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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 19, 2010
Apple made a distinction suggesting that the Apple Watch Sport may not have it's display laminated to the ion glass as the Apple Watch's display is laminated to it's sapphire crystal. Perhaps this could result in poorer light transmission and possible dust particles trapped in-between the display and the glass.
And it could go on to say: On other models the display is laminated to a cheeper piece of Gorilla Glass.;)
Their website.

Well, yeah that's what we hope. But the distinction of saying that the display is LAMINATED to a single piece of sapphire, while the Sport is merely protected by ion glass is suspect. If they both were laminated, I think they would say so to avoid any question. I didn't come up with this by the way, I've read about it in several different forums. People worried to death there will be dust in-between glass and display like some past iPads.
Well, yeah that's what we hope. But the distinction of saying that the display is LAMINATED to a single piece of sapphire, while the Sport is merely protected by ion glass is suspect. If they both were laminated, I think they would say so to avoid any question. I didn't come up with this by the way, I've read about it in several different forums. People worried to death there will be dust in-between glass and display like some past iPads.

Well water resistant is also dust resistant. But why would they have two different screens and two different manufacturing processes? I'd say the paragraph would start to sound wordy to be as explicit as you want it to be.
Yes, dust resistant post assembly. In a laminated design, dust penetration is impossible period. Don't get me wrong, I hope the laminated process is synonymous across the board.
I think the iPad Air 2, iPhone 6 and 6+ all have laminated glass displays? If so, why wouldn't they use it for the watch?

I really think it's an oversight that they happened to phrase that sentence ambiguously.
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