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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 18, 2009
New York
I bought a second hand Apple TV 4K gen 2, it came with TVOS 15.1.1 and is still under warranty.
Tried to update it to latest version today, failed after first progress bar of installation part one becomes visible (1% done). Same issue with latest beta, same issue after doing a reset, same issue with WiFi and Ethernet….anyone else had that issue? Have a Genius Bar appointment for Tuesday….
Since it's under warranty, I would take it to the Apple store if possible and they will probably exchange it for a refurb unit.
Yeah, not sure what happened here and google doesn’t seem to be to helpful - Genius Bar next!
I wish people would STOP recommending a FULL RESET for every issue. Don't do that, just don't do it. You will likely never need to do a full reset, and when you do one it will take a long time to re-enter all the account information for the various accounts, and to reinstall and activate and setup all the 3rd party apps.

The best thing to do is to unplug the device (the ATV) from the AC power outlet and wait 20 seconds then replug it into the AC power outlet. If that doesn't correct the issue, and you can’t find a solution in on online forum, then call Customer Support. CS might suggest a full reset, that is because they are idiots. Just tell them you already did that and still have the issue. If CS doesn't figure out a solution, and they likely won’t, make an appointment with the Genius Bar.

CS representative for any company tend to be little more than script readers. They often have very little training and limited knowledge. They merely lookup your issue in their script book, then read the instructions to you. Chances are you will need to bump up CS to the 2nd level to get decent help, or just go to the Genius Bar.
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I wish people would STOP recommending a FULL RESET for every issue. Don't do that, just don't do it. You will likely never need to do a full reset, and when you do one it will take a long time to re-enter all the account information for the various accounts, and to reinstall and activate and setup all the 3rd party apps.

The best thing to do is to unplug the device (the ATV) from the AC power outlet and wait 20 seconds then replug it into the AC power outlet. If that doesn't correct the issue, and you can’t find a solution in on online forum, then call Customer Support. CS might suggest a full reset, that is because they are idiots. Just tell them you already did that and still have the issue. If CS doesn't figure out a solution, and they likely won’t, make an appointment with the Genius Bar.

CS representative for any company tend to be little more than script readers. They often have very little training and limited knowledge. They merely lookup your issue in their script book, then read the instructions to you. Chances are you will need to bump up CS to the 2nd level to get decent help, or just go to the Genius Bar.
Actually, in this case, there is clearly some type of data corruption so a factory reset would be the most likely step to take. Yes, a power off and back on would be the first step, but that is unlikely to do anything in here.
Visited Apple Genius Bar and they basically just said it's broken and they ordered me a replacement (none in store at the time)
CS representative for any company tend to be little more than script readers. They often have very little training and limited knowledge.

Not my experience over thousands of support calls, although it certainly does happen. It is a continuum, sometimes you get someone who works the issue without scripted questions, sometimes (rarely) I get 100% scripted, generally it is someplace in between. If they can switch to actual troubleshooting once they run out of scripts I am fine with it. For example Comcast support actually can sometimes work an issue now, although you do have to go through a lot of unnecessary steps such as resetting a modem when you have a totally different issue.
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I have five 4k Apple TV's, all 32gb. All refused to update, I found the problem to be a lack of space on the HD for the update to download. This wasn't due to too many Apps or Games installed, the Apps totalled less than 2gb.

I had my screensaver set to download daily, combine this with Photo memories downloading onto the hard drive left no space for the update.

Firstly if you have a decent internet connection there is no need to have screen savers downloading, this can be set to "Never", there doesn't seem to be a way of managing anything other than Apps in terms of freeing up space. The only solution to solve this was to do a full reset (Update and Reset does not work either), once this was done I had around half the hard drive free. I suspect this isn't an issue for anyone with a 64gb hard drive, but there needs to be some better background storage management from Apple to avoid this situation.

The full reset isn't such a hardship if you have all your password and sign in's stored on your iPhone, you can update using the phone as a remote to update the sign-ins and passwords which should be saved on your phone for the corresponding apps.

edit…. Further to this, I found disabling shared photo albums under iCloud settings on the ATV freed up 6gb for me, maybe try this before a full reset, then try to update.
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