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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 30, 2013
Does anyone know if home sharing can be switched on so that I can watch my locally stored movie library on my Firestick 4K with the Apple TV app installed (in the same way that I currently do with my Apple TV 3 Box.



Feb 9, 2009
No it's not possible and you really would not want an Amazon product with zero security to be able to access anything on your Mac.

Amazon products are simply made to make the CEO of Amazon a lot of money whilst stealing your data to be sold on. They are not products made out of passion.

These basic products only feature the TV App for basic watching and nothing else. They are a no frills product sadly aimed at the ignorant who have been taken in my Alexa.

Please consider the security of your Apple I.D. and the fact that your Apple I.D. holds the keys to everything Apple that you may own before sharing your password with an Amazon or Google or any other brand with lax security.

IMO people are soon going to be finding that their cheap product is actually not that cheap!!!


macrumors 604
Jul 29, 2011
No it's not possible and you really would not want an Amazon product with zero security to be able to access anything on your Mac.

If the Mac can't stream an audio/video library to an appliance without being pwned then it's not Amazon that has the security problem.

Please consider the security of your Apple I.D. and the fact that your Apple I.D. holds the keys to everything

...yes, using the same login credentials for everything you do is lousy security design.

By Apple.

I keep my media library on a NAS and the only credential my devices need to know is the dedicated login that gives them read-only access to that particular shared folder (which won't accept logins from remote networks anyhow).

Paul St.Hilaire

macrumors newbie
Oct 24, 2020
Hey guys, I have been trying to create a Mac server on a MacBook Pro I hardly use. I am ultimately trying to create a "SETUP LAN/SMB" through TIVIMATE and create a storage media(movie) folder on my MacBook Pro for recordings to save to?? If anyone out there can help me that would be great.
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