Sure, but my point was that *I* would like to see less latency.
I use a Mac Mini on gigabit ethernet as an iTunes server with the library on a USB 3.0 disk that clocks around 170MB/sec. Using 802.11ac wifi on my MacBook Air, I can access the Mini at about 60MB/sec.
In iTunes on the MacBook Air connected to the Mini with home sharing, movies start almost instantly and you can immediately scrub through them, like they were local files. You can instantly start playing from any point in a 2 hour movie.
Now my AppleTVs are connected via gigabit ethernet and the experience is nowhere near the same. There is always a pinwheel before the movie starts playing, fast forwarding does not work smoothly, and if you start the movie from a point in the middle, there is a pretty long delay.
I suppose it isn't completely fair to compare a $70 AppleTV to a $1000 MacBook Air though.