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I just saw this and was about to post it. I wish they would have given a precise date this trademark was filed for. Steve Jobs admitted not so long ago that Apple had recently developed a PDA and decided not to release it. This could potentially be referring to that if it's not a brand new trademark request.

The article said that it was filed in may but was not made public till this week of this year. I also remember jobs saying they developed a PDA device but canned it, i just dont remember when he said that.
The UK newspaper 'The Register' published a look at a recent Apple patent filing regarding a previously rumored 'wireless display' tablet mac.
The filing, made in May this year but only published this week, covers a "handheld computer" and contains sketches of what look like an iBook screen minus the body of the computer. (sketches in comments thread)

The filing lists Apple CEO Steve Jobs and the company's industrial design chief, Jonathan Ive. It also refers to Daniele De Iuliis, Richard Howarth, Eugene Whang, Matthew Rohrbach, Bart Andre, Calvin Seid and Christopher Stringer all of key members of Apple's industrial design team, with the Power Mac G5, iPod, 17in and 12in PowerBook G4, and others under their belt.

The device is certainly a logical extension of what it's been doing with iTunes and AirPort Express. While its mini wireless access point is good for streaming audio from a host Mac to a hi-fi, it lacks a local control unit. It's tempting to view this latest design filing as the basis for just such a device.

Steve Jobs has publicly gone on record saying that he didn't see the PDA as being a viable option for Apple to persue, and has been blatent about saying the iPod won't be used for viewing video. The introduction of a 'miniMac' may suit both wants, and offer a Airport Express controller in the process.
the linked sketches



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I can't believe Apple will bring out a Tablet computer seeing what a financial disaster they have been on the PC side (admitted even by Steve Ballmer).
I don't think that Apple will release a tablet computer, because of what's been happening to all the tablet PCs on the Windows side.

But I'd like to see one.
it's true

Veldek said:
I can't believe Apple will bring out a Tablet computer seeing what a financial disaster they have been on the PC side (admitted even by Steve Ballmer).

The windows XP tablet is next to worthless. Frankly the only area that really benefits that much from tablet technology is health care ... a tablet is a nice thing to have for a doctor making his rounds.

With 2% market share for PC I can't imagine Apple actually wanting to get into such a small market ...
interesting... and just because they patent something that looks like a tablet, doesnt mean that they will produce one. having that on the books as prior art can protect apple and their ideas from other companies. companies patent as much as they can to protect their technology and ideas. remember stacks anyone? patented years ago, and we still havent seen it
slughead said:
The tablet didn't work for anyone else, why would it work for Apple?

Cuz everything works for Apple :p

Personally I hope that if Apple does bring a Tablet to the market, there will be something that make people want it.
Moving over some details from other thread...

Assuming that (a) that little square thing is an iPod dock connector and (b) the drawing is to scale, this thing is about 5.75 by 8.25 inches, about .625 inch thick, with about a 10 inch diagonal display.

I don't think it's a Mac or PDA, but something more specialized.
I think this would be a great idea, but I think it will be or should be the iMac. I would love a true desktop computer set up but have the ability to take it anyplace in my house to surf, watch a dvd on my computer, edit movies watching them on my tv instead of monitor, and actually now that I think about it it would be cool to have the monitor span to the tv where you could take this monitor off the stand at your desktop, into your tv room and edit movies using the tablet screen to edit and use your tv as an extra monitor. There are so many possibilities around the house for a portable screen/computer. You would not need the keyboard cause it would be a tablet, although you could use the keyboard I guess, but would be awkward.

anyway, lots of ideas here, but many I would personally love to use. I know I could get a similar set up on a laptop, but the iBooks only mirror screens, don't do all the things i am talking about doing wirelessly as easily, etc. without much added cost, etc.
I think the reason why the tablet PC hasn't been a success is because it doesn't fill any special needs. It's as expensive as a Laptop, but more awkward to use.

If this is a some sort of cheap multimedia remote that fits perfectly in an iLife environment then it may be a great success.
Just because of poor sales by other products and the small number of sales for these devices thus far - what makes you guys think that Apple can't do exactly what it did in the MP3 player industry? As in - deliver just the product that the market needs to take off.

I'll just wait to see what happens.
I doubt this is a tablet in the traditional sense -- my guess is that it's more a "wireless home media display", a remote way to watch streamed video, look at photos, and control iTunes. Think of it as the remote control for your digital hub.
There is no market for a tablet computer, and I think even Apple can't create one. It's won't be like when steve saw poor MP3 players on the market and decided to make the iPod. Apple saw that MP3 players and computers would make contribute to the digital lifestyle--tablet computers can't possible do the samething, or can it? Probably not, unless steve sees something we don't.
I think the reason tablets didn't work for the PC market was that no one was interested in an overpriced, underpowered stand-alone machine that was essentially glorified notepad. What this patent looks like, however, is not as much a tablet PC as it is a wireless touch-screen display, which I think has enormous potential for marketing the Mac as a "digital hub." If they can be produced and sold cheaply enough, you could essentially have one mounted in your kitchen or in your bedroom or somewhere that you'd like to have a computer but don't want to shell out $800 for a halfway decent one or waste that much precious table space. This could be used just as an extension of the home's main computer for basic tasks like web-surfing, email, and controlling the Airport Express. I think if they can make these things for ~$450, there may just be a market.
OK, we need a new vote!

How much would you be willing to pay for a "remote control for your digital hub"?
.....and I bet there are a few "remote control devices" already designed and soon to be seen from 3rd parties
Maybe instead of a hard drive it has a slot on the bottom where
you slide your iPod in. Using the home-on-iPod feature from a while ago.

Then people could share it more easily.
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