often, ala the Linux is always broken philosophy but its free that Chrome/Chromium does, Apple maintains a much tighter set of requirements before releasing any major updates.

This is the first truly major update since the move to WebKit2.

Stuff like CSS Grid, much broader MathML, SVG, etc., and working towards ES6 full support are huge.

Exhaustive list of what Preview 3 covers:


macrumors 68040
Jun 30, 2007
Midwest USA
It would be nice if they could just get Safari to quit stalling all of the time or telling me that the web page is broken and needs to be reloaded. Amazing that it works perfectly the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th time. Those pesky web site that make changes between reloads, gotta love em.
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macrumors member
Apr 25, 2014
99% ECMA 6 support showing on Kangax, nice, the CSS Grid additions are great as well, I can't wait to start using that in the wild.


macrumors regular
Feb 16, 2016
Just asking to clarify. This will not have any effect on my Safari, it will be a separate application, right?


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
All I want for Christmas is a desktop browser that doesn't autoplay videos.
Can't you configure that in most browsers (at the very least through an extension/plug-in)?


macrumors regular
Mar 22, 2016
Since Apple ignores basic usability with not showing icons in the tab bar, this safari browser can rott on in meaninglessness. What a pity.


macrumors 6502
Jan 8, 2011
Since Apple ignores basic usability with not showing icons in the tab bar, this safari browser can rott on in meaninglessness. What a pity.
As far as you're concerned, let it rot. For those of us who don't notice the icons, I see no great reason to put them there. Every time this "problem" is pointed out to me, I proceed to forget about it because it seems like a pretty small thing to get upset about.


macrumors 6502
Sep 12, 2014
Can't you configure that in most browsers (at the very least through an extension/plug-in)?

Unfortunately, I don't think you can on desktop browsers. In Safari you can "stop plug-ins to save power" in settings but it doesn't really work (at least not for me). If there's a way then I'd love to know. I haven't found a plug-in to do it, either—for any browser, not just Safari.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Unfortunately, I don't think you can on desktop browsers. In Safari you can "stop plug-ins to save power" in settings but it doesn't really work (at least not for me). If there's a way then I'd love to know. I haven't found a plug-in to do it, either—for any browser, not just Safari.
Something from perhaps? Maybe an ad-blocker extension that might have some video related setting as well?
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