I recently had my logic board go out on my MacBook Pro 2015 15”. It would not turn on anymore no matter what I tried. I set up a repair at my local Apple store and before I left I swapped my hard drive. I had a 2015 MacBook Air SSD that was reformatted with no data. I did not want to risk losing my personal and sensitive data on my 1tb and I had no way of backing up since the computer was not responsive. I had countless edited videos, pictures, and software, etc.
So I go to the Apple store and they tried to make it turn on with no success. They then proceeded to take the laptop to the back to open it up. After a few minutes the Apple representative came out and said everything looks good inside but they cannot make it turn on so it will be going out for repair.
About a week goes by and I get a problematic email stating that there is an “non-authorized part” in my MacBook and my repair cost for a logic board replacement is $1475. Wait, what? I have AppleCare until March 2019. Why am I being charge full price for a logic board replacement?
I called Apple to figure out what’s going on. I explained that I did not want to have the possibility of losing my data so I removed the drive and replaced it with another. I had no idea this would cause such a big issue. I was put on hold while the level 1 advisor tried to get a hold of someone at the store. After about 10-15 min on hold the advisor gets back to me and says the repair cannot be completed due to the non-original hard drive. He then said the employee at the store recommended putting the old drive back in and sending it out again. I confirmed one more time with the advisor that if I put my old drive back in that all will be good with the next repair and he said yes.
Fast forward to yesterday- my laptop arrived at the store. Awesome! Now instead of making 2 trips to the store to change the drive out I call the store to try to see if that can happen in store and ship out the Macbook on the same day. I talk to a manager at the store who tells me my warranty has been voided and any new repair will be at your cost. I rightfully disagree with him because I have AppleCare. Or so I thought! *cue mysterious music*
After the phone call I check my warranty coverage and..huh? My AppleCare is expired? This isn’t right.. My AppleCare was good until March, 2019. I call Apple again and get a level 2 advisor that tried to do everything he could to help but here are the facts- my AppleCare is no longer active because I swapped hard drives.
I am honestly in shock and disbelief. I’ve been a huge Mac fan and user and always thought these horror stories I’ve seen would never happen to me but now I’m in a starring role. It really makes me sick to my stomach. How can something as common as a hard drive trigger this type of penalty? I had no way of protecting or backing up my data.
After today, I honestly can’t say I will buy another MacBook. I will be picking up the dead one today at the Apple Store.
TLDR; Don’t touch your Mac before repair or you’ll pay dearly.
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