its sad you want to leave t-moble. they offer music freedom on 1 gb plans and will also offer roll over data in 4 days as well, and t-mobile is even saying we are getting 10 gigs of free roll over data in 4 days as well.
their website clearly says that 1 gb plans will get data stash. but i don't know if i am actually getting the free 10 gig data until new years day or the billing cycle after new years.
would you be interested in giving them one more month like feb 2015 just to see if you get 10 gigs of ffee data?
i don't work for t-mobile. heh
t-mobile will give you tethering where as AT&T won't. unless you subscribe to their share plan with an iPad and phone
if you agree to register the iPad in the AT&T store they will give you a free sim card. if you go to the AT&T store and ask for a sim, without an iPad they will turn you down.
do not buy an AT&T go phone sim. they sell for around $9 to $15 and they won't work. they require DDA to activate / talk to the towers. AT&T go phone sims only work on the iPad 3.
DDA means that the sim will not connect to the towers, your device is dead to the world, it will show 0 bars and it will not activate unless you put it in a phone and dial codes like *#9501311-1231321313# to pick a plan and to submit refill cards
you can also go to AT&Ts website and order a sim for bring your own device. but i tested that website and i have about 3 imei numbers on 3 different phones and AT&T says their is a problem with the imei and they are not eligible to be used on the network. go figure.