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Feb 5, 2021
I don’t care if there is some small chance of transmission for vaccinated folks. This is a massive mistake in the effort to get the other 50% vaccinated.

People unsure about the vaccine will not be vaccinated for sure if 2 things happen.

1) Make vaccinated wear masks.
2) Fail to get FDA approval.

Argue all you want but BOTH need to happen to push the most possible to be vaccinated, which is the end goal.

Going back to masks is a MASSIVE disincentive to get vaccinated. FDA approval being slow is up there too.

Incredibly stupid and more incompetence from the CDC. Just insane. Remember, you’re trying to convince the unvaccinated to get vaccinated. You don’t need the 50% who are vaccinated to wear masks and say “great job.” Unvaccinated aren’t wearing masks either.
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Oct 21, 2009
I don’t care if there is some small chance of transmission for vaccinated folks. This is a massive mistake in the effort to get the other 50% vaccinated.

People unsure about the vaccine will not be vaccinated for sure if 2 things happen.

1) Make vaccinated wear masks.
2) Fail to get FDA approval.

Argue all you want but BOTH need to happen to push the most possible to be vaccinated, which is the end goal.

Going back to masks is a MASSIVE disincentive to get vaccinated. FDA approval being slow is up there too.

Incredibly stupid and more incompetence from the CDC. Just insane. Remember, you’re trying to convince the unvaccinated to get vaccinated. You don’t need the 50% who are vaccinated to wear masks and say “great job.” Unvaccinated aren’t wearing masks either.
Except now we are hearing reports of people with the vaccine getting the Delta variant and getting symptoms and actually getting sick like they have no vaccine. So just because you have the vaccine, you should still wear a mask. How do you know Person A has Delta or not?


macrumors 68020
Oct 27, 2012
If you are vaccinated or not, you still get infected by the Delta variant! Facial Mask unless it is N95 certified have no effect on viruses!
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Feb 5, 2021
Except now we are hearing reports of people with the vaccine getting the Delta variant and getting symptoms and actually getting sick like they have no vaccine. So just because you have the vaccine, you should still wear a mask. How do you know Person A has Delta or not?
Again, have to balance that with the vaccine rollout. Unless you think a few breakthrough cases means the vaccine is ineffective, you have to keep pushing to get the 50% who haven’t been vaccinated.

“Reports” of breakthrough cases doesn’t mean it’s the new normal. Can it happen? Sure. Is it still better to be vaccinated? Definitely.

If your plan is to essentially say the vaccine is ineffective against the Delta variant, you won’t get any more people to vaccinate.

Again, stop allowing the news to drive your logic. They want delta to be the new covid, but the vaccine is incredibly effective against it. A responsible media would push that narrative instead of searching for breakthrough cases. Death count is way down also.

A study published last week showed two doses of Pfizer or AstraZeneca’s vaccines are nearly as effective against the delta variant as they are against the previously dominant alpha variant, Reuters reports. The study found two doses of Pfizer’s shot were 88% effective at preventing symptomatic disease from the delta variant
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Feb 5, 2021
If you are vaccinated or not, you still get infected by the Delta variant! Facial Mask unless it is N95 certified have no effect on viruses!
Still way more unlikely to get the variant if you’re vaccinated. We need to push that narrative to encourage vaccination. The vaccines ARE effective and forcing people to wear masks bc they are not 100% is not going to get the remaining population excited to get the vaccine.

You have to encourage vaccination. Not remove the incentive for being vaccinated. The people already vaccinated are NOT the people you’re targeting. They’ll wear 2 masks and stand on their head if you tell them. The reason this isn’t over is bc you have a more skeptical group NOT wanting the vaccine if you tell them they still have to wear masks.

You can cry about it and scream breakthrough cases, but this is not how you manage the situation. You have to be realistic. Get the vaccine FDA approved. Remove mask mandates. Tell people they can go back to normal.


macrumors 68020
Oct 27, 2012
If masks didn't work, then why didn't we see a huge spike in infection rates and deaths among the doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who were treating the infected and hospitalized?
The medical personnel get surgically facial mask known as N95 certified. They only wear then during critical situations like examine patience's and doing surgical operations. It very hard to breath out for a long time however. Maybe, 2 hours at a time. All other masks including cloth and Chinese disposable masks do little good other then containing vapor spread.


macrumors 68030
Sep 7, 2009
Anchorage, AK
The medical personnel get surgically facial mask known as N95 certified. They only wear then during critical situations like examine patience's and doing surgical operations. It very hard to breath out for a long time however. Maybe, 2 hours at a time. All other masks including cloth and Chinese disposable masks do little good other then containing vapor spread.
You're correct that medical professionals wear N95 masks, but everything else you said there is misinformation. N95 masks do NOT make it harder to breathe in and out, and since the virus is transmitted largely via vapor particles (which even cloth masks can trap, they actually do protect against the spread of the virus. There's a myriad of independent studies from organizations all over the world corroborating this knowledge.
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macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2017
The medical personnel get surgically facial mask known as N95 certified. They only wear then during critical situations like examine patience's and doing surgical operations. It very hard to breath out for a long time however. Maybe, 2 hours at a time. All other masks including cloth and Chinese disposable masks do little good other then containing vapor spread.

four out of five sentences here simply are not true
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macrumors 6502
Oct 12, 2012
Except now we are hearing reports of people with the vaccine getting the Delta variant and getting symptoms and actually getting sick like they have no vaccine. So just because you have the vaccine, you should still wear a mask. How do you know Person A has Delta or not?

I had the vaccine as soon as I was able to get it and followed the mask mandates until the restrictions were lifted. If they release a booster for Delta, I'll likely get it but not if its only going to buy 3 months of being able to go around without a mask on. I'm done with masks and will take my chances.
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macrumors 68000
Sep 1, 2010
Williamstown, NJ
You're correct that medical professionals wear N95 masks, but everything else you said there is misinformation. N95 masks do NOT make it harder to breathe in and out, and since the virus is transmitted largely via vapor particles (which even cloth masks can trap, they actually do protect against the spread of the virus. There's a myriad of independent studies from organizations all over the world corroborating this knowledge.
This is just a false statement


Oct 21, 2009
I had the vaccine as soon as I was able to get it and followed the mask mandates until the restrictions were lifted. If they release a booster for Delta, I'll likely get it but not if its only going to buy 3 months of being able to go around without a mask on. I'm done with masks and will take my chances.

This is exactly why we have Delta and might get more variants. We need herd immunity to stop these variants.

So I’m wearing a mask. It will help me from getting delta and stop the new variants.


Oct 15, 2017
If you are vaccinated or not, you still get infected by the Delta variant! Facial Mask unless it is N95 certified have no effect on viruses!
20% of fully vaccinated will get infected with the delta strain, and will be as contagious as unvaccinated. Masks will not make much of a difference, just keep distance, and keep your yappers shut.

Fully vaccinated people will be very well protected against severe disease and death.

A third jab mRNA will boost protection five-fold against delta and other strains. I am lucky to have had 2xModerna and 1xBiontech. Looking forward to boost with additional types and brands, like vector (Astra) and inactivated (Sinopharm).
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 12, 2015
Generally when I have reading the various investigations into masks, they help, but should not be used as a singular prevention. The research it seems has changed from day one of all this and varied to some extent but the end result always seems to be better with it added to the arsenal than without. In the main.
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