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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001


Reuters reports that technology distributor Ingram Micro is seeing strong sales of the iPad as Apple loosens the reins to allow business-to-business distribution specialists to offer the device.
Greg Spierkel, chief executive of Ingram Micro, said Apple has preferred to sell the iPad to retailers but that the company is increasingly letting his firm sell it to businesses.

"What it's telling us is that there's a (business to business) opportunity starting to develop for these devices, which is not necessarily where they were targeted initially," Spierkel told Reuters in an interview.
Amid continued double-digit growth in Ingram Micro's computer distribution segment, the iPad has begun finding its own niche, in part due to its popularity with field sales representatives.

Apple has increasingly been turning its attention to business sales for the iPad, partnering with AT&T to offer business-friendly sales and billing solutions for the device and tapping Unisys on a company-wide scale to assist with support services for corporate and government customers.

Article Link: Apple Turns to Ingram Micro for Corporate iPad Distribution


macrumors 68000
Jan 5, 2010
Almost Rock Solid
Does Microsoft see "a shift" now?

In Microsoft's recent earnings report, investor relations General Manager Bill Koefoed said the company had "not seen a shift" from notebooks/netbooks to iPad. Well, if they keep their heads in the sand and focus only on Windows + Office for Windows, they'll never see it. All they'll see is declining numbers.

I've said it before and I'll keep on saying it. Microsoft isn't in the software business any more. They're in the Windows + Office for Windows business, and they are just as locked-in as all those enterprise IT departments around the world who are stuck with Windows.


macrumors 65816
May 20, 2002
Dallas, TX USA
I would love to see the iPad used in a corporate setting. I'll be interested to see how this all develops.
My friend, and non-Mac user, purchased an iPad for his wife and found that he could do a lot more with it. He purchased one for himself and now uses to monitor and administer computer networks in one of the largest financial companies in the country.


Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
I would love to see the iPad used in a corporate setting. I'll be interested to see how this all develops.
A friend of mine is at a business conference this week and told me that there are a remarkable number of iPads there. People are talking them to conference sessions instead of lugging laptops.


macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
A friend of mine is at a business conference this week and told me that there are a remarkable number of iPads there. People are talking them to conference sessions instead of lugging laptops.

I've been to 2 conferences in the last 4 months and that's been my experience as well.
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