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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 1, 2010
N. Ireland

I have a grey patch on the top left of my screen below the signal indicator dots and the network provider name and have spoken to an apple rep about it. My phone is going to the genius bar on Saturday and my question is would I be better restoring it and removing jailbreak or take a chance and hiding all visible signs of a jailbreak?

Thanks in advance.
Obviously if restore you will lose your jailbreak, so you should only do it as a last resort. If you're worried about the jailbreak being discovered, you can shut the phone down and reboot while holding down the top volume button; it will boot into safe mode without any sign of jailbreak. With luck they can fix the issue without replacing the phone. I'm guessing at this point replacement phones will have at least IOS 9.1 preinstalled on them, and you'll be SOL.
Yeah I was thinking the same thing. This is the grey patch on my screen, it's not the best photograph I know but is it a common problem?
I'm not sure why but Apple seem to have the worst quality control on their screens. Hopefully they will sort it out when they move to amoled screens.

Make sure you check the replacement phone because there is a good chance that it will be worse. Personally I don't think your screen is bad enough to change it.
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I had a battery replaced in a 5s and the only thing related to j/b that was discussed was the tech guy telling me how awesome the theme looked. ;) ymmv of course, but that was my experience.
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I had a battery replaced in a 5s and the only thing related to j/b that was discussed was the tech guy telling me how awesome the theme looked. ;) ymmv of course, but that was my experience.
Apple's policy on jailbreaking has changed lately.

Now they must prove that a JB caused a specific issue before they can deny warranty.

So, showing up with a jailbreak isn't such a deal killer as it used to be.

That said, I went in to have my cracked screen replaced on my 6+ last September. I made no effort to hide my JB because it was simply a screen replacement and I was paying for it.

I had the misfortune of getting the one arrogant, prissy, overworked and harried genius in the store. She didn't deny me repairs but it was flat out obvious she had a hate for jailbreaking. She told me that I would have to restore the phone before Apple even touched it. So, I did, which threw it into a bootloop and had them replace the entire phone for me for the cost of the screen repair.

So, my point in all this is that Apple won't necessarily deny you repair/replacement if they see a jailbreak, but there's a very good chance they will force you to restore your phone before they even touch it.
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Apple's policy on jailbreaking has changed lately.

Now they must prove that a JB caused a specific issue before they can deny warranty.

So, showing up with a jailbreak isn't such a deal killer as it used to be.

That said, I went in to have my cracked screen replaced on my 6+ last September. I made no effort to hide my JB because it was simply a screen replacement and I was paying for it.

I had the misfortune of getting the one arrogant, prissy, overworked and harried genius in the store. She didn't deny me repairs but it was flat out obvious she had a hate for jailbreaking. She told me that I would have to restore the phone before Apple even touched it. So, I did, which threw it into a bootloop and had them replace the entire phone for me for the cost of the screen repair.

So, my point in all this is that Apple won't necessarily deny you repair/replacement if they see a jailbreak, but there's a very good chance they will force you to restore your phone before they even touch it.
I would ask to speak to someone in charge, over that person. No way a j/b had anything to do with a cracked screen.
I would ask to speak to someone in charge, over that person. No way a j/b had anything to do with a cracked screen.
No, they weren't saying that my cracked screen was a result of the jailbreak. They were (or the genius was) just saying I had to restore the phone before they would work on it.

The cracked screen was my own damn fault. But because the genius was being rude she ultimately ended up costing Apple a brand new 6+ for what it cost to repair my screen.
I would ask to speak to someone in charge, over that person. No way a j/b had anything to do with a cracked screen.

He knew what she was telling him to do(restore the phone) would do to the phone and also knew that they would then have to replace the phone.

Would I prefer a replacement screen after I breaking it or a refurbished(near as dam it to new) phone? I know which I would take.
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No, they weren't saying that my cracked screen was a result of the jailbreak. They were (or the genius was) just saying I had to restore the phone before they would work on it.

The cracked screen was my own damn fault. But because the genius was being rude she ultimately ended up costing Apple a brand new 6+ for what it cost to repair my screen.
Why did they want you to restore it before they would work on it?
That's my point. Did they give you a reason why they wouldn't work on it because of the j/b?
Beyond "We won't touch it unless you restore it, because it's jailbroken," no there was no further reason given.
Sorry, I would have to get a complete explanation as to why the j/b needs to be removed to replace my screen. Doesn't make any sense.
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