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Jun 25, 2009
We don’t think we deserve any of that. There is some sense of ‘earning’ things and being toughened or some such. And a trust of authority (of any kind) and government which is just off the charts. There was a SCOTUS ruling that basically said companies are people. So that’s how it’s been ever since.

Edit: Oops this was in response to iPhoneFan5349
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macrumors 68030
Jan 20, 2014
Lol, you should make sure you are certain what is being said before accusing others of dramatics. Being surprised that a typically conservative state that staunchly supports anti-union “right-to-work” policies is where a second store unionized rather than in more labor friendly states is far from dramatic, unless one isn’t sure what right-to-work laws are and what they are designed to do.

Saying you are surprised a state with such a large right-wing population is neither a pro or anti-union statement, nor is it one that implies anything will change.
Oklahomans didn't vote on Apple Penn Square's unionization; Apple Penn Square employees did. Even then, just because Oklahoma is one of the reddest states in the country doesn't mean that it doesn't have its purple and even blue areas — surely it would not surprise you that OKC is one such area.


macrumors 68040
Jan 10, 2008
The stuff they are unionizing these days cracks me up.

I'm trying to see the other side or compare to other unionized jobs. but...

I guess it's no difference than grocery stores which have unionized employees. I stocked shelves overnight for $3.50/hr as a teen and it was a unionized job. I don't think the union did anything for me except garnish my paycheck but I'm sure there were lifers at the grocery store I guess. Manager for sure and then Meat Guy I'm sure.

And there's some lifer type careers at the apple store like the manager. Maybe a technician. But most of the positions at apple retail stores seem like gateway jobs. The kids work them in college or just after until they find a real job.

..granted I'm cognizant that a lot of blue collar jobs went overseas and I think we became more of a service economy so maybe more people are forced into these sorts of jobs that before were considered teen jobs or dead end jobs.

...still ...

Ok it does beat the story I saw on The Verge the other day about the TMobile social media staff unionizing attempt. I asked if it was an Onion story but they didn't answer and may have deleted my comment.

Oh and I do think the pandemic has a lot to do with this union movement. Workers were stressed in these types of jobs. But I think they are extrapolating as if the pandemic horribleness is continuing. It seems like a one time thing at least the gist of that experience and its effect. They sort of blamed the companies for the pandemic in many ways.


Jun 25, 2009
Right now they're making less than the non-union employees and have less benefits, because Apple wasn't able to give them the benefits the others got.

They’re able, they’re just trying to disincentivize and other stores from doing the same. So they will say, “Remember what happened to the last store’s employees that unionized? Guys, we don’t want this!” and there’s the end to any stores voting yes again. Apple is being extraordinarily crappy with this move.


macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2020
Not exactly… Because of seniority, the longer a worker has been at a union store, the more protection/security they have. Apple will always want to stick to a merit based retention for example, just based on customer satisfaction. 🤷
Ideally, meritocracy should be it. However, just reading stories here, clearly there are plenty of problematic Apple employees even at the retail level that don't reflect the service that Apple seemed to offer in the olden days. Also, the Burberry lady had created customer hostile policies in the name of profit, and seems like it's sticking despite she's out already. Apple is too big now to see the needle from the haystack, and meritocracy has taken a sideline in the name of virtue signalling and wokeness. If that's the case, then I can see how the workers think they would prefer opting for a union. Again, I'm sure this decision didn't come out overnight. There must be a piling dissatisfactions and other things throughout the years. Something is rotting inside. And offering carrots won't solve the problem unless Tim Cook is willing to get his hand dirty, get the scalpel and take out the tumors out himself.

Meritocracy is always preferred, but do you think the current US social and political climate demand meritocracy?


macrumors 68030
Jan 26, 2003
Look at the corporate apologists at the start of this thread. Aldous Huxley was right. The powers-that-be won't have to oppress us. They'll just teach us to love the oppression and defend it ourselves. Amazing and distressing to see that actually happening.


macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
You obviously don't work in retail and for Apple. You should be happy for the employees! Better pay and working conditions ahead.
I read what they said, "Such a sad state of our society." as "It's really sad that workers have to unionize to get a fair deal from a company that raked in $83 BILLION DOLLARS in last QUARTER alone."

Just gross. I have tried to be a force for change at my work and have pushed for some improvements which have been made and that I appreciate which benefit all of my coworkers. It feels good when it happens. I'm fortunate enough to work for a place where I can sit down with the decision makers and explain my position and be heard. But at bigger companies that is very difficult to impossible in many cases. It should be like this at more places but there are always crazy employees that would abuse such an option. The extremes of both labor and employers make everything more difficult. But I always side with labor because they are the ones that end up suffering the most. It all comes down to there not being enough reasonable people in the world. Way too much greed.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
To me, this shows that there's a problem with Apple's HR. I mean even after the carrot Apple dangled with the increased benefits, people are still opting to unionize. That means there's something wrong with you as a company. Your ML head left just like that because wfo policy. That means there's already an underlying dissatisfaction. Apple, review your HR team and policies. You're rotting from the inside. Catch it before it's too late.
Yes, apple had to let the disgruntled go so the non-gruntled will have a more cohesive environment. I’m guessing they knew that that’s why they let the fellow walk.

Apple is not rotting from the inside, during the pandemic and lockdown apple showed it’s true colors.
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macrumors regular
May 23, 2021
watch Apple corporation carefully for any of their Union busting tactics and undermining workers.

Starbucks got busted for that recently.

Take Apple to court for their BS restricting pay rise for Union members.

I side with Apple workers AND Apple consumers/end users NOT Apple corporation and its shareholders.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2012
Right now they're making less than the non-union employees and have less benefits, because Apple wasn't able to give them the benefits the others got.
Of course Apple was able to. You should think again about why they chose not to. I really wonder why Apple is against unions… unless it’s because they want to ensure higher profit it doesn’t make sense.


macrumors 68000
Oct 7, 2018
Stalingrad, Russia
The only ones who benefit from unionization are the union leadership and the Democrat Party.

The rest are merely cogs in a machine…
And so are the "this is not a swastika, this is a Slavic/Celtic/Nordic whatnot symbol" crowd are merely a grass on somebody else's playground(transnational capital comes to mind).

The problem is that without statesmanship and conceptual competencies the realization that you are being manipulated is absolutely meaningless.
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