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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 30, 2002
Anyone else annoyed at the scroll direction of the Apple TV 4 remote? I wonder why they went with the decision to make it a regular scroll instead of a natural scroll that they've done starting a few years ago. (Move the content not point the direction)

Anyway, I haven't found a way to reverse the scrolling. Has anyone else?


macrumors 604
Jan 6, 2005
I think it feels right as-is.

The interface for the ATV is different than that on iOS or OS X. On those platforms you typically interacting directly with the content layer. Move your fingers up on the screen, the content scrolls down. Just as if the screen were a real object.

The ATV UI is different. You are interacting not with the content layer, but with a virtual 'picker' layered on top of it. Think of it as a checkerboard with a single checker on it. With the iOS/OS X model you are touching the board directly. With the ATV model, you are moving the 'checker' around the table with your flicks. In that case, the current model is most natural. Flick the 'checker' left, and it goes left.
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macrumors demi-god
Feb 1, 2009
Northern Virginia, USA
This was the discussion when the new movement choice came out with OS X a few versions ago. And the same answer was said. Are you moving the screen (touch screen) or the mouse/pointer remotely. There are two different paradigms depending on the case, and, yes, this is the 'remote' case.

(I differ in OS X: why are you touching it directly there? It's still a mouse moving on the screen, no?)


macrumors 604
Jan 6, 2005
This was the discussion when the new movement choice came out with OS X a few versions ago. And the same answer was said. Are you moving the screen (touch screen) or the mouse/pointer remotely. There are two different paradigms depending on the case, and, yes, this is the 'remote' case.

(I differ in OS X: why are you touching it directly there? It's still a mouse moving on the screen, no?)

I don't think the important distinction is whether you are using a mouse or not, but rather which layer you are interacting with. The mouse is a separate layer from the content. Both layers move as I would expect them to if I were touching them directly. (Of course there is a level of abstraction there when using OS X, but that's always been the case from the invention of the first mouse cursor.)


macrumors regular
Jan 13, 2008
Anyone else annoyed at the scroll direction of the Apple TV 4 remote? I wonder why they went with the decision to make it a regular scroll instead of a natural scroll that they've done starting a few years ago. (Move the content not point the direction)

Anyway, I haven't found a way to reverse the scrolling. Has anyone else?

Yeah, i can't get the hang of it - in the app store, i'm always going the wrong way!
Wish there was a way to change it :(


macrumors 601
Mar 7, 2008
Atlanta, USA
Anyway, I haven't found a way to reverse the scrolling. Has anyone else?

Try holding it upside down? :)

And I'm only half-joking. The scrolling direction is completely and utterly wrong as-is.

I was also expecting to be able to use standard left edge swipes to navigate back (instead of feeling for the menu button). The whole interaction style feels half-baked. Very un-Apple. It almost feels like the design was outsourced. I left the Apple Store having no desire to buy one (and that's coming from someone who bought two of the ridiculously expensive Apple TV mark 1's and four of the subsequent models - all at full price).
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macrumors 6502
Sep 22, 2017
I bought an Apple TV recently. I also found very annoying that scrolling is not in the same direction as in mac/iOS. This is very inconsistent for a company like Apple and what is more annoying is that I can't change it!!!

I used to be a satisfied customer with what Apple was offering and as a consumer I wouldn't spend time trying to find the best product that fits my needs in the market. I would just buy an apple product. But with all those inconsistencies and problems (lot of problems lately) it makes sense to start looking at what competitors offer!


macrumors 604
Jan 6, 2005
I bought an Apple TV recently. I also found very annoying that scrolling is not in the same direction as in mac/iOS. This is very inconsistent for a company like Apple and what is more annoying is that I can't change it!!!

I used to be a satisfied customer with what Apple was offering and as a consumer I wouldn't spend time trying to find the best product that fits my needs in the market. I would just buy an apple product. But with all those inconsistencies and problems (lot of problems lately) it makes sense to start looking at what competitors offer!

This isn't inconsistent, it's a very conscious design choice.

If you think the ATV ui is difficult, you should try the competition!


macrumors 6502
Sep 22, 2017
This isn't inconsistent, it's a very conscious design choice.

If you think the ATV ui is difficult, you should try the competition!

I will definitely try the competition if I have too . I'm always open to suggestions:) But right now I have apple devices and this is what I bought.

Personally I find Apple TV totally inconsistent to every other single apple product. ipad/iphone/mouse/trackpads etc.

How do you know for sure that's a "very!" conscious design choice?

Edit: And one more information for people who don't live in the US. The Siri button doesn't work in lot of countries. It takes us to the apple search bar where you have to type. It's very annoying watching something , accidentally clicking Siri (where in other countries would just expect a voice command) just to interrupt the show , go to search bar , have to hit back , back again until you return back to what you're watching. Annoying as hell!


macrumors newbie
Oct 24, 2017
It moves in the opposite direction of literally every other Apple device with a touch control. All the evidence I need that this was a terrible design decision is that every other one of those Apple devices works completely intuitively for me, while I still struggle with the AppleTV after several years of use. How that could be anything other than “inconsistent” is a mystery to me.
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