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Apr 12, 2001

Patreon today confirmed upcoming changes to its iOS app, which will see fees for new subscriptions go up because Apple is enforcing its App Store rules on digital purchases. Apple is requiring Patreon to adopt the in-app purchase system, a process that Patreon started at the beginning of the year.


In January 2024, Patreon started using in-app purchases and paying Apple a 30 percent fee on digital products, but beginning in November, new Patreon memberships will also need to be done through in-app purchase and will be subject to the fee as well. Right now, when you subscribe to a creator through Patreon, Patreon directs you to a purchase flow that skirts built-in App Store payments, and Apple does not take a 30 percent cut.

To account for the 30 percent fee that Apple will collect, Patreon will give creators the option to either increase their prices just in the iOS app, or absorb the fee themselves, keeping prices the same across platforms. The changes to Patreon payments will only affect new memberships purchased through an iPhone or iPad from November onwards, and not existing subscribers.

Patreon says that the increased subscription fee will be the default option, and that it does not recommend that creators opt to absorb the fee themselves.
That said, you deserve the chance to decide whether that's something you want. So, while the automatic price increase is the default option, you also have the choice to keep your prices the same and pay the 30% fee from your earnings. We don't recommend this, because it means you'd earn less per membership on in-app iOS transactions - but ultimately we believe it's important to give you agency to make your own decisions.
Apple will collect a 30 percent App Store fee for all new memberships purchased via Patreon for iOS and for other digital goods purchased from a Patreon shop, and creators that use first-of-the-month billing or per-creation billing plans will need to swap to subscription billing for their iOS supporters because the in-app purchase system does not support the other flexible payment types.

Per-creation billing allows Patreon members to pay their membership amount for each paid post a creator makes, with a monthly maximum. First-of-the-month billing comes into play with subscription models where a creator allows an upfront fee to unlock a backlog of content, with future payments made on the first of the month.

Because of the limitations of in-app purchase subscriptions, Patreon is transitioning all of its creators to subscription billing, a process that it plans to complete by November 2025. Creators that already use the subscription model do not need to make changes, but creators using other methods will need to update.

Patreon says that if it does not adopt the in-app purchase system for all iOS transactions, it risks being kicked out of the App Store. As fees are not changing on other platforms such as the web and the Android app, Patreon suggests that creators send their fans to the Patreon Help Center article to explain the iOS fees compared to the fees on other platforms, so customers can "better understand the implications of where they choose to make their purchases."

It is worth noting that Apple's 30 percent cut of Patreon subscriptions will be higher than the amount that Patreon keeps from creators. Patreon keeps between 8% and 12% of paid membership subscriptions, along with payment processing fees. Patreon also collects five percent from digital product sales.

Apple will cut its fees from 30 percent to 15 percent after a subscription has lasted for one year, which is standard operating procedure for the in-app purchases. Apple has been cracking down on the sale of digital goods post-pandemic, and Facebook has also been required to pay Apple's in-app purchase fees for ad purchases on iOS devices.

Article Link: Apple Requiring Patreon to Use In-App Purchase and Pay 30% Fee for Memberships
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That is simply necessary. You have to understand that.
Apple is the underdog and is on the verge of bankruptcy. Just like 20 years ago.
The fees per developer are barely enough to cover the server costs. Not to mention the great control, which has never let malware or fraud apps through.
The fact that rip-off apps and malware even reached the top 10 is a malicious rumor from the EU!!!! Who wants to suck Apple dry and exploit it. Driving our favorite company into the ground today!

So I can fully understand that Apple charges 30% per subscription in Patreon. Because it's absolutely logical that the cost in the App Store for the Patreon app increases exponentially with the number of creators.

That is absolutely logical and understandable.
So please, no hate now. Whine somewhere else.
I wish Apple would buy Patreon or release something similar — or just allow imports to your iCloud Music Library on iOS. Would be so much easier if I could just automatically have Patreon music land in my music library.

Anyway… Gonna make sure I subscribe through Patreon for all of my subscriptions instead of through iOS.
I agree. It can't be that Patreon or other providers pay a fixed amount per month or year.

Controlling an app with millions of creators is so expensive. After all, Apple has to employ thousands of controllers to check every single image.

Isn't that what Apple does? It's the App Store promise, right?
Right. Apple personally checks every single new creator to protect its users. Of course, this costs money and that's why you have to pay 30% for every subscription.

And if someone can't afford that because they have to pay a 30% surcharge ten times for 10 Creators - is that Apple's problem?
Then a Creator has to be canceled to compensate for the surcharge. After all, this is only about small indies and freelancers. Let them enter the tough competition. That's what Apple did.
Wrong move Apple. Stop being so greedy.

Patreon should just force iOS users to subscribe in the browser to bypass Apple's greed. If Apple ain't happy then just ditch iOS! And if users get mad then Patreon can just direct them to Apple....

The sooner people wake up to this and refuse to support Apple in this then all the better.
Apple needs to replace the $20B/year lost revenue from Google Search deal somehow. /s

But seriously, if Apple really wants to grow its services revenue without upsetting the government regulatory bodies, offer more diverse and compelling Apple One subscription bundles.
I agree. It can't be that Patreon or other providers pay a fixed amount per month or year.

Controlling an app with millions of creators is so expensive. After all, Apple has to employ thousands of controllers to check every single image.

Isn't that what Apple does? It's the App Store promise, right?
Right. Apple personally checks every single new creator to protect its users. Of course, this costs money and that's why you have to pay 30% for every subscription.

And if someone can't afford that because they have to pay a 30% surcharge ten times for 10 Creators - is that Apple's problem?
Then a Creator has to be canceled to compensate for the surcharge. After all, this is only about small indies and freelancers. Let them enter the tough competition. That's what Apple did.
I get having to check the APP but being so greedy to want a cut of their subscriptions? Nah forget that. Apple is in the wrong here.
The timing of this mandate by Apple couldn't have been worse. I get Patreon needed to "fall in line" with the rest of the apps - but with everything going on this will only HURT Apple more than these lawsuits and antirust allegations already have. You don't mess with content creators scraping the bottom of the barrel. This will be Apple's fight to lose.
Starting to think Apple has a kink for being smacked down by regulators for their ********.

That's where this kind of thing is likely to go.

When you are a bit player among many bigger & smaller fish, you can get away with stuff like this. When you are "richest in the world" and "king of the capitalism hill" you must evolve your business practices or GOVs will come for you. You can't keep playing the "maximize, maximize, maximize!" every nickel & dime game and get away with it.

As King, it requires a kind of benevolency change in which you lift all boats... much more win:win partnering instead of "us or the highway" power plays. Else, GOVs will come... as they have all throughout history... whenever others have been at or near king of the hill and continuing to flex their much greater muscle at that level in overwhelmingly self-serving ways... as if they are still a little fish in a much bigger pond.

GOV is coming. It's just a matter of time now... UNLESS... Apple decides to alter their choices and be a different kind of "king of this hill." The easy money is a massive temptation but they can hang onto the crown and evolve too. Or not... and then face more and more GOVs making them evolve. It will be much better to do it themselves but- if they don't- they'll just have to deal with bureaucrats making decisions for them. History clearly illustrates that this only goes one way without meaningful changes in the way "Kings" at the top do business.
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The answer is simple IMO. Charge more and hopefully Patreon makes it clear that it's 30% cheaper through a web browser.
Others have already done this. I was shocked at the price of YT Premium and realised it's cheaper if I bought it in browser. Also the likes of Spotify and Amazon force you to go to their site for digital purchases.

Patreon can hike prices for Apple users or force them to use their site. **** Apple.
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