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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001
Previous reports of Canadian Apple Stores appear to be true.

A search at Apple's Job Search site brings up a job listing for "National Retail Sales":

Reponsible for driving sales and achieving a national sales quota through multi-location regional and national retailers. Initiating and implementing sales activities to drive revenue. Presenting and demonstrating Apple technology and solutions to large audiences in Retail accounts. Coordinating national sales program and promotion rollouts. Responsible to develop and manage effective training content and programs appropriate for these accounts. Maximize soft dollar expenditures to achieve sales targets and develop strong ROI model to measure results. Manage buyer, marketing and front line management relationships within national retail accounts. Assist in development and implementation of retail merchandising initiatives and manage compliance.

"Genius Bar" has also been trademarked in Canada.


macrumors 6502
Sep 18, 2001
Well, I can think of many reasons why this is a good thing ... but..

since I've been to EVERY nationwide openning of all the Apple Stores here in the US.... if I want to keep my streak going, now I gotta drive to Ontario....



macrumors regular
May 31, 2002
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
So Steve wants to put stores in Canada? Knowing full well that George W. is gonna bomb the country??? Ooopppps! Did I let go of a national secret?:rolleyes: But surely they had to know!


macrumors regular
Jun 22, 2002
Ottawa, ON, Canada
This could just be some sort of regional manager that oversees sales of Apple products at 3rd-party stores, but I do hope that we get Apple Stores here in Canada (and not just in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver).

Stores like B.Mac are nice, but they're A) not as likely to have the latest products on demo, B) not going to be able to handle AppleCare service directly, and C) are on the other side of town here in Ottawa!

It would be so nice to be able to take a short drive, watch a MacWorld keynote on satellite, and buy anything as soon as it's available.


macrumors newbie
Dec 10, 2002
Richmond Hill, ON
Doesn't prove that there will be stores

Apple Canada has advertised this position before. This person's role is to nurture relationships with existing retail locations suh as Vistek, FUTURESHOP, CPUSED, CSC, etc.

Then to try and build new relationships with retailers such as HENRY'S, BEST BUY, LOBLAW'S, LONDON DRUGS, etc.

Sorry but this position does not prove the future existance of Apple Stores in Canada. Any reference to an "Apple Store" is meant to reflect the online web store.

Just a retailer's two cents.


macrumors newbie
Jul 18, 2002
Apple Stores in Canada

This position has been posted before. It is the same description that has been used for regional sales support staff supporting B Mac, Compucentre, CompuSmart and a slew of other third party retailers. (I applied last summer and a friend spoke with the local Apple education rep who confirmed that these positions were based in Toronto and Montreal).

Given the store openings(timeframes and locations) in the US, if there were stores in Canada, I would expect that the first (and probably only) location would be in Toronto, followed by the possibilities of Montreal and Vancouver.


macrumors newbie
Dec 10, 2002
Re: Apple Stores Canada

Originally posted by Macrumors
Previous reports of Canadian Apple Stores appear to be true.

A search at Apple's Job Search site brings up a job listing for "National Retail Sales":

This posting is for a National Retail Account Manager. The individual would be responsible for working with RETAIL chains who have stores (not Apple's). It doesn't provide insight that there would be expansion of Apple Stores. Probably filling a position for someone who has left.

Power Supply

macrumors newbie
Dec 10, 2002
The Apple Stores in Montréal and Québec will be...

To those who visit all Apple Stores opening, the Apple stores in Montréal and Québec will have a particular attraction. These will be the only Apple stores where everything is written in French :) The posters, the walls, the bills, even the OS on the machines. Wow! That should be counted as a touristic attraction :D


macrumors regular
Oct 19, 2002
Strategically, Apple would likely move into Canadian retailing through a partnership or acquisition of one or more existing retailers, rather than direct investment. Other companies have tried going the direct investment route, but have failed (Gateway Country being the most visible example.) The Canadian retail environment is sufficiently different from the U.S. that Apple would be wise to leverage the expertise of an established firm, and further the company would expose itself to a great deal of risk if it tried to go alone. We've seen hints of Apple favouring partnership in Europe, as I recall reading an article on one of the prominent Mac news sites about Apple's alliance with a popular retailer in the Netherlands. In the Middle East, Apple actually licenses its brand to an independent marketer. Again, from a strategic standpoint, such activities make sense to a company looking to expand internationally.


macrumors newbie
Dec 10, 2002
Richmond Hill, ON
That makes incredible sense ...

Actually jkojima has a great point.

Another factor supporting his opinion is that Apple Canada is operated as a separate company from the U.S. Head Quarters. They pay Apple U.S. for the right to support, distribute and service Apple Computer Equipment. Almost like a franchise.

That's why we are still unable to purchase online any Apple hardware from a Canadian Apple Reseller. Except for the Apple Online Store which in fact is distributed from the United States.

This is common in Canadian Head Quartered companies. Independent Business people (or a group of individuals with cooperative funding - think mutual funds) have done this with many electronic companies in Canada.

That's how Sony Canada was started. However usually once the Canadian Distributor is established, the parent company will invest in the independent franchise. As Sony Japan now has controlling interest in Sony Canada.

It's very possible that Apple US will franchise the Apple Store concept. Hey it's how we got Krispy Creme too.
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