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Small White Car

macrumors G4
Aug 29, 2006
Washington DC
It was removed because it broke App Store rules. Plain & simple. Not because it's wikileaks, but because apps that collect for charities must be free. It should never have slipped through in the first place. Everyone just needs to calm down a little...

Good catch, but it will be interesting to see if it's resubmitted and put back up or if Apple continues finding "problems" with it forever.

This is my fear: That Apple wants to take it down to avoid controversy, but is too chicken to actually admit it so they'll keep finding "reasons" why they just can't accept it.

We'll see. I won't jump to any conclusions, but let's just say I wouldn't be surprised if it never returns. (But surprises are nice! It could go either way.)


macrumors 6502a
Jul 24, 2008
Apple doesn't want to be associated with law breaking malcontents who are currently up for rape charges in a court of law.



macrumors newbie
Dec 21, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.1; U; en) Presto/2.7.62 Version/11.00)

Hellhammer, I'm sure there will be now ;)


macrumors 68040
Jun 29, 2007
Seems like we're taking all our cues from China now. Continuing to stop the flow of info, and other issues like corporations pushing to get rid of net neutrality, seems to me like we are headed the way of Communism and Big Brother every day. Its kind of scary. Good job though to Wikileaks for all they are doing

You can still get there through Safari. So, until they start blocking throught DNS on your phone, you have your tin foil on too tight...


A wikileaks app is fine, would be weird if there was nothing about wikileaks at all in the app store.

A wikileaks app that cost money for looking into the cables is just so low.
A real shame by the developer and I hope his app never gets thru.

Just sick that he want money out this hole situation. :mad:

By the way big support to wikileaks and all its followers. :)

Small White Car

macrumors G4
Aug 29, 2006
Washington DC
Freedom Speech?? This is not a matter of Freedom of Speech. Classified documents are just that - classified. There's a reason that certain items are not meant for public release. You are extremely ignorant if you don't realize that keeping certain information classified allows us to enjoy our freedom and prevent foreign entities from infringing on it.

Also, the release of the info by WL has endangered the lives of dozens of people who are risking their lives for our freedom and way of life. Once again, if you don't realize that, then you've got some serious cognitive impairments.

For most things I'm all about transparency. However, I'm not so ignorant to think that everything should be public knowledge.

So you support taking down the New York Times app because they wrote about it too?

Remember, Wikileaks didn't steal the info. They reported on it. Then the Times reported on it. Then the UK Guardian.

Which of those do we block and erase? All of them? Just some of them? Which ones? The ones you don't like?

And based on what you choose, at what point does "blocking newspapers from being read" become a freedom of speech issue for you?


macrumors 604
Apr 19, 2004
Everyone that is against wikileaks is destroying their image in lightspeed, apple should give a statement why they removed it.

I am against wikileaks because they leaked locations deemed vital for US National Security. They have now put peoples lives in danger for making those locations possible targets for terrorist attack.

Before that, I was mixed on wikileaks. I liked that they leaked the helicopter killing innocent people trying to be covered up, but why release our diplomatic convo's? That didn't show any corruption or illegal activity. We do not need to know everything and these things are not protected under free speech.

I am all for exposing any corruption or illegal activity, but wikileaks hasn't been filtering the documents they have obtained and only exposing the corruption and illegal activity. They are just leaking these documents just to leak them.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 9, 2006
Ottawa, Canada
Which position is more political?

It's a tough call. I can respect Apple trying to be as unpolitical as possible (since it's a corporation), but I can't figure out if leaving the app up is more political or is taking it down more political?

It's obviously a hugely controversial topic. I understand the call for transparency, but I also see the situation through this metaphor:

We all have to work with people we may not like. What Wikileaks does is like someone coming into your workplace and reading your personal diary out to everyone you work with. It may be more honest and transparent, but it makes working with certain people far more difficult.

Calling the Russians (for instance) "shady", etc. might be what the gov't feels about them, but they may now feel they have to save face and won't work with the US on certain necessary issues.

That's the political bit. Is Apple turning down apps for aesthetic reasons more important than them taking a stand to be (more or less) political?

I honestly don't know how I feel about the app store disapproval, though you may have figured I'm not totally into what WikiLeaks is doing.


macrumors G3
Jan 26, 2008
Isla Nublar
Freedom Speech?? This is not a matter of Freedom of Speech. Classified documents are just that - classified. There's a reason that certain items are not meant for public release. You are extremely ignorant if you don't realize that keeping certain information classified allows us to enjoy our freedom and prevent foreign entities from infringing on it.

Also, the release of the info by WL has endangered the lives of dozens of people who are risking their lives for our freedom and way of life. Once again, if you don't realize that, then you've got some serious cognitive impairments.

For most things I'm all about transparency. However, I'm not so ignorant to think that everything should be public knowledge.

+1 Most people don't understands the repercussions this kind of thing can really have. the PFC who originally stole the file was an incredible stupid individual and the military is stupid for allowing use of any external media on siprnet.


macrumors newbie
Dec 21, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.1; U; en) Presto/2.7.62 Version/11.00)

I'm sure there will be now ;)


macrumors 603
Jun 19, 2009
Everyone that is against wikileaks is destroying their image in lightspeed, apple should give a statement why they removed it.

wikileaks is publishing stolen US classified documents. Apple is a US company. They are breaking the law if they allow this app

and i'm still waiting for the smoking bomb to be published to Wikileaks about how the US Government is knowingly killing babies


macrumors 68040
Dec 14, 2006
somewhere else
Why pay $1.99 for something that's free on the web? :confused:
Sometimes iPhone apps are simply worth it because they format content better than what you would get in a web browser, particularly on the iPhone.

Yes, you can get weather, stocks, sports scores, news, etc. free on the web, however there are apps that might charge a nominal amount and present it to you in a better format.

Note that for the iPhone apps, I will occasionally pay for an ad-free version since screen real estate is at a premium.

On my Mac (which I use less and less), I don't really care since typically I'm running Camino which has built-in adblocking. My router also blocks a number of ads using a DNS cache-poisoning script.


macrumors newbie
Dec 20, 2010
You can still get there through Safari. So, until they start blocking throught DNS on your phone, you have your tin foil on too tight...
I'm glad you can be civilized with your post in assuming I'm a crazy person and that I was simply talking about the app. If you have been so naive as to not notice how much support has gone against freedom of information lately and the other portion of my comment I was talking about like net neutrality then you should maybe take more time to enhance your reading comprehension skills.


macrumors 68040
Jun 29, 2007
Freedom Speech?? This is not a matter of Freedom of Speech. Classified documents are just that - classified. There's a reason that certain items are not meant for public release. You are extremely ignorant if you don't realize that keeping certain information classified allows us to enjoy our freedom and prevent foreign entities from infringing on it.

Also, the release of the info by WL has endangered the lives of dozens of people who are risking their lives for our freedom and way of life. Once again, if you don't realize that, then you've got some serious cognitive impairments.

For most things I'm all about transparency. However, I'm not so ignorant to think that everything should be public knowledge.

While I have no issue with Apple removing this app, I think it is our job as citizens to be the watch dogs of the government...And your kidding yourself if you think our freedoms are at risk because of the leaks. Our freedoms are at risk from people so willingly to give them up in the eye of safety and security.


macrumors 6502
Sep 28, 2004
Will people please read through this thread?

It's been mentioned that it looks like it was pulled because they were not allowed to charge for an app and then donate to charity.

A lot of the problems in the world come from people assuming things. Please stop it.


macrumors 68040
Jun 29, 2007
I'm glad you can be civilized with your post in assuming I'm a crazy person and that I was simply talking about the app. If you have been so naive as to not notice how much support has gone against freedom of information lately and the other portion of my comment I was talking about like net neutrality then you should maybe take more time to enhance your reading comprehension skills.

Comments like this "headed the way of Communism and Big Brother every day" make me think your wearing a tin foil hat...


macrumors G3
Jan 26, 2008
Isla Nublar
now more the land of the surveilled, home of the slaves....

Not even close. No need to be dramatic. Every country has classified documents that they have to keep secret for various reasons. Seeing how a lot of these leaks are pieces of information that terrorists would love to get their hands on they need to be kept secret. Unfortunately because of some idiot who "thought he was doing the right thing" they are now out for everyone to see.


macrumors 6502
Feb 25, 2007
It's been mentioned that it looks like it was pulled because they were not allowed to charge for an app and then donate to charity.
A lot of the problems in the world come from people assuming things. Please stop it.

It's fair point, but those arguing this point are also assuming this is why the app was pulled. No-one knows why, because Apple didnt give any reason to the developer. It will be interesting to see if the developer removes the donation part and resubmits it...
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