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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 30, 2010
Miami Florida
I bought a brand new 12.9 iPad Pro second generation for my wife and I along with 2 Smart Cover Apple Keyboards. Ever since update 11.1.2 my Smart Cover Keyboard will not not work at all. When I connect it the on screen keyboard still shows. When I tried my keyboard on my wife iPad it also did not work. So I called Apple and we figured its a hardware issue with the keyboard. Easy fix right? NOPE. Just went and exchanged the keyboard at the Apple store. Tried the new one and it also doesn't work.

Issue must be my iPad right? NOPE. I use my wife keyboard on mine and it works just fine. I did a complete wipe on the iPad then restored it and still doesn't work. I have no idea what else to try.

It only works with my wife's older smart keyboard. I have tried re-starting the iPad, also re-starting the iPad in type mode with keyboard attached, tried airplane mode. What am I missing?


macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 30, 2010
Miami Florida
So, I can't make sense of this. After a full delete and restore didn't work and several re-starts didn't work, I connected it again this morning and it WORKS! Very frustrating. Don't know if this will happen again soon and don't know how to fix it if it does.

To answer your question, it didn't work in any app I tried, texts, mail, Safari.....but now its working. Go figure.
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